`Sophy!' said Mrs Glegg, with indignant disgust, `you do talk o' people's complaints till it's quite undecent.But I say again, as Isaid before, I didn't come away from home to talk about acquaintance, whether they'd short breath or long.If we aren't come together for one to hear what the other 'ull do to save a sister and her children from the parish, I shall go back.One can't act without the other, I suppose;it isn't to be expected as I should do everything.'
`Well, Jane,' said Mrs Pullet, `I don't see as you've been so very forrard at doing.So far as I know, this is the first time as here you've been, since it's been known as the bailiff's in the house, and I was here yesterday and looked at all Bessy's linen and things, and I told her I'd buy in the spotted table cloths - I couldn't speak fairer; for as for the tea-pot as she doesn't want to go out o' the family, it stands to sense I can't do with two silver tea-pots, not if it hadn't a straight spout -but the spotted damask I was allays fond on.'
`I wish it could be managed so as my tea-pot and chany and the best castors needn't be put up for sale,' said poor Mrs Tulliver, beseechingly, `and the sugar tongs, the first things ever I bought.'
`But that can't be helped, you know,' said Mr Glegg.`If one o' the family chooses to buy 'em in, they can, but one thing must be bid for as well as another.'
`And it isn't to be looked for,' said uncle Pullet, with unwonted independence of idea, `as your own family should pay more for things nor they'll fetch.
They may go for an old song by auction.'
`O dear, O dear,' said Mrs Tulliver, `to think o' my chany being sold i' that way - and I bought it when I was married just as you did yours, Jane and Sophy: and I know you didn't like mine, because o' the sprig, but I was fond of it, and there's never been a bit broke, for I've washed it myself - and there's the tulips on the cups, and the roses, as anybody might go and look at 'em for pleasure.You wouldn't like your chany to go for an old song and be broke to pieces, though yours has got no colour in it, Jane - it's all white and fluted, and didn't cost so much as mine.
And there's the castors - sister Deane, I can't think but you'd like to have the castors, for I've heard you say they're pretty.'
`Well, I've no objection to buy some of the best things,' said Mrs Deane, rather loftily.`We can do with extra things in our house.'
`Best things!' exclaimed Mrs Glegg, with severity which had gathered intensity from her long silence.`It drives me past patience to hear you all talking o' best things, and buying in this that and the other, such as silver and chany.You must bring your mind to your circumstances, Bessy, and not be thinking o' silver and chany, but whether you shall get so much as a flock bed to lie on, and a blanket to cover you, and a stool to sit on.You must remember, if you get 'em, it'll be because your friends have bought 'em for you, for you're dependent upo' them for everything:
for your husband lies there helpless, and hasn't got a penny i' the world to call his own.And it's for your own good I say this, for it's right you should feel what your state is, and what disgrace your husband's brought on your own family, as you've got to look to for everything - and be humble in your mind.'
Mrs Glegg paused, for speaking with much energy for the good of others is naturally exhausting.Mrs Tulliver, always borne down by the family predominance of sister Jane, who had made her wear the yoke of a younger sister in very tender years, said pleadingly, `I'm sure, sister, I've never asked anybody to do anything, only buy things as it 'ud be a pleasure to 'em to have, so as they mightn't go and be spoiled i' strange houses.I never asked anybody to buy the things in for me and my children, though there's the linen I spun, and I thought when Tom was born - I thought one o' the first things when he was lying i' the cradle, as all the things I'd bought wi' my own money and been so careful of 'ud go to him.But I've said nothing as I wanted my sisters to pay their money for me; - what my husband has done for his sister's unknown, and we should ha' been better off this day if it hadn't been as he's lent money and never asked for it again.'
`Come, come,' said Mr Glegg, kindly, `don't let us make things too dark.
What's done can't be undone.We shall make a shift among us to buy what's sufficient for you - though, as Mrs G.says, they must be useful, plain things.We mustn't be thinking o' what's unnecessary.A table and a chair or two, and kitchen things, and a good bed and suchlike.Why, I've seen the day when I shouldn't ha' known myself, if I'd lain on sacking i'stead o' the floor.We get a deal o' useless things about us, only because we've got the money to spend.'
`Mr Glegg,' said Mrs G., `if you'll be kind enough to let me speak, i'stead of taking the words out o' my mouth, I was going to say, Bessy, as it's fine talking for you to say as you've never asked us to buy anything for you: let me tell you, you ought to ha' asked us.Pray, how are you to be purvided for, if your own family don't help you? You must go to the parish, if they didn't.And you ought to know that, and keep it in mind, and ask us humble to do what we can for you, i'stead o' saying, and making a boast, as you've never asked us for anything.'
`You talked o' the Mosses, and what Mr Tulliver's done for 'em,' said Uncle Pullet, who became unusually suggestive where advances of money were concerned.`Haven't they been anear you? They ought to do something, as well as other folks; and if he's lent 'em money, they ought to be made to pay it back.'
`Yes, to be sure,' said Mrs Deane, `I've been thinking so.How is it Mr and Mrs Moss aren't here to meet us? It is but right they should do their share.'
`O dear!' said Mrs Tulliver, `I niver sent 'em word about Mr Tulliver, and they live so back'ard among the lanes at Basset, they niver hear anything only when Mr Moss comes to market.But I niver gave 'em a thought.I wonder Maggie didn't, though, for she was allays so fond of her aunt Moss.'