

`Look in when you like, Mr.Jennings, beginning from tomorrow,' he said, getting on his legs.`You will find me at work, with the necessary persons to assist me.I respectfully beg to thank you, sir, for overlooking the case of the stuffed buzzard, and the other case of the Cupid's wing --as also for permitting me to wash my hands of all responsibility in respect of the pins on the carpet, and the litter in Mr.Franklin's room.Speaking as a servant, I am deeply indebted to you.Speaking as a man, I consider you to be a person whose head is full of maggots, and I take up my testimony against your experiment as a delusion and a snare.Don't be afraid, on that account, of my feelings as a man getting in the way of my duty as a servant! You shall be obeyed.The maggots notwithstanding, sir, you shall be obeyed.If it ends in your setting the house on fire, damme if I send for the engines, unless you ring the bell and order them first!'

With that farewell assurance, he made me a bow, and walked out of the room.

`Do you think we can depend on him?' I asked.

`Implicitly,' answered Mr.Blake.`When we go to the house, we shall find nothing neglected, and nothing forgotten.'

June 19th.-- Another protest against our contemplated proceedings!

From a lady this time.

The morning's post brought me two letters.One, from Miss Verinder, consenting, in the kindest manner, to the arrangement that I have proposed.

The other from the lady under whose care she is living -- one Mrs.Merridew.

Mrs.Merridew presents her compliments, and does not pretend to understand the subject on which I have been corresponding with Miss Verinder, in its scientific bearings.Viewed in its social bearings, however, she feels free to pronounce an opinion.I am probably, Mrs.Merridew thinks, not aware that Miss Verinder is barely nineteen years of age.To allow a young lady at her time of life, to be present (without a `chaperon') in a house full of men among whom a medical experiment is being carried on, is an outrage on propriety which Mrs.Merridew cannot possibly permit.If the matter is allowed to proceed, she will feel it to be her duty -- at a serious sacrifice of her own personal convenience -- to accompany Miss Verinder to Yorkshire.Under these circumstances, she ventures to request that Iwill kindly reconsider the subject; seeing that Miss Verinder declines to be guided by any opinion but mine.Her presence cannot possibly be necessary;and a word from me, to that effect, would relieve both Mrs.Merridew and myself of a very unpleasant responsibility.

Translated from polite commonplace into plain English, the meaning of this is, as I take it, that Mrs.Merridew stands in mortal fear of the opinion of the world.She has unfortunately appealed to the very last man in existence who has any reason to regard that opinion with respect.Iwon't disappoint Miss Verinder; and I won't delay a reconciliation between two young people who love each other, and who have been parted too long already.Translated from plain English into polite commonplace, this means that Mr.Jennings presents his compliments to Mrs.Merridew, and regrets that he cannot feel justified in interfering any further in the matter.

Mr.Blake's report of himself, this morning, was the same as before.

We determined not to disturb Betteredge by overlooking him at the house to-day.To-morrow will be time enough for our first visit of inspection.

June 20th.-- Mr.Blake is beginning to feel his continued restlessness at night.The sooner the rooms are refurnished, now, the better.

On our way to the house, this morning, he consulted me, with some nervous impatience and irresolution, about a letter (forwarded to him from London)which he had received from Sergeant Cuff.

The Sergeant writes from Ireland.He acknowledges the receipt (through his housekeeper) of a card and message which Mr.Blake left at his residence near Dorking, and announces his return to England as likely to take place in a week or less.In the meantime, he requests to be favoured with Mr.

Blake's reasons for wishing to speak to him (as stated in the message)on the subject of the Moonstone.If Mr.Blake can convict him of having made any serious mistake, in the course of his last year's inquiry concerning the Diamond, he will consider it a duty (after the liberal manner in which he was treated by the late Lady Verinder) to place himself at that gentleman's disposal.If not, he begs permission to remain in his retirement, surrounded by the peaceful floricultural attractions of a country life.

After reading the letter, I had no hesitation in advising Mr.Blake to inform Sergeant Cuff, in reply, of all that had happened since the inquiry was suspended last year, and to leave him to draw his own conclusions from the plain facts.

On second thoughts I also suggested inviting the Sergeant to be present at the experiment, in the event of his returning to England in time to join us.He would be a valuable witness to have, in any case; and, if Iproved to be wrong in believing the Diamond to be hidden in Mr.Blake's room, his advice might be of great importance, at a future stage of the proceedings over which I could exercise no control.This last consideration appeared to decide Mr.Blake.He promised to follow my advice.

The sound of the hammer informed us that the work of refurnishing was in full progress, as we entered the drive that led to the house.

Betteredge, attired for the occasion in a fisherman's red cap, and an apron of green baize, met us in the outer hall.The moment he saw me, he pulled out the pocket-book and pencil, and obstinately insisted on taking notes of everything that I said to him.Look where we might, we found, as Mr.Blake had fore-told, that the work was advancing as rapidly and as intelligently as it was possible to desire.But there was still much to be done in the inner hall, and in Miss Verinder's room.It seemed doubtful whether the house would be ready for us before the end of the week.

  • 南华真经


  • 篋中集


  • 劝行乐


  • 上清镇元荣灵经


  • 燕台再游录


  • 踮着脚尖的爱:独舞


  • 太上金柜玉镜延生洞玄烛幽忏


  • 军校里的那些花儿:那一曲军校恋歌.2


  • 栖凤阁


  • 仙途遗祸


  • 带着宝宝玩转后宫


  • 愿留少年心,诗情染四季


  • 长满灌木的南北极(星球保卫战)


  • 三世猫妃


  • 我在末世种个田

