

`Having stated the whole case as I understand it,' he said, `I have only to tell your ladyship, now, what I propose to do next.I see two ways of bringing this inquiry successfully to an end.One of those ways I look upon as a certainty.The other, I admit, is a bold experiment, and nothing more.Your ladyship shall decide.Shall we take the certainty first?'

My mistress made him a sign to take his own way, and choose for himself.

`Thank you,' said the Sergeant.`We'll begin with the certainty, as your ladyship is so good as to leave it to me.Whether Miss Verinder remains at Frizinghall, or whether she returns here, I propose, in either case, to keep a careful watch on all her proceedings--on the people she sees, on the rides and walks she may take, and on the letters she may write and receive.'

`What next?' asked my mistress.

`I shall next,' answered the Sergeant, `request your ladyship's leave to introduce into the house, as a servant in the place of Rosanna Spearman, a woman accustomed to private inquiries of this sort, for whose discretion I can answer.'

`What next?' repeated my mistress.

`Next,' proceeded the Sergeant, `and last, I propose to send one of my brother officers to make an arrangement with that money-lender in London, whom I mentioned just now as formerly acquainted with Rosanna Spearman--and whose name and address, your ladyship may rely on it, have been communicated by Rosanna to Miss Verinder.I don't deny that the course of action I am now suggesting will cost money, and consume time.But the result is certain.

We run a line round the Moonstone, and we draw that line closer and closer till we find it in Miss Verinder's possession, supposing she decides to keep it.If her debts press, and she decides on sending it away, then we have our man ready, and we meet the Moonstone on its arrival in London.'

To hear her own daughter made the subject of such a proposal as this, stung my mistress into speaking angrily for the first time.

`Consider your proposal declined, in every particular,' she said.`And go on to your other way of bringing the inquiry to an end.'

`My other way,' said the Sergeant, going on as easy as ever, `is to try that bold experiment to which I have alluded.I think I have formed a pretty correct estimate of Miss Verinder's temperament.She is quite capable (according to my belief) of committing a daring fraud.But she is too hot and impetuous in temper, and too little accustomed to deceit as a habit, to act the hypocrite in small things, and to restrain herself under all provocations.Her feelings, in this case, have repeatedly got beyond her control, at the very time when it was plainly her interest to conceal them.It is on this peculiarity in her character that I now propose to act.I want to give her a great shock suddenly, under circumstances that will touch her to the quick.In plain English, I want to tell Miss Verinder, without a word of warning, of Rosanna's death--on the chance that her own better feelings will hurry her into making a clean breast of it.Does your ladyship accept that alternative?'

My mistress astonished me beyond all power of expression.She answered him on the instant:

`Yes; I do.'

`The pony-chaise is ready,' said the Sergeant.`I wish your ladyship good morning.'

My lady held up her hand, and stopped him at the door.

`My daughter's better feelings shall be appealed to, as your propose,'

she said.`But I claim the right, as her mother, of putting her to the test myself.You will remain here, if you please; and I will go to Frizinghall.'

For once in his life, the great Cuff stood speechless with amazement, like an ordinary man.

My mistress rang the bell, and ordered her waterproof things.It was still pouring with rain; and the close carriage had gone, as you know, with Miss Rachel to Frizinghall.I tried to dissuade her ladyship from facing the severity of the weather.Quite useless! I asked leave to go with her, and hold the umbrella.She wouldn't hear of it.The pony-chaise came round, with the groom in charge.`You may rely on two things,' she said to Sergeant Cuff, in the hall.`I will try the experiment on Miss Verinder as boldly as you could try it yourself.And I will inform you of the result, either personally or by letter, before the last train leaves for London to-night.'

With that, she stepped into the chaise, and, taking the reins herself, drove off to Frizinghall.

  • 咏史


  • 治世龟鉴


  • 茶笺


  • The Stolen White Elephant

    The Stolen White Elephant

  • How the Whale Got His Throat

    How the Whale Got His Throat

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  • 血性的失落:李国文闲话历史


  • 妃常穿越之夜漫天澜


  • 出逃妻子


  • 神破苍穹:彪悍王妃斗乾坤


  • 河南志


  • 近百年古城古墓发掘史


  • 海雪堂峤雅集


  • 暗香道


  • 听南怀瑾讲《论语》全集

