

The little doctor sat restlessly picking at the points of his fingers all the time I was speaking.His dim watery eyes were fixed on my face with an expression of vacant and wistful inquiry very painful to see.What he was thinking of, it was impossible to divine.The one thing clearly visible was that I had failed, after the first two or three words, in fixing his attention.The only chance of recalling him to himself appeared to lie in changing the subject.I tried a new topic immediately.

`So much,' I said, gaily, `for what brings me to Frizinghall! Now, Mr.

Candy, it's your turn.You sent me a message by Gabriel Betteredge--'

He left off picking at his fingers, and suddenly brightened up.

`Yes! yes! yes!' he exclaimed eagerly.`That's it! I sent you a message!'

`And Betteredge duly communicated it by letter,' I went on.`You had something to say to me, the next time I was in your neighbourhood.Well, Mr.Candy, here I am!'

`Here you are!' echoed the doctor.`And Betteredge was quite right.

I had something to say to you.That was my message.Betteredge is a wonderful man.What a memory! At his age, what a memory!'

He dropped back into silence, and began picking at his fingers again.

Recollecting what I had heard from Betteredge about the effect of the fever on his memory, I went on with the conversation, in the hope that I might help him at starting.

`It's a long time since we met,' I said.`We last saw each other at the last birthday dinner my poor aunt was ever to give.'

`That's it!' cried Mr.Candy.`The birthday dinner!' He started impulsively to his feet, and looked at me.A deep flush suddenly overspread his faded face, and he abruptly sat down again, as if conscious of having betrayed a weakness which he would fain have concealed.It was plain, pitiably plain, that he was aware of his own defect of memory, and that he was bent on hiding it from the observation of his friends.

Thus far he had appealed to my compassion only.But the words he had just said -- few as they were -- roused my curiosity instantly to the highest pitch.The birthday dinner had already become the one event in the past, at which I looked back with strangely mixed feelings of hope and distrust.

And here was the birthday dinner unmistakably proclaiming itself as the subject on which Mr.Candy had something important to say to me!

I attempted to help him out once more.But, this time, my own interests were at the bottom of my compassionate motive, and they hurried me on a little too abruptly, to the end I had in view.

`It's nearly a year now,' I said, `since we sat at that pleasant table.

Have you made any memorandum -- in your diary, or otherwise -- of what you wanted to say to me?'

Mr.Candy understood the suggestion, and showed me that he understood it, as an insult.

`I require no memorandums, Mr.Blake,' he said, stiffly enough.`I am not such a very old man, yet -- and my memory (thank God) is to be thoroughly depended on!'

It is needless to say that I declined to understand that he was offended with me.

`I wish I could say the same of my memory,' I answered.`When I try to think of matters that are a year old, I seldom find my remembrance as vivid as I could wish it to be.Take the dinner at Lady Verinder's, for instance --'

Mr.Candy brightened up again, the moment the allusion passed my lips.

`Ah, the dinner, the dinner at Lady Verinder's!' he exclaimed, more eagerly than ever.`I have got something to say to you about that.'

His eyes looked at me again with the painful expression of inquiry, so wistful, so vacant, so miserably helpless to see.He was evidently trying hard, and trying in vain, to recover the lost recollection.`It was a very pleasant dinner,' he burst out suddenly, with an air of saying exactly what he wanted to say.`A very pleasant dinner, Mr.Blake, wasn't it?'

He nodded and smiled, and appeared to think, poor fellow, that he had succeeded in concealing the total failure of his memory, by a well-timed exertion of his own presence of mind.

It was so distressing that I at once shifted the talk -- deeply as Iwas interested in his recovering the lost remembrance -- to topics of local interest.

Here, he got on glibly enough.Trumpery little scandals and quarrels in the town, some of them as much as a month old, appeared to recur to his memory readily.He chattered on, with something of the smooth gossiping fluency of former times.But there were moments, even in the full flow of his talkativeness, when he suddenly hesitated -- looked at me for a moment with the vacant inquiry once more in his eyes -- controlled himself -- and went on again.I submitted patiently to my martyrdom (it is surely nothing less than martyrdom to a man of cosmopolitan sympathies, to absorb in silent resignation the news of a country town?) until the clock on the chimney-piece told me that my visit had been prolonged beyond half an hour.

Having now some right to consider the sacrifice as complete, I rose to take leave.As we shook hands, Mr.Candy reverted to the birthday festival of his own accord.

`I am so glad we have met again,' he said.`I had it on my mind -- Ireally had it on my mind, Mr.Blake, to speak to you.About the dinner at Lady Verinder's, you know? A pleasant dinner -- really a pleasant dinner now, wasn't it?'

On repeating the phrase, he seemed to feel hardly as certain of having prevented me from suspecting his lapse of memory, as he had felt on the first occasion.The wistful look clouded his face again: and, after apparently designing to accompany me to the street door, he suddenly changed his mind, rang the bell for the servant, and remained in the drawing-room.

I went slowly down the doctor's stairs, feeling the disheartening conviction that he really had something to say which it was vitally important to me to hear, and that he was morally incapable of saying it.The effort of remembering that he wanted to speak to me was, but too evidently, the only effort that his enfeebled memory was now able to achieve.

Just as I reached the bottom of the stairs and had turned a corner on my way to the outer hall, a door opened softly somewhere on the ground floor of the house, and a gentle voice said behind me:

`I am afraid, sir, you find Mr.Candy sadly changed?'

I turned round, and found myself face to face with Ezra Jennings.

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