

"I suppose so," returned Louis XV, "he could not bear a long absence from Paris; company he must have.""In that respect he resembles you, sire, for you generally consider company as a necessary good."He smiled, and then closing his eyes remained for some minutes silent and motionless, after a while he said,"My head is very heavy, so farewell, my sweet friend, I will endeavour to get some sleep.""Sleep, sire!" said I, "and may it prove as healthful and refreshing as I pray it may."So saying, I glided out of the room and returned to my friends, I found madame de Mirepoix and the duc de Cosse waiting for me in the anteroom.

"How is the king?" inquired they both in a breath.

"Better than I expected," I replied, "but he is desirous of sleeping.""So much the worse," observed the duc de Cosse; "I should have thought better of his case had he been more wakeful.""Are you aware of the most imperative step for you to take?"inquired the marechale de Mirepoix.

"No," said I, "what is it?"

"To keep his majesty at Trianon," replied she; "it will be far better for you that the present illness should take its course at Trianon rather than at Versailles.""I second that advice," cried the duc de Richelieu, who just then entered the room; "yes, yes, as madame de Mirepoix wisely observes, this is the place for the king to be ill in.""But," exclaimed I, "must we not be guided by the physicians' advice?""Do you make sure of Bordeu," said the duke, "and I will speak to La Martiniere."M. de Cosse took me aside, and assured me that I might rely upon him in life or death. When we had conversed together for someminutes, I besought of him to leave the place as early as possible;"Take madame de Forcalquier with you," said I, "your presence just now at Trianon would be too much commented upon."He made some difficulties in obeying me, but I insisted and he went. After his departure, the duc de Richelieu, the marechale and myself walked together in the garden. Our walk was so directed that we could see through the colonnade every person who arrived up the avenue. We spoke but little, and an indescribable feeling of solemnity was mingled with the few words which passed, when, all at once, our attention was attracted by the sight of comte Jean, who rushed towards me in a state of frenzy.

"Accursed day," cried he, stopping when he saw us, "that wretched girl from Versailles has brought the small-pox with her."At this fatal news I heaved a deep sigh and fainted. I was carried under the portico, while the poor marechale, scarcely more in her senses than myself, stood over me weeping like a child, while every endeavour was being made to restore me to life. Bordeu, who chanced to be at Versailles, arrived, and supposing it was on my account he had been summoned, hastened to my assistance. The duc de Richelieu and comte Jean informed him of all that had passed, upon which he requested to see the unfortunate female immediately; while he was conducted thither, I remained alone with the marechale and Henriette, who had come to Trianon with my suite. My first impulse upon regaining the use of my senses, was to throw myself in the arms of the marechale.

"What will become of me?" exclaimed I, weeping, "if the king should take this fatal malady, he will never survive it.""Let us hope for the best," answered madame de Mirepoix; "it would be encouraging grief to believe a misfortune, which we have at present no reason to suspect."Comte Jean now rejoined us, accompanied by Bordeu and the duc de Richelieu; their countenances were gloomy and dejected. The miserable victim of ambition had the symptoms of the most malignant sort of small-pox; this was a finishing stroke to my previous alarms. However, comte Jean whispered in my ear, "Bordeu will arrange that the king shall remain here."This assurance restored me to something like composure; but these hopes were speedily dissipated by the arrival of La Martiniere.

"What is the matter?" inquired he, "is the king very ill?""That remains for you to decide"; replied the duc de Richelieu;"but however it may be, madame du Barry entreats of you not to think of removing the king to Versailles.""And why so?" asked La Martiniere, with his accustomed abruptness.

"His majesty would be much better there than here.""He can nowhere be better than at Trianon, monsieur," said I.

"That, madam," answered La Martiniere, "is the only point upon which you must excuse my consulting you, unless, indeed, you are armed with a physician's diploma.""Monsieur la Martiniere," cried the duc de Richelieu, "you might employ more gentle language when speaking to a lady.""Was I sent for hither," inquired the angry physician, "to go through a course of politeness?"For my own part I felt the utmost dread, I scarcely knew of what.

Bordeu, seeing my consternation, hastened to interfere, by saying, "At any rate, monsieur la Martiniere, you will not alarm the king needlessly.""Nor lull him into a false security," answered the determined La Martiniere. "But what is his malady have you seen him, doctor Bordeu?""Not yet."

"Then why do we linger here? Your servant, ladies and gentlemen."The medical men then departed, accompanied the duc de Richelieu.

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