

Darrow--bring him back.Owen must be convinced that he's mistaken, and nothing else will convince him.Afterward I'll find a pretext--oh, I promise you! But first he must see for himself that nothing's changed for you."Anna stood motionless, subdued and dominated.The girl's ardour swept her like a wind.

"Oh, can't I move you? Some day you'll know!" Sophy pleaded, her eyes full of tears.

Anna saw them, and felt a fullness in her throat.Again the band about her heart seemed loosened.She wanted to find a word, but could not: all within her was too dark and violent.She gave the girl a speechless look.

"I do believe you," she said suddenly; then she turned and walked out of the room.


She drove from Miss Painter's to her own apartment.The maid-servant who had it in charge had been apprised of her coming, and had opened one or two of the rooms, and prepared a fire in her bedroom.Anna shut herself in, refusing the woman's ministrations.She felt cold and faint, and after she had taken off her hat and cloak she knelt down by the fire and stretched her hands to it.

In one respect, at least, it was clear to her that she would do well to follow Sophy Viner's counsel.It had been an act of folly to follow Owen, and her first business was to get back to Givre before him.But the only train leaving that evening was a slow one, which did not reach Francheuil till midnight, and she knew that her taking it would excite Madame de Chantelle's wonder and lead to interminable talk.

She had come up to Paris on the pretext of finding a new governess for Effie, and the natural thing was to defer her return till the next morning.She knew Owen well enough to be sure that he would make another attempt to see Miss Viner, and failing that, would write again and await her answer: so that there was no likelihood of his reaching Givre till the following evening.

Her sense of relief at not having to start out at once showed her for the first time how tired she was.The bonne had suggested a cup of tea, but the dread of having any one about her had made Anna refuse, and she had eaten nothing since morning but a sandwich bought at a buffet.

She was too tired to get up, but stretching out her arm she drew toward her the arm-chair which stood beside the hearth and rested her head against its cushions.Gradually the warmth of the fire stole into her veins and her heaviness of soul was replaced by a dreamy buoyancy.She seemed to be seated on the hearth in her sitting-room at Givre, and Darrow was beside her, in the chair against which she leaned.He put his arms about her shoulders and drawing her head back looked into her eyes."Of all the ways you do your hair, that's the way I like best," he said...

A log dropped, and she sat up with a start.There was a warmth in her heart, and she was smiling.Then she looked about her, and saw where she was, and the glory fell.She hid her face and sobbed.

Presently she perceived that it was growing dark, and getting up stiffly she began to undo the things in her bag and spread them on the dressing-table.She shrank from lighting the lights, and groped her way about, trying to find what she needed.She seemed immeasurably far off from every one, and most of all from herself.It was as if her consciousness had been transmitted to some stranger whose thoughts and gestures were indifferent to her...

Suddenly she heard a shrill tinkle, and with a beating heart she stood still in the middle of the room.It was the telephone in her dressing-room--a call, no doubt, from Adelaide Painter.Or could Owen have learned she was in town? The thought alarmed her and she opened the door and stumbled across the unlit room to the instrument.She held it to her ear, and heard Darrow's voice pronounce her name.

"Will you let me see you? I've come back--I had to come.

Miss Painter told me you were here."

She began to tremble, and feared that he would guess it from her voice.She did not know what she answered: she heard him say: "I can't hear." She called "Yes!" and laid the telephone down, and caught it up again--but he was gone.

She wondered if her "Yes" had reached him.

She sat in her chair and listened.Why had she said that she would see him? What did she mean to say to him when he came? Now and then, as she sat there, the sense of his presence enveloped her as in her dream, and she shut her eyes and felt his arms about her.Then she woke to reality and shivered.A long time elapsed, and at length she said to herself: "He isn't coming."The door-bell rang as she said it, and she stood up, cold and trembling.She thought: "Can he imagine there's any use in coming?" and moved forward to bid the servant say she could not see him.

The door opened and she saw him standing in the drawing-room.The room was cold and fireless, and a hard glare fell from the wall-lights on the shrouded furniture and the white slips covering the curtains.He looked pale and stern, with a frown of fatigue between his eyes; and she remembered that in three days he had travelled from Givre to London and back.It seemed incredible that all that had befallen her should have been compressed within the space of three days!

"Thank you," he said as she came in.

She answered: "It's better, I suppose----"He came toward her and took her in his arms.She struggled a little, afraid of yielding, but he pressed her to him, not bending to her but holding her fast, as though he had found her after a long search: she heard his hurried breathing.

It seemed to come from her own breast, so close he held her;and it was she who, at last, lifted up her face and drew down his.

She freed herself and went and sat on a sofa at the other end of the room.A mirror between the shrouded window-curtains showed her crumpled travelling dress and the white face under her disordered hairShe found her voice, and asked him how he had been able to leave London.He answered that he had managed--he'd arranged it; and she saw he hardly heard what she was saying.

"I had to see you," he went on, and moved nearer, sitting down at her side.

"Yes; we must think of Owen----"

"Oh, Owen--!"

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