

Vane had an old head, and he had a varied assortment of balls.For Mac he used an under hand curve, rising at the plate and curving in to the left-hander.Mac stepped back and let it go.

``That's the place, Bo,'' cried the Buffalo infielders.``Keep 'em close on the Crab.'' Eager and fierce as McCall was, he let pitch after pitch go by till he had three balls and two strikes.Still the heady Vane sent up another pitch similar to the others.Mac stepped forward in the box, dropped his bat on the ball, and leaped down the line toward first base.Vane came rushing in for the bunt, got it and threw.But as the speeding ball neared the baseman, Mac stretched out into the air and shot for the bag.By a fraction of a second he beat the ball.It was one of his demon-slides.He knew that the chances favored his being crippled; we all knew that some day Mac would slide recklessly once too often.But that, too, is all in the game and in the spirit of a great player.

``We're on,'' said Spears; ``now keep with him.''

By that the captain meant that Mac would go down, and Ashwell would hit with the run.

When Vane pitched, little McCall was flitting toward second.The Bison shortstop started for the bag, and Ash hit square through his tracks.

A rolling cheer burst from the bleachers, and swelled till McCall overran third base and was thrown back by the coacher.Stringer hurried forward with his big bat.

``Oh! My!'' yelled a fan, and he voiced my sentiments exactly.Here we would score, and be one run closer to that dearly bought pennant.

How well my men worked together! As the pitcher let the ball go, Ash was digging for second and Mac was shooting plateward.They played on the chance of Stringer's hitting.

Stringer swung, the bat cracked, we heard a thud somewhere, and then Manning, half knocked over, was fumbling for the ball.He had knocked down a terrific drive with his mitt, and he got the ball in time to put Stringer out.But Mac scored and Ash drew a throw to third base and beat it.He had a bad ankle, but no one noticed it in that daring run.

``Watch me paste one!'' said Captain Spears, as he spat several yards.He batted out a fly so long and high and far that, slow as he was, he had nearly run to second base when Carl made the catch.Ash easily scored on the throw-in.Then Bogart sent one skipping over second, and Treadwell, scooping it on the run, completed a play that showed why he was considered the star of the Bison infield.

``Two runs, fellers!'' said Spears.``That's some! Push 'em over, Rube.''

The second inning somewhat quickened the pace.Even the Rube worked a little faster.Ellis lined to Cairns in right; Treadwell fouled two balls and had a called strike, and was out; McKnight hit a low fly over short, then Bud Wiler sent one between Spears and Mullaney.Spears went for it while the Rube with giant strides ran to cover first base.Between them they got Bud, but it was only because he was heavy and slow on his feet.

In our half of that inning Mullaney, Gregg and Cairns went out in one, two, three order.

With Pannell up, I saw that the Rube held in on his speed, or else he was tiring.Pannell hit the second slow ball for two bases.Vane sacrificed, and then the redoubtable Schultz came up.

He appeared to be in no hurry to bat.Then Isaw that the foxy Buffalo players were working to tire the Rube.They had the situation figured.

But they were no wiser than old Spears.

``Make 'em hit, Rube.Push 'em straight over.

Never mind the corners.We don't care for a few runs.We'll hit this game out.''

Shultz flied to Mac, who made a beautiful throw to the plate too late to catch Pannell.Carl deliberately bunted to the right of the Rube and it cost the big pitcher strenuous effort to catch his man.

``We got the Rube waggin'!'' yelled a Buffalo player.

Manning tripled down the left foul line--a hit the bleachers called a screamer.When Ellis came up, it looked like a tie score, and when the Rube pitched it was plain that he was tired.The Bisons yelled their assurance of this and the audience settled into quiet.Ellis batted a scorcher that looked good for a hit.But the fast Ashwell was moving with the ball, and he plunged lengthwise to get it square in his glove.The hit had been so sharp that he had time to get up and make the throw to beat the runner.The bleachers thundered at the play.

``You're up, Rube,'' called Spears.``Lam one out of the lot!''

The Rube was an uncertain batter.There was never any telling what he might do, for he had spells of good and bad hitting.But when he did get his bat on the ball it meant a chase for some fielder.He went up swinging his huge club, and he hit a fly that would have been an easy home run for a fast man.But the best Rube could do was to reach third base.This was certainly good enough, as the bleachers loudly proclaimed, and another tally for us seemed sure.

McCall bunted toward third, another of his teasers.The Rube would surely have scored had he started with the ball, but he did not try and missed a chance.Wiler, of course, held the ball, and Mac got to first without special effort.He went down on the first pitch.Then Ash lined to Carl.The Rube waited till the ball was caught and started for home.The crowd screamed, the Rube ran for all he was worth and Carl's throw to the plate shot in low and true.Ellis blocked the Rube and tagged him out.

It looked to the bleachers as if Ellis had been unnecessarily rough, and they hissed and stormed disapproval.As for me, I knew the Bisons were losing no chance to wear out my pitcher.Stringer fouled out with Mac on third, and it made him so angry that he threw his bat toward the bench, making some of the boys skip lively.

The next three innings, as far as scoring was concerned, were all for Buffalo.But the Worcester infield played magnificent ball, holding their opponents to one run each inning.

That made the score 4 to 2 in favor of Buffalo.

In the last half of the sixth, with Ash on first base and two men out, old Spears hit another of his lofty flies, and this one went over the fence and tied the score.How the bleachers roared!

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