

That afternoon, when Raddy let Toronto down with three hits and the boys played a magnificent game behind him, and we won 7 to 2, I knew at last and for certain that the Worcester team had come into its own again.Then next day Cairns won a close, exciting game, and following that, on the third day, the matchless Rube toyed with the Torontos.Eleven straight games won! I was in the clouds, and never had I seen so beautiful a light as shone in Milly's eyes.

From that day The Honeymoon Trip of the Worcester Baseball Club, as the newspapers heralded it--was a triumphant march.We won two out of three games at Montreal, broke even with the hard-fighting Bisons, took three straight from Rochester, and won one and tied one out of three with Hartford.It would have been wonderful ball playing for a team to play on home grounds and we were doing the full circuit of the league.

Spears had called the turn when he said the trip would be a hummer.Nan Hurtle had brought us wonderful luck.

But the tricks they played on Whit and his girl-fan bride!

Ashwell, who was a capital actor, disguised himself as a conductor and pretended to try to eject Whit and Nan from the train, urging that love-making was not permitted.Some of the team hired a clever young woman to hunt the Rube up at the hotel, and claim old acquaintance with him.Poor Whit almost collapsed when the young woman threw her arms about his neck just as Nan entered the parlor.Upon the instant Nan became wild as a little tigress, and it took much explanation and eloquence to reinstate Whit in her affections.

Another time Spears, the wily old fox, succeeded in detaining Nan on the way to the station, and the two missed the train.At first the Rube laughed with the others, but when Stringer remarked that he had noticed a growing attachment between Nan and Spears, my great pitcher experienced the first pangs of the green-eyed monster.We had to hold him to keep him from jumping from the train, and it took Milly and Mrs.

Stringer to soothe him.I had to wire back to Rochester for a special train for Spears and Nan, and even then we had to play half a game without the services of our captain.

So far upon our trip I had been fortunate in securing comfortable rooms and the best of transportation for my party.At Hartford, however, I encountered difficulties.I could not get a special Pullman, and the sleeper we entered already had a number of occupants.After the ladies of my party had been assigned to berths, it was necessary for some of the boys to sleep double in upper berths.

It was late when we got aboard, the berths were already made up, and soon we had all retired.

In the morning very early I was awakened by a disturbance.It sounded like a squeal.I heard an astonished exclamation, another squeal, the pattering of little feet, then hoarse uproar of laughter from the ball players in the upper berths.

Following that came low, excited conversation between the porter and somebody, then an angry snort from the Rube and the thud of his heavy feet in the aisle.What took place after that was guess-work for me.But I gathered from the roars and bawls that the Rube was after some of the boys.I poked my head between the curtains and saw him digging into the berths.

``Where's McCall?'' he yelled.

Mac was nowhere in that sleeper, judging from the vehement denials.But the Rube kept on digging and prodding in the upper berths.

``I'm a-goin' to lick you, Mac, so I reckon you'd better show up,'' shouted the Rube.

The big fellow was mad as a hornet.When he got to me he grasped me with his great fence-rail splitting hands and I cried out with pain.

``Say! Whit, let up! Mac's not here....

What's wrong?''

``I'll show you when I find him.'' And the Rube stalked on down the aisle, a tragically comic figure in his pajamas.In his search for Mac he pried into several upper berths that contained occupants who were not ball players, and these protested in affright.Then the Rube began to investigate the lower berths.A row of heads protruded in a bobbing line from between the curtains of the upper berths.

``Here, you Indian! Don't you look in there!

That's my wife's berth!'' yelled Stringer.

Bogart, too, evinced great excitement.

``Hurtle, keep out of lower eight or I'll kill you,'' he shouted.

What the Rube might have done there was no telling, but as he grasped a curtain, he was interrupted by a shriek from some woman assuredly not of our party.

``Get out! you horrid wretch! Help! Porter!

Help! Conductor!''

Instantly there was a deafening tumult in the car.When it had subsided somewhat, and I considered I would be safe, I descended from my berth and made my way to the dressing room.

Sprawled over the leather seat was the Rube pommelling McCall with hearty good will.I would have interfered, had it not been for Mac's demeanor.He was half frightened, half angry, and utterly unable to defend himself or even resist, because he was laughing, too.

``Dog-gone it! Whit--I didn't--do it! I swear it was Spears! Stop thumpin' me now--or I'll get sore....You hear me! It wasn't me, I tell you.Cheese it!''

For all his protesting Mac received a good thumping, and I doubted not in the least that he deserved it.The wonder of the affair, however, was the fact that no one appeared to know what had made the Rube so furious.The porter would not tell, and Mac was strangely reticent, though his smile was one to make a fellow exceedingly sure something out of the ordinary had befallen.

It was not until I was having breakfast in Providence that I learned the true cause of Rube's conduct, and Milly confided it to me, insisting on strict confidence.

``I promised not to tell,'' she said.``Now you promise you'll never tell.''

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