

He gave Ash a slow, wide-sweeping sidewheeler, that curved round over the plate.Ash always took a strike, so this did not matter.Then Vane used his deceptive change of pace, sending up a curve that just missed Ash's bat as he swung.

``Oh! A-h-h! hit!'' wailed the bleachers.

Vane doubled up like a contortionist, and shot up a lightning-swift drop that fooled Ash completely.Again the crowd groaned.Score tied, bases full, two out, Stringer at bat!

``It's up to you, String,'' called Ash, stepping aside.

Stringer did not call out to Vane.That was not his way.He stood tense and alert, bat on his shoulder, his powerful form braced, and he waited.The outfielders trotted over toward right field, and the infielders played deep, calling out warnings and encouragement to the pitcher.

Stringer had no weakness, and Vane knew this.

Nevertheless he did not manifest any uneasiness, and pitched the first ball without any extra motion.Carter called it a strike.I saw Stringer sink down slightly and grow tenser all over.Ibelieve that moment was longer for me than for either the pitcher or the batter.Vane took his time, watched the base runners, feinted to throw to catch them, and then delivered the ball toward the plate with the limit of his power.

Stringer hit the ball.As long as I live, I will see that glancing low liner.Shultz, by a wonderful play in deep center, blocked the ball and thereby saved it from being a home run.But when Stringer stopped on second base, all the runners had scored.

A shrill, shrieking, high-pitched yell! The bleachers threatened to destroy the stands and also their throats in one long revel of baseball madness.

Jones, batting in place of Spears, had gone up and fouled out before the uproar had subsided.

``Fellers, I reckon I feel easier,'' said the Rube.

It was the only time I had ever heard him speak to the players at such a stage``Only six batters, Rube,'' called out Spears.

``Boys, it's a grand game, an' it's our'n!''

The Rube had enough that inning to dispose of the lower half of the Buffalo list without any alarming bids for a run.And in our half, Bogart and Mullaney hit vicious ground balls that gave Treadwell and Wiler opportunities for superb plays.Carl, likewise, made a beautiful running catch of Gregg's line fly.The Bisons were still in the game, still capable of pulling it out at the last moment.

When Shultz stalked up to the plate I shut my eyes a moment, and so still was it that the field and stands might have been empty.Yet, though I tried, I could not keep my eyes closed.I opened them to watch the Rube.I knew Spears felt the same as I, for he was blowing like a porpoise and muttering to himself: ``Mebee the Rube won't last an' I've no one to put in!''

The Rube pitched with heavy, violent effort.

He had still enough speed to be dangerous.But after the manner of ball players Shultz and the coachers mocked him.

``Take all you can,'' called Ellis to Shultz.

Every pitch lessened the Rube's strength and these wise opponents knew it.Likewise the Rube himself knew, and never had he shown better head work than in this inning.If he were to win, he must be quick.So he wasted not a ball.The first pitch and the second, delivered breast high and fairly over the plate, beautiful balls to hit, Shultz watched speed by.He swung hard on the third and the crippled Ashwell dove for it in a cloud of dust, got a hand in front of it, but uselessly, for the hit was safe.The crowd cheered that splendid effort.

Carl marched to bat, and he swung his club over the plate as if he knew what to expect.``Come on, Rube!'' he shouted.Wearily, doggedly, the Rube whirled, and whipped his arm.The ball had all his old glancing speed and it was a strike.

The Rube was making a tremendous effort.

Again he got his body in convulsive motion--two strikes! Shultz had made no move to run, nor had Carl made any move to hit.These veterans were waiting.The Rube had pitched five strikes --could he last?

``Now, Carl!'' yelled Ellis, with startling suddenness, as the Rube pitched again.

Crack! Carl placed that hit as safely through short as if he had thrown it.McCall's little legs twinkled as he dashed over the grass.He had to head off that hit and he ran like a streak.Down and forward he pitched, as if in one of his fierce slides, and he got his body in front of the ball, blocking it, and then he rolled over and over.But he jumped up and lined the ball to Bogart, almost catching Shultz at third-base.Then, as Mac tried to walk, his lame leg buckled under him, and down he went, and out.

  • 庄渠遗书




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