

I noted that its grinding surface was studded thickly with the smaller pyramids and that the tips of these were each capped with what seemed to be faceted gems gleaming with the same pale yellow radiance as the Shrine of the Cones.

The column was bending; the wheel approaching.

Drake seized me by the arm, drew me swiftly back into the mists.We were shrouded in their silences.Step by step we went on, peering for the edge of the shelf, feeling in fancy that prodigious wheeled face stealing upon us;afraid to look behind lest in looking we might step too close to the unseen verge.

Yard after yard we slowly covered.Suddenly the vapors thinned; we passed out of them--A chaos of sound beat about us.The clanging of a million anvils; the clamor of a million forges; the crashing of a hundred years of thunder; the roarings of a thousand hurricanes.The prodigious bellowings of the Pit beating against us now as they had when we had flown down the long ramp into the depths of the Sea of Light.

Instinct with unthinkable power was that clamor; the very voice of Force.Stunned, nay BLINDED, by it, we covered ears and eyes.

As before, the clangor died, leaving in its wake a bewildered silence.Then that silence began to throb with a vast humming, and through that humming rang a murmur as that of a river of diamonds.

We opened our eyes, felt awe grip our throats as though a hand had clutched them.

Difficult, difficult almost beyond thought is it for me now to essay to draw in words the scene before us then.

For although I can set down what it was we saw, I nor any man can transmute into phrases its essence, its spirit, the intangible wonder that was its synthesis--the appallingly beautiful, soul-shaking strangeness of it, its grandeur, its fantasy, and its alien terror.

The Domain of the Metal Monster--it was filled like a chalice with Its will; was the visible expression of that will.

We stood at the very rim of a wide ledge.We looked down into an immense pit, shaped into a perfect oval, thirty miles in length I judged, and half that as wide, and rimmed with colossal precipices.We were at the upper end of this deep valley and on the tip of its axis;I mean that it stretched longitudinally before us along the line of greatest length.Five hundred feet below was the pit's floor.Gone were the clouds of light that had obscured it the night before; the air crystal clear; every detail standing out with stereoscopic sharpness.

First the eyes rested upon a broad band of fluorescent amethyst, ringing the entire rocky wall.It girdled the cliffs at a height of ten thousand feet, and from this flaming zone, as though it clutched them, fell the curtains of sparkling mist, the enigmatic, sound-slaying vapors.

But now I saw that all of these veils were not motionless like those through which we had just passed.To the northwest they were pulsing like the aurora, and like the aurora they were shot through with swift iridescences, spectrums, polychromatic gleamings.And always these were ordered, geometric--like immense and flitting prismatic crystals flying swiftly to the very edges of the veils, then darting as swiftly back.

From zone and veils the gaze leaped to the incredible City towering not two miles away from us.

Blue black, shining, sharply cut as though from polished steel, it reared full five thousand feet on high!

How great it was I could not tell, for the height of its precipitous walls barred the vision.The frowning facade turned toward us was, I estimated, five miles in length.Its colossal scarp struck the eyes like a blow; its shadow, falling upon us, checked the heart.It was overpowering --dreadful as that midnight city of Dis that Dante saw rising up from another pit.

It was a metal city, mountainous.

Featureless, smooth, the immense wall of it heaved heavenward.It should have been blind, that vast oblong face--but it was not blind.From it radiated alertness, vigilance.It seemed to gaze toward us as though every foot were manned with sentinels; guardians invisible to the eyes whose concentration of watchfulness was caught by some subtle hidden sense higher than sight.

It was a metal city, mountainous and--AWARE.

About its base were huge openings.Through and around these portals swirled hordes of the Metal People; in units and in combinations coming and going, streaming in and out, forming as they came and went patterns about the openings like the fretted spume of great breakers surging into, retreating from, ocean-bitten gaps in some iron-bound coast.

From the immensity of the City the eyes dropped back to the Pit in which it lay.Its floor was plaquelike, a great plane smooth as though turned by potter's wheel, broken by no mound nor hillock, slope nor terrace; level, horizontal, flawlessly flat.On it was no green living thing --no tree nor bush, meadow nor covert.

It was alive with movement.A ferment that was as purposeful as it was mechanical, a ferment symmetrical, geometrical, supremely ordered--The surging of the Metal Hordes.

There they moved beneath us, these enigmatic beings, in a countless host.They marched and countermarched in battalions, in regiments, in armies.Far to the south Iglimpsed a company of colossal shapes like mobile, castellated and pyramidal mounts.They were circling, weaving about each other with incredible rapidity--like scores of great pyramids crowned with gigantic turrets and dancing.

From these turrets came vivid flashes, lightning bright--on their wake the rolling echoes of faraway thunder.

Out of the north sped a squadron of obelisks from whose tops flamed and flared the immense spinning wheels, appearing at this distance like fiery whirling disks.

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