

It widened.It was a crack, a fissure.Now it was a yard in width, now three, and blackness seemed to well up from within it, blackness that was the very essence of the depths.Steadily the ebon rift expanded; spread suddenly wide open in two sharp-edged, flying wedges--Earth had dropped away.At our side a gulf had opened, an abyss, striking down depth upon depth; profound;immeasurable.

We were human atoms, riding upon a steed of sorcery and racing along a split rampart of infinite space.

I looked behind--scores of the cubes were darting from the metal host trailing us; in a long column of twos they flashed by, raced ahead.Far in front of us a gloom began to grow; deepened until we were rushing into blackest night.

Through the murk stabbed a long lance of pale blue phosphorescence.It unrolled like a ribbon of wan flame, flicked like a serpent's tongue--held steady.I felt the Thing beneath us leap forward; its velocity grew prodigious; the wind beat upon us with hurricane force.

I shielded my eyes with my hands and peered through the chinks of my fingers.Ranged directly in our path was a barricade of the cubes and upon them we were racing like a flying battering-ram.Involuntarily I closed my eyes against the annihilating impact that seemed inevitable.

The Thing on which we rode lifted.

We were soaring at a long angle straight to the top of the barrier; were upon it, and still with that awful speed unchecked were hurtling through the blackness over the shaft of phosphorescence, the ribbon of pale light that Ihad watched pierce it and knew now was but another span of the cubes that but a little before had fled past us.

Beneath the span, on each side of it, I sensed illimitable void.

We were over; rushing along in darkness.There began a mighty tumult, a vast crashing and roaring.The clangor waxed, beat about us with tremendous strokes of sound.

Far away was a dim glowing, as of rising sun through heavy mists of dawn.The mists faded--miles away gleamed what at first glimpse seemed indeed to be the rising sun; a gigantic orb, whose lower limb just touched, was sharply, horizontally cut by the blackness, as though at its base that blackness was frozen.

The sun? Reason returned to me; told me this globe could not be that.

What was it then? Ra-Harmachis, of the Egyptians, stripped of his wings, exiled and growing old in the corridors of the Dead? Or that mocking luminary, the cold phantom of the God of light and warmth which the old Norsemen believed was set in their frozen hell to torment the damned?

I thrust aside the fantasies, impatiently.But sun or no sun, light streamed from this orb, light in multicolored, lanced rays, banishing the blackness through which we had been flying.

Closer we came and closer; lighter it grew about us, and by the growing light I saw that still beside us ran the abyss.And even louder, more thunderous, became the clamor.

At the foot of the radiant disk I glimpsed a luminous pool.Into it, out of the depths, protruded a tremendous rectangular tongue, gleaming like gray steel.

On the tongue an inky shape appeared; it lifted itself from the abyss, rushed upon the disk and took form.

Like a gigantic spider it was, squat and horned.For an instant it was silhouetted against the smiling sphere, poised itself--and vanished through it.

Now, not far ahead, silhouetted as had been the spider shape, blackened into sight a cube and on it Ruth and Norhala.It seemed to hover, to wait.

"It's a door," Drake's shout beat thinly in my ears against the hurricane of sound.

What I thought had been an orb was indeed a gateway, a portal; and it was gigantic.

The light streamed through it, the flaming colors, the lightning glare, the drifting shadows were all beyond it.

The suggestion of sphere had been an illusion, born of the darkness in which we were moving and in its own luminescence.

And I saw that the steel tongue was a ramp, a slide, dropping down into the gulf.

Norhala raised her hands high above her head.Up from the darkness flew an incredible shape--like a monstrous, armored flat-backed crab; angled spikes protruded from it; its huge body was spangled with darting, greenish flames.

It swept beneath us and by.On its back were multitudinous breasts from which issued blinding flashes--sapphire blue, emerald green, sun yellow.It hung poised as had that other nightmare shape, standing out jet black and colossal, rearing upon columnar legs, whose outlines were those of alternate enormous angled arrow-points and lunettes.Swiftly its form shifted; an instant it hovered, half disintegrate.

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