


KATHERINE.I warned you from the first.You've gone too far!

MORE.[Terribly moved] Do you understand what this means? After ten years--and all--our love!

KATHERINE.Was it love? How could you ever have loved one so unheroic as myself!

MORE.This is madness, Kit--Kit!

KATHERINE.Last night I was ready.You couldn't.If you couldn't then, you never can.You are very exalted, Stephen.I don't like living--I won't live, with one whose equal I am not.This has been coming ever since you made that speech.I told you that night what the end would be.

MORE.[Trying to put his arms round her] Don't be so terribly cruel!

KATHERINE.No! Let's have the truth! People so wide apart don't love! Let me go!

MORE.In God's name, how can I help the difference in our faiths?

KATHERINE.Last night you used the word--bargain.Quite right.Imeant to buy you.I meant to kill your faith.You showed me what Iwas doing.I don't like to be shown up as a driver of bargains, Stephen.

MORE.God knows--I never meant----

KATHERINE.If I'm not yours in spirit--I don't choose to be your--mistress.

MORE, as if lashed by a whip, has thrown up his hands in an attitude of defence.

KATHERINE.Yes, that's cruel! It shows the heights you live on.Iwon't drag you down.

MORE.For God's sake, put your pride away, and see! I'm fighting for the faith that's in me.What else can a man do? What else? Ah!

Kit! Do see!

KATHERINE.I'm strangled here! Doing nothing--sitting silent--when my brothers are fighting, and being killed.I shall try to go out nursing.Helen will come with me.I have my faith, too; my poor common love of country.I can't stay here with you.I spent last night on the floor--thinking--and I know!

MORE.And Olive?

KATHERINE.I shall leave her at Father's, with Nurse; unless you forbid me to take her.You can.

MORE.[Icily] That I shall not do--you know very well.You are free to go, and to take her.

KATHERINE.[Very low] Thank you! [Suddenly she turns to him, and draws his eyes on her.Without a sound, she puts her whole strength into that look] Stephen! Give it up! Come down to me!

The festive sounds from the street grow louder.There can be heard the blowing of whistles, and bladders, and all the sounds of joy.

MORE.And drown in--that?

KATHERINE turns swiftly to the door.There she stands and again looks at him.Her face is mysterious, from the conflicting currents of her emotions.

MORE.So--you're going?

KATHERINE.[In a whisper] Yes.

She bends her head, opens the door, and goes.MORE starts forward as if to follow her, but OLIVE has appeared in the doorway.She has on a straight little white coat and a round white cap.

OLIVE.Aren't you coming with us, Daddy?

[MORE shakes his head.]

OLIVE.Why not?

MORE.Never mind, my dicky bird.

OLIVE.The motor'll have to go very slow.There are such a lot of people in the street.Are you staying to stop them setting the house on fire? [MORE nods] May I stay a little, too? [MORE shakes his head] Why?

MORE.[Putting his hand on her head] Go along, my pretty!

OLIVE.Oh! love me up, Daddy!

[MORE takes and loves her up]


MORE.Trot, my soul!

[She goes, looks back at him, turns suddenly, and vanishes.]

MORE follows her to the door, but stops there.Then, as full realization begins to dawn on him, he runs to the bay window, craning his head to catch sight of the front door.There is the sound of a vehicle starting, and the continual hooting of its horn as it makes its way among the crowd.He turns from the window.

MORE.Alone as the last man on earth!

[Suddenly a voice rises clear out of the hurly-burly in the street.]

VOICE.There 'e is! That's 'im! More! Traitor! More!

A shower of nutshells, orange-peel, and harmless missiles begins to rattle against the glass of the window.Many voices take up the groaning: "More! Traitor! Black-leg! More!" And through the window can be seen waving flags and lighted Chinese lanterns, swinging high on long bamboos.The din of execration swells.MORE stands unheeding, still gazing after the cab.

Then, with a sharp crack, a flung stone crashes through one of the panes.It is followed by a hoarse shout of laughter, and a hearty groan.A second stone crashes through the glass.MOREturns for a moment, with a contemptuous look, towards the street, and the flare of the Chinese lanterns lights up his face.Then, as if forgetting all about the din outside, he moves back into the room, looks round him, and lets his head droop.The din rises louder and louder; a third stone crashes through.MORE raises his head again, and, clasping his hands, looks straight before him.The footman, HENRY, entering, hastens to the French windows.

MORE.Ah! Henry, I thought you'd gone.

FOOTMAN.I came back, sir.

MORE.Good fellow!

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