

When she woke the next morning she felt a great lightness of heart.She recalled her last awakening at Givre, three days before, when it had seemed as though all her life had gone down in darkness.Now Darrow was once more under the same roof with her, and once more his nearness sufficed to make the looming horror drop away.She could almost have smiled at her scruples of the night before: as she looked back on them they seemed to belong to the old ignorant timorous time when she had feared to look life in the face, and had been blind to the mysteries and contradictions of the human heart because her own had not been revealed to her.Darrow had said: "You were made to feel everything"; and to feel was surely better than to judge.

When she came downstairs he was already in the oak-room with Effie and Madame de Chantelle, and the sense of reassurance which his presence gave her was merged in the relief of not being able to speak of what was between them.But there it was, inevitably, and whenever they looked at each other they saw it.In her dread of giving it a more tangible shape she tried to devise means of keeping the little girl with her, and, when the latter had been called away by the nurse, found an excuse for following Madame de Chantelle upstairs to the purple sitting-room.But a confidential talk with Madame de Chantelle implied the detailed discussion of plans of which Anna could hardly yet bear to consider the vaguest outline: the date of her marriage, the relative advantages of sailing from London or Lisbon, the possibility of hiring a habitable house at their new post; and, when these problems were exhausted, the application of the same method to the subject of Owen's future.

His grandmother, having no suspicion of the real reason of Sophy Viner's departure, had thought it "extremely suitable"of the young girl to withdraw to the shelter of her old friends' roof in the hour of bridal preparation.This maidenly retreat had in fact impressed Madame de Chantelle so favourably that she was disposed for the first time to talk over Owen's projects; and as every human event translated itself for her into terms of social and domestic detail, Anna had perforce to travel the same round again.

She felt a momentary relief when Darrow presently joined them; but his coming served only to draw the conversation back to the question of their own future, and Anna felt a new pang as she heard him calmly and lucidly discussing it.

Did such self-possession imply indifference or insincerity?

In that problem her mind perpetually revolved; and she dreaded the one answer as much as the other.

She was resolved to keep on her course as though nothing had happened: to marry Darrow and never let the consciousness of the past intrude itself between them; but she was beginning to feel that the only way of attaining to this state of detachment from the irreparable was once for all to turn back with him to its contemplation.As soon as this desire had germinated it became so strong in her that she regretted having promised Effie to take her out for the afternoon.

But she could think of no pretext for disappointing the little girl, and soon after luncheon the three set forth in the motor to show Darrow a chateau famous in the annals of the region.During their excursion Anna found it impossible to guess from his demeanour if Effie's presence between them was as much of a strain to his composure as to hers.He remained imperturbably good-humoured and appreciative while they went the round of the monument, and she remarked only that when he thought himself unnoticed his face grew grave and his answers came less promptly.

On the way back, two or three miles from Givre, she suddenly proposed that they should walk home through the forest which skirted that side of the park.Darrow acquiesced, and they got out and sent Effie on in the motor.Their way led through a bit of sober French woodland, flat as a faded tapestry, but with gleams of live emerald lingering here and there among its browns and ochres.The luminous grey air gave vividness to its dying colours, and veiled the distant glimpses of the landscape in soft uncertainty.In such a solitude Anna had fancied it would be easier to speak; but as she walked beside Darrow over the deep soundless flooring of brown moss the words on her lips took flight again.It seemed impossible to break the spell of quiet joy which his presence laid on her, and when he began to talk of the place they had just visited she answered his questions and then waited for what he should say next...No, decidedly she could not speak; she no longer even knew what she had meant to say...

The same experience repeated itself several times that day and the next.When she and Darrow were apart she exhausted herself in appeal and interrogation, she formulated with a fervent lucidity every point in her imaginary argument.But as soon as she was alone with him something deeper than reason and subtler than shyness laid its benumbing touch upon her, and the desire to speak became merely a dim disquietude, through which his looks, his words, his touch, reached her as through a mist of bodily pain.Yet this inertia was torn by wild flashes of resistance, and when they were apart she began to prepare again what she meant to say to him.

  • 狂夫之言


  • 佛果击节录


  • 铁花仙史


  • 十一面神咒心经


  • 宋本备急灸法


  • 倾世医妃惹不起


  • 风中的叙述


  • 情满洛杉矶


  • 纽约,我来了!


  • 中国梦的世纪


  • 校花大人守护我


  • 千秋家国梦


  • 高效能人士的7个心态


  • 胜鬘经疏


  • 地球的绿色卫士:植物

