

A T the moment when I showed myself in the doorway, Rachel rose from the piano.

I closed the door behind me.We confronted each other in silence, with the full length of the room between us.The movement she had made in rising appeared to be the one exertion of which she was capable.All use of every other faculty, bodily or mental, seemed to be merged in the mere act of looking at me.

A fear crossed my mind that I had shown myself too suddenly.I advanced a few steps towards her.I said gently, `Rachel!'

The sound of my voice brought the life back to her limbs, and the colour to her face.She advanced, on her side, still without speaking.Slowly, as if acting under some influence independent of her own will, she came nearer and nearer to me; the warm dusky colour flushing her cheeks, the light of reviving intelligence brightening every instant in her eyes.Iforgot the object that had brought me into her presence; I forgot the vile suspicion that rested on my good name; I forgot every consideration, past, present, and future, which I was bound to remember.I saw nothing but the woman I loved coming nearer and nearer to me.She trembled; she stood irresolute.

I could resist it no longer--I caught her in my arms, and covered her face with kisses.

There was a moment when I thought the kisses were returned; a moment when it seemed as if she, too, might have forgotten.Almost before the idea could shape itself in my mind, her first voluntary action made me feel that she remembered.With a cry which was like a cry of horror--with a strength which I doubt if I could have resisted if I had tried--she thrust me back from her.I saw merciless anger in her eyes; I saw merciless contempt on her lips.She looked me over, from head to foot, as she might have looked at a stranger who had insulted her.

`You coward!' she said.`You mean, miserable, heartless coward!'

Those were her first words! The most unendurable reproach that a woman can address to a man, was the reproach that she picked out to address to Me.

`I remember the time, Rachel,' I said, `when you could have told me that I had offended you, in a worthier way than that.I beg your pardon.'

Something of the bitterness that I felt may have communicated itself to my voice.At the first words of my reply, her eyes, which had been turned away the moment before, looked back at me unwillingly.She answered in a low tone, with a sullen submission of manner which was quite new in my experience of her.

`Perhaps there is some excuse for me,' she said.`After what you have done, is it a manly action, on your part, to find your way to me as you have found it to-day? It seems a cowardly experiment, to try an experiment on my weakness for you.It seems a cowardly surprise, to surprise me into letting you kiss me.But that is only a woman's view.I ought to have known it couldn't be your view.I should have done better if I had controlled myself and said nothing.'

The apology was more unendurable than the insult.The most degraded man living would have felt humiliated by it.

`If my honour was not in your hands,' I said, `I would leave you this instant, and never see you again.You have spoken of what I have done.

What have I done?'

`What have you done! You ask that question of me ?'

`I ask it.'

`I have kept your infamy a secret,' she answered.`And I have suffered the consequences of concealing it.Have I no claim to be spared the insult of your asking me what you have done? Is all sense of gratitude dead in you? You were once a gentleman.You were once dear to my mother, and dearer still to me--'

Her voice failed her.She dropped into a chair, and turned her back on me, and covered her face with her hands.

I waited a little before I trusted myself to say any more.In that moment of silence, I hardly know which I felt most keenly--the sting which her contempt had planted in me, or the proud resolution which shut me out from all community with her distress.

`If you will not speak first,' I said, `I must.I have come here with something serious to say to you.Will you do me the common justice of listening while I say it?'

She neither moved, nor answered.I made no second appeal to her; I never advanced an inch nearer to her chair.With a pride which was as obstinate as her pride, I told her of my discovery at the Shivering Sand, and of all that had led to it.The narrative, of necessity, occupied some little time.From beginning to end, she never looked round at me, and she never uttered a word.

I kept my temper.My whole future depended, in all probability, on my not losing possession of myself at that moment.The time had come to put Mr.Bruff's theory to the test.In the breathless interest of trying that experiment, I moved round so as to place myself in front of her.

`I have a question to ask you,' I said.`It obliges me to refer again to a painful subject.Did Rosanna Spearman show you the nightgown? Yes, or No?'

She started to her feet; and walked close up to me of her own accord.

Her eyes looked me searchingly in the face as if to read something there which they had never read yet.

`Are you mad?' she asked.

I still restrained myself.I said quietly, `Rachel, will you answer my question?'

She went on, without heeding me.

`Have you some object to gain which I don't understand? Some mean fear about the future, in which I am concerned? They say your father's death has made you a rich man.Have you come here to compensate me for the loss of my Diamond? And have you heart enough left to feel ashamed of your errand?

Is that the secret of your pretence of innocence, and your story about Rosanna Spearman? Is there a motive of shame at the bottom of all the falsehood, this time?'

I stopped her there.I could control myself no longer.

`You have done me an infamous wrong!' I broke out hotly.`You suspect me of stealing your Diamond.I have a right to know, and I will know, the reason why!'

`Suspect you!' she exclaimed, her anger rising with mine.` You villain, I saw you take the Diamond with my own eyes !'

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