

Madame de Mirepoix left us alone together, in order that I might converse more freely with him. I knew not how to begin, but made many attempts to convey, in an indirect manner, the reasons for his being summoned to that day's conference. However, hints and insinuations were alike thrown away upon one who had determined neither to use eye's nor ears but as interest pointed out the reasonableness of so doing; and accordingly, unable longer to repress my impatience, I exclaimed abruptly,"Pray, sir, do you know who I am?""Yes, madam," replied he, with a profound bow, and look of the deepest humility, "you are the comtesse du Barry.""Well, sir," added I, "and you are equally well aware, no doubt, of the relation in which I stand to the king?""But, madam--"

"Nay, sir, answer without hesitation; I wish you to be candid, otherwise my exceeding frankness may displease you.""I know, madam," replied the hypocrite, "that his majesty finds great pleasure in your charming society.""And yet, sir," answered I, "his majesty experiences equal delight in the company of your wife. How answer you that, M. de Rumas?""My wife, madam!"

"Yes, sir, in the company of madame de Rumas; he pays her many private visits, secretly corresponds with her--""The confidence of his majesty must ever honor his subjects.""But," replied I, quickly, "may dishonor a husband.""How, madam! What is it you would insinuate?""That your wife would fain supplant me, and that she is now the mistress of the king, although compelled to be such in secret.""Impossible," exclaimed M. de Rumas, "and some enemy to my wife has thus aspersed her to you.""And do you treat it as a mere calumny?" said I. "No, sir, nothing can be more true; and if you would wish further confirmation, behold the letter which madame de Rumas wrote to the king only the day before yesterday; take it and read it.""Heaven preserve me, madam," exclaimed the time-serving wretch, "from. presuming to cast my eyes over what is meant only for his majesty's gracious perusal; it would be an act of treason I am not capable of committing.""Then, sir," returned I, "I may reasonably conclude that it is with your sanction and concurrence your wife intrigues with the king?""Ah, madam," answered the wily de Rumas, in a soft and expostulating tone, "trouble not, I pray you, the repose of my family. I know too well the virtue of madame de Rumas, her delicacy, and the severity of her principles; I know too well likewise the sentiments in which her excellent parents educated her, and I defy the blackest malice to injure her in my estimation.""Wonderfully, sir!" cried I; "so you determine to believe your wife's virtue incorruptible, all the while you are profiting by her intrigues. However, I am too certain of what I assert to look on with the culpable indifference you are pleased to assume, whilst your wife is seeking to supplant me at the chateau; you shall hear of me before long. Adieu, sir."So saying, I quitted the room in search of the marechale, to whom I related what had passed.

"And now, what think you of so base a hypocrite?" asked I, when I had finished my account.

"He well deserves having the mask torn from his face," replied she; " but give yourself no further concern; return home, and depend upon it, that, one way or other, I will force him into the path of honor."I accordingly ordered my carriage and returned to Versailles, where, on the same evening, I received the following letter from the marechale:--"MY DEAR COUNTESS, --My efforts have been attended with no better success than yours. Well may the proverb say, 'There is none so deaf as he who will not hear,' and M. de Rumas perseveres in treating all I advanced respecting his wife as calumnious falsehoods. According to his version of the tale, madame de Rumas has no other motive in seeing Louis XV so frequently, but to implore his aid in favor of the poor in her neighborhood. I really lost all patience when I heard him attempting to veil his infamous conduct under the mask of charity; I therefore proceeded at once to menaces, telling him that you bad so many advantages over his wife, that you scorned to consider her your rival: but that, nevertheless, you did not choose that any upstart pretender should dare ask to share his majesty's heart.

To all this he made no reply; and as the sight of him only increased my indignation, I at length desired him to quit me. I trust you will pardon me for having spoken in as queenlike a manner as you could have done yourself.

"Adieu, my sweet friend."

This letter was far from satisfying me, and I determined upon striking a decisive blow. I sent for Chamilly, and treating him with all the contempt he deserved, I told him, that if the king did not immediately give up this woman he might prepare for his own immediate dismissal. At first Chamilly sought to appease my anger by eager protestations of innocence, but when he found Ialready knew the whole affair, and was firmly fixed in my determination, he became alarmed, threw himself at my knees, and promised to do all I would have him. We then agreed to tell Louis XV some tale of madame de Rumas that should effectually deter him from thinking further of her.

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