

Effie abandoned the terrier to fly to him."Oh, Owen, where in the world have you been? I walked miles and miles with Nurse and couldn't find you, and we met Jean and he said he didn't know where you'd gone.""Nobody knows where I go, or what I see when I get there--that's the beauty of it!" he laughed back at her."But if you're good," he added, "I'll tell you about it one of these days.""Oh, now, Owen, now! I don't really believe I'll ever be much better than I am now.""Let Owen have his tea first," her mother suggested; but the young man, declining the offer, propped his gun against the wall, and, lighting a cigarette, began to pace up and down the room in a way that reminded Darrow of his own caged wanderings.Effie pursued him with her blandishments, and for a while he poured out to her a low-voiced stream of nonsense; then he sat down beside his step-mother and leaned over to help himself to tea.

"Where's Miss Viner?" he asked, as Effie climbed up on him.

"Why isn't she here to chain up this ungovernable infant?""Poor Miss Viner has a headache.Effie says she went to her room as soon as lessons were over, and sent word that she wouldn't be down for tea.""Ah," said Owen, abruptly setting down his cup.He stood up, lit another cigarette, and wandered away to the piano in the room beyond.

From the twilight where he sat a lonely music, borne on fantastic chords, floated to the group about the tea-table.

Under its influence Madame de Chantelle's meditative pauses increased in length and frequency, and Effie stretched herself on the hearth, her drowsy head against the dog.

Presently her nurse appeared, and Anna rose at the same time."Stop a minute in my sitting-room on your way up,"she paused to say to Darrow as she went.

A few hours earlier, her request would have brought him instantly to his feet.She had given him, on the day of his arrival, an inviting glimpse of the spacious book-lined room above stairs in which she had gathered together all the tokens of her personal tastes: the retreat in which, as one might fancy, Anna Leath had hidden the restless ghost of Anna Summers; and the thought of a talk with her there had been in his mind ever since.But now he sat motionless, as if spell-bound by the play of Madame de Chantelle's needles and the pulsations of Owen's fitful music.

"She will want to ask me about the girl," he repeated to himself, with a fresh sense of the insidious taint that embittered all his thoughts; the hand of the slender-columned clock on the mantel-piece had spanned a half-hour before shame at his own indecision finally drew him to his feet.

From her writing-table, where she sat over a pile of letters, Anna lifted her happy smile.The impulse to press his lips to it made him come close and draw her upward.She threw her head back, as if surprised at the abruptness of the gesture; then her face leaned to his with the slow droop of a flower.He felt again the sweep of the secret tides, and all his fears went down in them.

She sat down in the sofa-corner by the fire and he drew an armchair close to her.His gaze roamed peacefully about the quiet room.

"It's just like you--it is you," he said, as his eyes came back to her.

"It's a good place to be alone in--I don't think I've ever before cared to talk with any one here.""Let's be quiet, then: it's the best way of talking.""Yes; but we must save it up till later.There are things Iwant to say to you now."

He leaned back in his chair."Say them, then, and I'll listen.""Oh, no.I want you to tell me about Miss Viner.""About Miss Viner?" He summoned up a look of faint interrogation.

He thought she seemed surprised at his surprise."It's important, naturally," she explained, "that I should find out all I can about her before I leave.""Important on Effie's account?"

"On Effie's account--of course."

"Of course...But you've every reason to be satisfied, haven't you?""Every apparent reason.We all like her.Effie's very fond of her, and she seems to have a delightful influence on the child.But we know so little, after all--about her antecedents, I mean, and her past history.That's why Iwant you to try and recall everything you heard about her when you used to see her in London.""Oh, on that score I'm afraid I sha'n't be of much use.As Itold you, she was a mere shadow in the background of the house I saw her in--and that was four or five years ago...""When she was with a Mrs.Murrett?"

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