

There was a wise woman dwelt on the bay of Sigg.Katla was her name, a woman still black-browed though she was very old, and clever at mending hunters' scars.To her house Biorn went with Leif; and when they had made a meal of her barley-cakes and sour milk, and passed the news of the coast, Leif would fall to probing her craft and get but surly answers.To the boy's question she was kinder."Let the dead things be, prince," she said.

"There's small profit from foreknowledge.Better to take fates as they come sudden round a turn of the road than be watching them with an anxious heart all the way down the hill.The time will come soon enough when you must stand by the Howe of the Dead and call on the ghost-folk."But Leif coaxed and Biorn harped on the thing, as boys do, and one night about the midsummer time her hour came upon Katla and she spoke without their seeking.There in the dim hut with the apple-green twilight dimming the fells Biorn stood trembling on the brink of the half-world, the woman huddled on the floor, her hand shading her eyes as if she were looking to a far horizon.Her body shook with gusts of passion, and the voice that came from her was not her own.Never so long as he lived did Biorn forget the terrible hour when that voice from beyond the world spoke things he could not understand."I have been snowed on with snow," it said, "I have been beaten with the rain, I have been drenched with the dew, long have I been dead." It spoke of kings whose names he had never heard, and of the darkness gathering about the Norland, and famine and awe stalking upon the earth.

Then came a whisper from Leif asking the fortune of the young prince of Hightown.

"Death," said the weird-wife, "death--but not yet.The shears of the Norns are still blunt for him, and Skuld has him in keeping."There was silence for a space, for the fit was passing from Katla.But the voice came again in broken syllables."His thread runs westward--beyond the Far Isles...not he but the seed of his loins shall win great kingdoms...beyond the sea-walls....The All-Father dreams....Nay, he wakes...he wakes..."There was a horrible choking sound, and the next Biorn knew was that Leif had fetched water and was dashing it on Katla's face.

It was nearly a week before Biorn recovered his spirits after this adventure, and it was noticeable that neither Leif nor he spoke a word to each other on the matter.But the boy thought much, and from that night he had a new purpose.It seemed that he was fated to travel far, and his fancy forsook the homely life of his own wicks and fells and reached to that outworld of which he had heard in the winter's talk by the hall fire.

There were plenty of folk in Hightown to satisfy his curiosity.There were the Bearsarks, who would spin tales of the rich Frankish lands and the green isles of the Gael.From the Skridfinns he heard of the bitter country in the north where the Jotuns dwelt, and the sun was not and the frost split the rocks to dust, while far underground before great fires the dwarves were hammering gold.But these were only old wives' tales, and he liked better the talk of the sea-going franklins, who would sail in the summer time on trading ventures and pushed farther than any galleys of war.

The old sailor, Othere Cranesfoot, was but now back from a voyage which had taken him to Snowland, or, as we say, Iceland.He could tell of the Curdled Sea, like milk set apart for cheese-making, which flowed as fast as a river, and brought down ghoulish beasts and great dragons in its tide.He told, too, of the Sea-walls which were the end of the world, waves higher than any mountain, which ringed the whole ocean.He had seen them, blue and terrible one dawn, before he had swung his helm round and fled southwards.

And in Snowland and the ports of the Isles this Othere had heard talk from others of a fine land beyond the sunset, where corn grew unsown like grass, and the capes looked like crusted cow-pats they were so thick with deer, and the dew of the night was honey-dew, so that of a morning a man might breakfast delicately off the face of the meadows.

Full of such marvels, Biorn sought Leif and poured out his heart to him.

For the first time he spoke of the weird-wife's spaeing.If his fortune lay in the west, there was the goal to seek.He would find the happy country and reign over it.But Leif shook his head, for he had heard the story before."To get there you will have to ride over Bilrost, the Rainbow Bridge, like the Gods.I know of the place.It is called Gundbiorn's Reef and it is beyond the world."All this befell in Biorn's eleventh summer.The winter which followed brought ill luck to Hightown and notably to Ironbeard the King.For in the autumn the Queen, that gentle lady, fell sick, and, though leeches were sought for far and near, and spells and runes were prepared by all who had skill of them, her life ebbed fast and ere Yule she was laid in the Howe of the Dead.The loss of her made Thorwald grimmer and more silent than before, and there was no feasting at the Yule high-tide and but little at the spring merry-making.As for Biorn he sorrowed bitterly for a week, and then, boylike, forgot his grief in the wonder of living.

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    原书名《报告长官:夫人在捉鬼》 第五家女人代代只能活到28岁,是报应也是命。第五念作为第五家87代传人,以收服妖魔为己任,她因为追一只千年的狐狸精,误闯了某个人的梦境,本着救人一命胜造七级浮屠的理念,在妖物的手上救了他一条小命,虽然梦中拜天地不算什么,却是秉承了天地,也算是夫妻了。姑姑哭啼,“第五念,你是蠢货吗?救人就救人,干嘛在梦里与那人拜了天地,你死后如何入得了第五家的祖坟?”第五念没心没肺的问,“为啥?”“你已经是闵家的媳妇儿了,我不管,你赶快给我去求一封休书。”“姑姑,别闹!”拜托,二十一世纪去找人求休书,她不被人笑掉大牙才怪。果不其然,她求也求了,人家根本把她当成了另类引起他注意的不轨女花痴。不仅如此,还大力的表扬了她,说是他有生以来见过最特别的手段。闵御尘冷冷的说道,“休书,可以有,看你的表现。”表现你个球啊!
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