I am not aware whether fainting was as much the fashion among the fair sex, in the days (or rather the nights) of which I have the honor to hold forth, as at the present time; but I am inclined to think not, from the simple fact that Leoline, though like John Bunyan, "grievously troubled and tossed about in her mind," did nothing of the kind.For the first few moments, she was altogether too stunned by the suddenness of the shock to cry out or make the least resistance, and was conscious of nothing but of being rapidly borne along in somebody's arms.When this hazy view of things passed away, her new sensation was, the intensely uncomfortable one of being on the verge of suffocation.She made one frantic but futile effort to free herself and scream for help, but the strong arms held her with most loving tightness, and her cry was drowned in the hot atmosphere within the shawl, and never passed beyond it.Most assuredly Leoline would have been smothered then and there, had their journey been much longer; but, fortunately for her, it was only the few yards between her house and the river.She knew she was then carried down some steps, and she heard the dip of the oars in the water, and then her bearer paused, and went through a short dialogue with somebody else - with Count L'Estrange, she rather felt than knew, for nothing was audible but a low murmur.The only word she could make out was a low, emphatic "Remember!" in the count's voice, and then she knew she was in a boat, and that it was shoved off, and moving down the rapid river.The feeling of heat and suffocation was dreadful and as her abductor placed her on some cushions, she made another desperate but feeble effort to free herself from the smothering shawl, but a hand was laid lightly on hers, and a voice interposed.
"Lady, it is quite useless for you to struggle, as you are irrevocably in my power, but if you will promise faithfully not to make any outcry, and will submit to be blindfolded, I shall remove this oppressive muffling from your head.Tell me if you will promise."He had partly raised the shawl, and a gush of free air came revivingly in, and enabled Leoline to gasp out a faint " Ipromise!" As she spoke, it was lifted off altogether, and she caught one bright fleeting glimpse of the river, sparkling and silvery in the moonlight; of the bright blue sky, gemmed with countless stars, and of some one by her side in the dress of a court-page, whose face was perfectly unknown to her.The next instant, a bandage was bound tightly over her eyes, excluding every ray of light, while the strange voice again spoke apologetically"Pardon, lady, but it is my orders! I am commanded to treat you with every respect, but not to let you see where you are borne to.""By what right does Count L'Estrange commit this outrage!" began Leoline, almost as imperiously as Miranda herself, and making use of her tongue, like a true woman, the very first moment it was at her disposal."How dare he carry me off in this atrocious way?
Whoever you are, sir, if you have the spirit of a man, you will bring me directly back to my own house"I am very sorry, lady, but I have received orders that must be obeyed! You must come with me, but you need fear nothing; you will be an safe and secure as in your own home.""Secure enough, no doubt!" paid Leoline, bitterly."I never did like Count L'Estrange, but I never knew he was a coward and a villain till now!"Her companion made no reply to this forcible address, and there was a moment's indignant silence on Leoline's part, broken only by the dip of the oars, and the rippling of the water.Then"Will you not tell me, at least, where you are taking me to?"haughtily demanded Leoline.
"Lady, I cannot! It was to prevent you knowing, that you have been blindfolded.""Oh! your master has a faithful servant, I see! How long am I to be kept a prisoner?""I do not know."
"Where is Count L'Estrange?"
"I cannot tell."
"Where am I to see him?"
"I cannot say."
"Ha!" said Leoline, with infinite contempt, and turning her back upon him she relapsed into gloomy silence.It had all been so sudden, and had taken her so much by surprise, that she had not had time to think of the consequences until now.But now they came upon her with a rush, and with dismal distinctness; and most distinct among all was, what would Sir Norman say! Of course, with all a lover's impatience, he would be at his post by sunrise, would come to look for his bride, and find himself sold!
By that time she would be far enough away, perhaps a melancholy corpse (and at this dreary passage in her meditations, Leoline sighed profoundly), and he would never know what had become of her, or how much and how long she had loved him.And this hateful Count L'Estrange, what did he intend to do with her?
Perhaps go so far as to make her marry him, and imprison her with the rest of his wives; for Leoline was prepared to think the very worst of the count, and had not the slightest doubt that he already had a harem full of abducted wives, somewhere.But no -he never could do that, he might do what he liked with weaker minds, but she never would be a bride of his while the plague or poison was to be had in London.And with this invincible determination rooted fixedly, not to say obstinately, in her mind, she was nearly pitched overboard by the boat suddenly landing at some unexpected place.A little natural scream of terror was repressed on her lips by a hand being placed over them, and the determined but perfectly respectful tones of the person beside her speaking.