

Don't let them hurt him any more.Please!" she sobbed.

Beside me I heard Drake cursing.

"If they touch her I'll kill the woman! I will, by God Iwill!" He strode to Norhala's side.

"If you want to live, call off these devils of yours." His voice was strangled.

She looked at him, wonder deepening on the tranquil brow, in the clear, untroubled gaze.Of course she could not understand his words--but it was not that which made my own sick apprehension grow.

It was that she did not understand what called them forth.Did not even understand what reason lay behind Ruth's sorrow, Ruth's prayer.

And more and more wondering grew in her eyes as she looked from the threatening Drake to the supplicating Ruth, and from them to the still body of Ventnor.

"Tell her what I say, Goodwin.I mean it."I shook my head.That was not the way, I knew.Ilooked toward the Disk, still flanked with its sextette of spheres, still guarded by the flaming blue stars.They were motionless, calm, watching.I sensed no hostility, no anger;it was as though they were waiting for us to--to--waiting for us to do what?

It came to me--they were indifferent.That was it--as indifferent as we could be to the struggle of an ephemera;and as mildly curious.

"Norhala," I turned to the woman, "she would not have him suffer; she would not have him die.She loves him.""Love?" she repeated, and all of her wonderment seemed crystallized in the word."Love?" she asked.

"She loves him," I said; and then, why I did not know, but I added, pointing to Drake: "and he loves her."There was a tiny, astonished sob from Ruth.Again Norhala brooded over her.Then with a little despairing shake of her head, she paced over and faced the great Disk.

Tensely we waited.Communication there was between them, interchange of--thought; how carried out I would not hazard even to myself.

But of a surety these two--the goddess woman, the wholly unhuman shape of metal, of jeweled fires and conscious force--understood each other.

For she turned, stood aside--and the body of Ventnor quivered, arose from the floor, stood upright and with closed eyes, head dropping upon one shoulder, glided toward the Disk like a dead man carried by those messengers never seen by man who, the Arabs believe, bear the death drugged souls before Allah for their awakening.

Ruth moaned and hid her eyes; Drake reached down, gathered her up in his arms, held her close.

Ventnor's body stood before the Disk, then swam up along its face.The tendrils waved out, felt of it, thrust themselves down through the wide collar of the shirt.The floating form passed higher, over the edge of the Disk; lay high beside the right star point of the rayed shape to which Ruth had been passing when Ventnor's shot brought the tragedy upon us.I saw other tentacles whip forth, examine, caress.

Then down the body swung, was borne through air, laid gently at our feet.

"He is not--dead," it was Norhala beside me; she lifted Ruth's face from Drake's breast."He will not die.It may be he will walk again.They can not help," there was a shadow of apology in her tones."They did not know.They thought it was the"--she hesitated as though at loss for words--"the--the Fire Play.""The Fire Play?" I gasped.

"Yes," she nodded."You shall see it.And now I will take him to my house.You are safe--now, nor need you trouble.For he has given you to me.""Who has given us to you--Norhala?" I asked, as calmly as I could.

"He"--she nodded to the Disk, then spoke the phrase that was both ancient Assyria's and ancient Persia's title for their all-conquering rulers, and that meant--"the King of Kings.The Great King, Master of Life and Death."She took Ruth from Drake's arms, pointing to Ventnor.

"Bear him," she commanded, and led the way back through the walls of light.

As we lifted the body, I slipped my hand through the shirt, felt at the heart.Faint was the pulsation and slow, but regular.

Close to the encircling vapors I cast one look behind me.The shapes stood immobile, flashing disks, gigantic radiant stars and the six great spheres beneath their geometric super-Euclidean god or shrine or machine of interwoven threads of luminous force and metal--still motionless, still watching.

We emerged into the place of pillars.There stood the hooded pony and its patience, its uncomplaining acceptance of its place as servant to man brought a lump into my throat, salved, I suppose, my human vanity, abased as it had been by the colossal indifference of those things to which we were but playthings.

Again Norhala sent forth her call.Out of the maze glided her quintette of familiars; again the four clicked into one.Upon its top we lifted, Drake ascending first, the pony; then the body of Ventnor.

I saw Norhala lead Ruth to the remaining cube; saw the girl break away from her, leap beside me, and kneeling at her brother's head, cradle it against her soft breast.Then as I found in the medicine case the hypodermic needle and the strychnine for which I had been searching, Ibegan my examination of Ventnor.

The cubes quivered--swept away through the forest of columns.

We crouched, the three of us, blind to anything that lay about us, heedless of whatever road of wonders we were on, striving to strengthen in Ventnor the spark of life so near extinction.

  • 凤凌九天之恶魔女帝


  • 唐立淇2013星座运程:狮子座


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  • 青少年应知唐诗名句的故事(启迪青少年的语文故事集)


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