

``You will be paid, of course, during rehearsal; that is, as long as we are taking your time.Fifty dollars a week is about as much as we can afford.'' Crossley was watching her shrewdly, was advancing these remarks in response to the hesitation he saw so plainly.

``Of course it isn't grand opera,'' he went on.``In fact, it's pretty low--almost as low as the public taste.

You see, we aren't subsidized by millionaires who want people to think they're artistic, so we have to hustle to separate the public from its money.But if you make a hit, you can earn enough to put you into grand opera in fine style.''

``I never heard of anyone's graduating from here into grand opera,'' said Mildred.

``Because our stars make so much money and make it so easily.It'll be your own fault if you don't.''

``Can't I come to just one rehearsal--to see whether I can--can do it?'' pleaded Mildred.

Crossley, made the more eager and the more superstitious by this unprecedented reluctance, shook his head.

``No.You must agree to stay as long as we want you,'' said he.``We can't allow ourselves to be trifled with.''

``Very well,'' said Mildred resignedly.``I will rehearse as long as you want me.''

``And will stay for the run of the piece, if we want that?'' said Crossley.``You to get a hundred a week if you are put in the cast.More, of course, if you make a hit.''

``You mean I'm to sign a contract?'' cried Mildred in dismay.

``Exactly,'' said Crossley.A truly amazing performance.Moldini was not astonished, however, for he had heard the songs, and he knew Crossley's difficulties through Estelle Howard's flight.Also, he knew Crossley--never so ``weak and soft'' that he trifled with unlikely candidates for his productions.Crossley had got up because he knew what to do and when to do it.

Mildred acquiesced.Before she was free to go into the street again, she had signed a paper that bound her to rehearse for three weeks at fifty dollars a week and to stay on at a hundred dollars a week for forty weeks or the run of ``The Full Moon,'' if Crossley so desired;if he did not, she was free at the end of the rehearsals.

A shrewdly one-sided contract.But Crossley told himself he would correct it, if she should by some remote chance be good enough for the part and should make a hit in it.This was no mere salve to conscience, by the way.Crossley would not be foolish enough to give a successful star just cause for disliking and distrusting him and at the earliest opportunity leaving him to make money for some rival manager.

Mrs.Belloc had not gone out, had been waiting in a fever of anxiety.When Mildred came into her sitting-room with a gloomy face and dropped to a chair as if her last hope had abandoned her, it was all Agnes Belloc could do to restrain her tears.Said she:

``Don't be foolish, my dear.You couldn't expect anything to come of your first attempt.''

``That isn't it,'' said Mildred.``I think I'll give it up--do something else.Grand opera's bad enough.

There were a lot of things about it that I was fighting my distaste for.''

``I know,'' said Agnes.``And you'd better fight them hard.They're unworthy of you.''

``But--musical comedy! It's--frightful!''

``It's an honest way of making a living, and that's more than can be said of--of some things.I suppose you're afraid you'll have to wear tights--or some nonsense like that.''

``No, no.It's doing it at all.Such rotten music --and what a loathsome mess!''

Mrs.Belloc's eyes flashed.``I'm losing all patience!'' she cried.``I know you've been brought up like a fool and always surrounded by fools.I suppose you'd rather sell yourself to some man.Do you know what's the matter with you, at bottom? Why, you're lazy and you're a coward.Too lazy to work.And afraid of what a lot of cheap women'll say--women earning their board and clothes in about the lowest way such a thing can be done.Haven't you got any self-respect?''

Mildred rose.``Mrs.Belloc,'' she said angrily, ``Ican't permit even you to say such things to me.''

``The shoe seems to fit,'' retorted Mrs.Belloc.``Inever yet saw a lady, a real, silk-and-diamonds, sit-in-the-parlor lady, who had any self-respect.If I had my way they wouldn't get a mouthful to eat till they had earned it.That'd be a sure cure for the lady disease.I'm ashamed of you, Miss Stevens! And you're ashamed of yourself.''

``Yes, I am,'' said Mildred, with a sudden change of mood.

``The best thing you can do is to rest till lunch-time.

Then start out after lunch and hunt a job.I'll go with you.''

``But I've got a job,'' said Mildred.``That's what's the matter.''

Agnes Belloc's jaw dropped and her rather heavy eyebrows shot up toward the low sweeping line of her auburn hair.She made such a ludicrous face that Mildred laughed outright.Said she:

``It's quite time.Fifty a week, for three weeks of rehearsal.No doubt _I_ can go on if I like.Nothing could be easier.''


``Yes.He was very nice--heard me sing three pieces--and it was all settled.I'm to begin to-morrow.''

The color rose in Agnes Belloc's face until she looked apoplectic.She abruptly retreated to her bedroom.

After a few minutes she came back, her normal complexion restored.``I couldn't trust myself to speak,''

said she.``That was the worst case of ingratitude I ever met up with.You, getting a place at fifty dollars a week--and on your first trial--and you come in looking as if you'd lost your money and your reputation.What kind of a girl are you, anyway?''

``I don't know,'' said Mildred.``I wish I did.''

``Well, I'm sorry you got it so easy.Now you'll have a false notion from the start.It's always better to have a hard time getting things.Then you appreciate them, and have learned how to hold on.''

``No trouble about holding on to this,'' said Mildred carelessly.

``Please don't talk that way, child,'' pleaded Agnes, almost tearful.``It's frightful to me, who've had experience, to hear you invite a fall-down.''

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