


Arthur Fletcher, in his letter to Mrs Lopez, had told her that when he found out who was to be his antagonist at Silverbridge, it was too late for him to give up the contest.He was, he said, bound in faith to continue it by what had passed between himself and others.But in truth he had not reached this conclusion without some persuasion from others.He had been at Longbarns with his brother when he first heard that Lopez intended to stand, and he at once signified his desire to give way.The information reached him from Mr Frank Gresham, of Greshambury, a gentleman connected with the De Courcys who was now supposed to represent the De Courcy interest in the county, and who had first suggested to Arthur that he should come forward.It was held at Longbarns that Arthur was bound in honour to Mr Gresham and to Mr Gresham's friends, and to this opinion he had yielded.

Since Emily Wharton's marriage her name had never been mentioned at Longbarns in Arthur's presence.When he was away,--and of course his life was chiefly passed in London,--old Mrs Fletcher was free enough in her abuse of the silly creature who had allowed herself to be taken out of her own rank by a Portuguese Jew.But she had been made to understand by her elder son, the lord of Longbarns, that not a word was to be said when Arthur was there.'I think he ought to be taught to forget her.' Mrs Fletcher had said.But John in his own quiet but imperious way, had declared that there were some men to whom such lessons could not be taught, and that Arthur was one of them.'Is he never to get a wife, then?' Mrs Fletcher had asked.John wouldn't pretend to answer the question, but was quite sure that his brother would not be tempted into other matrimonial arrangements by anything that could be said against Emily Lopez.When Mrs Fletcher declared her extreme anger that Arthur was a fool for his trouble, John did not contradict her, but declared that the folly was of a nature to require tender treatment.

Matters were in this condition at Longbarns when Arthur communicated to his brother the contents of Mr Gresham's letter, and expressed his own purpose of giving up Silverbridge.'Idon't quite see that,' said John.

'No;--and it is impossible that you should be expected to see it.I don't quite know how to talk about it even to you, though I think you are about the softest-hearted fellow out.'

'I don't acknowledge the soft heart,--but go on.'

'I don't want to interfere with that man.I have a sort of feeling that as he has got her he might as well have the seat too.'

'The seat, as you call it, is not there for his gratification or for yours.The seat is there in order that the people of Silverbridge may be represented in Parliament.'

'Let them get somebody else.I don't want to put myself in opposition to him, and I certainly do not want to oppose her.'

'They can't change their candidate in that way at a day's notice.

You would be throwing Gresham over, and, if you ask me, I think that is a thing you have no right to do.This objection of yours is sentimental, and there is nothing of which a man should be so much in dread is sentimentalism.It is not your fault that you oppose Mr Lopez.You were in the field first, and you must go on with it.' John Fletcher, when he spoke in this way, was, at Longbarns, always supposed to be right; and on the present occasion he, as usual, prevailed.Then Arthur Fletcher wrote his letter to the lady.He would not have liked to have had it known that the composition and copying of that little note had cost him an hour.He had wished that she should understand his feelings, and yet it was necessary that he should address her in words that should be perfectly free from affection or emotion.He must let her know that, though he wrote to her, the letter was for her husband as well as for herself, and he must do this in a manner which would not imply any fear that his writing to her would be taken amiss.The letter when completed was at any rate simple and true; and yet, as we know, it was taken very much amiss.

Arthur Fletcher had by no means recovered from the blow he had received that day when Emily had told him everything down by the river side; but then, it must be said of him, that he had no intention of recovery.He was as a man who, having taken a burden on his back, declares to himself that he will, for certain reasons, carry it throughout his life.The man knows that with the burden he cannot walk as men walk who are unencumbered, but for those reasons of his he has chosen to lade himself, and having done so he abandons regret and submits to his circumstances.So had it been with him.He would make no attempts to throw off the load.It was now far back in his life, as much at least as three years, since he at first assured himself of his desire to make Emily Wharton the companion of his life.From that day she had been the pivot on which his whole existence had moved.She had refused his offers more than once, but had done so with so much tender kindness, that, though he had found himself to be wounded and bruised, he had never abandoned his object.Her father and all his own friends encouraged him.

He was continually told that her coldness was due to the simple fact that she had not yet learned to give her heart away.And so he had persevered, being ever thoroughly intent on his purpose, till he was told by herself that her love was given to this other man.

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    Heroes and Hero Worship

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  • 跨越万古拥抱你


    混沌初开,圣族诞生。经灭世之战,开族之子浮青帝尊携余员至地星,开启另一段属于星斌的传说! 亿万年前,一名少年收下了一名徒儿,从此开辟了修仙盛世。星斌历18世纪,一只林中野兽收一名老者为仆,由此创立了自末法时期后璀璨的科技文明……而在这一切的背后,都有星斌圣教的影子!当初,你因为我挡下了那一掌而身陨,既然再次相遇,我倾尽一切,为你挡下风雨,打破这明霄帝国的律法,屠一族又何妨?一切阻碍当破之! 斌,你是我的!为此我将不惜一切!本书包含了现实、科幻、玄幻、都市四大元素。本书续写及同系列均以策划完毕,若是套作,或是借助本书名号进行写作,均以侵犯著作权进行起诉,还望诸君相互转告。
  • 女捕快叱咤江湖


    本书视频地址:在教堂里举行婚礼的她,等着男友回答“我愿意”之时,穿越到了另一个时空,在这里,她依然是新娘,只是,她的丈夫只有七岁。穿越女的命运,基本上分为两种,叱咤江湖或者宠冠六宫,她会摆脱这个符咒吗?只要穿越,就注定她无法平淡一生,就算她做了捕快,也是一样。她的相公十二岁的时候,命运的齿轮终于更改了轨迹,她陷入了一个巨大的旋涡。她是一个幸运的人,武功九流,智商一流,遇到困难的时候,总会有人出来相助。她是一个倒霉的人,富可敌国,纵横商场,到最后才发现,这一切不过是一场空。办案时,她智慧干练,无案不破,面对爱情时,她却如雾里看花,看不清自己的心意。这个世界,美男实在多,且个个够痴情。小夫君飒风:文武全才,古灵精怪,才华横溢,痴心不改。(他说:娘子,你为何非要把一颗心放在别人身上,别忘了,我们已经拜过天地,我们是夫妻,我不管你从前心里有谁,从这一刻开始,你要牢牢记住,你的心里,只能有我一个人。”)王爷齐嵘轩:表里不一,权欲极深的腹黑男,初时,只是想利用她,谁知,一颗心却逐渐陷落下去,无法自拔。(他说:蜜儿,相信我,我是真的爱你,从前,我也不敢相信,有一天会爱上你。)丐帮帮主裴宁:正直潇洒,武功高强的侠士。她穿越是为他而来,再次相见,他却忘了她是谁,命运的线却牵着他慢慢走向她,只是,不知道他还有没有机会。(他说:蜜儿,我全都想起来了,我想起来了,蜜儿,跟我走吧,你来到这里,不就是因为我吗?)盗圣永夜:通天大盗,亦正亦邪,一个比女人还要貌美的男人,也是一个谜团最多的人,是一个愿意为了爱情放弃一切的人。(他说:蜜儿,你为什么不相信我呢?为了你,我甘愿放弃所有,只要你跟我走,我一定会放弃!)本文慢热,可以先收藏,七八万的时候,会渐入高潮。每一篇文,从开篇、布局、铺垫、情节推进、高潮到结局,是一个循序渐进的过程,这些过程缺一不可,我用心写,也希望您耐心看,我的文基本上不会很快进入高潮,就如一杯唯美的白兰地,先看颜色,再嗅其香,才会知晓它的一经沾唇,醇美无瑕,细细品味,才可知它的醇和、甘洌、沁润、细腻、丰满、绵延、纯正。呵呵,有些自夸了,但我自认每一篇文都是反复推敲之后才写出来的,所以,请您带着品味美酒的心情,欣赏我的文,谢谢。 ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄☆★我的其他作品:极品下堂妻:
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  • 解读王朝 帝王卷

    解读王朝 帝王卷

    当皇帝的对他统治下的臣民动不动就“开刀问斩”。杀人者人恒杀之,反过来被杀的皇帝也特别多。 从西周武王到清朝溥仪,共882个在位帝王,有288个不得善终(被杀死、缢死、饿死、毒死),占在位帝王的32.6%;84个王朝,在位帝王被杀50%以上的,有27个;6个王朝的在位帝王100%;死于非命;未成年即毙命的帝王有16个;有的帝王登基当天即被杀死。 为了那张天下至尊的龙椅,他们对别人狠,对自己人更狠。 阎德荣创作的《解读王朝(帝王卷)》讲述了帝王们的故事。 《解读王朝(帝王卷)》包括了死前尝尽了死的滋味——北魏孝庄帝元子攸、三次逃离京城的皇帝——唐昭宗李哗等内容。
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