

My landlord brought me a meal which he had cooked himself: of what it was composed he would not say, but it was most excellent, and with every mouthful I seemed to gain strength.The good man sat looking at my evident enjoyment with a happy smile of sympathy; but, as my appetite became satisfied, I began to detect a certain wistfulness in his eyes, as if craving for the food I had so nearly devoured--for, indeed, at that time I was hardly aware of the extent of the famine.

Suddenly, there was a sound of many rushing feet past our window.My landlord opened one of the sides of it, the better to learn what was going on.Then we heard a faint, cracked, tinkling bell, coming shrill upon the air, clear and distinct from all other sounds."Holy Mother!" exclaimed my landlord, "the Poor Clares!"He snatched up the fragments of my meal, and crammed them into my hands, bidding me follow.Down stairs he ran, clutching at more food, as the women of his house eagerly held it out to him; and in a moment we were in the street, moving along with the great current, all tending towards the Convent of the Poor Clares.And still, as if piercing our ears with its inarticulate cry, came the shrill tinkle of the bell.In that strange crowd were old men trembling and sobbing, as they carried their little pittance of food; women with tears running down their cheeks, who had snatched up what provisions they had in the vessels in which they stood, so that the burden of these was in many cases much greater than that which they contained;children, with flushed faces, grasping tight the morsel of bitten cake or bread, in their eagerness to carry it safe to the help of the Poor Clares; strong men--yea, both Anversois and Austrians--pressing onward with set teeth, and no word spoken; and over all, and through all, came that sharp tinkle--that cry for help in extremity.

We met the first torrent of people returning with blanched and piteous faces: they were issuing out of the convent to make way for the offerings of others."Haste, haste!" said they."A Poor Clare is dying! A Poor Clare is dead for hunger! God forgive us and our city!"We pressed on.The stream bore us along where it would.We were carried through refectories, bare and crumbless; into cells over whose doors the conventual name of the occupant was written.Thus it was that I, with others, was forced into Sister Magdalen's cell.On her couch lay Gisborne, pale unto death, but not dead.By his side was a cup of water, and a small morsel of mouldy bread, which he had pushed out of his reach, and could not move to obtain.Over against his bed were these words, copied in the English version "Therefore, if thine enemy hunger, feed him; if he thirst, give him drink."Some of us gave him of our food, and left him eating greedily, like some famished wild animal.For now it was no longer the sharp tinkle, but that one solemn toll, which in all Christian countries tells of the passing of the spirit out of earthly life into eternity;and again a murmur gathered and grew, as of many people speaking with awed breath, "A Poor Clare is dying! a Poor Clare is dead!"Borne along once more by the motion of the crowd, we were carried into the chapel belonging to the Poor Clares.On a bier before the high altar, lay a woman--lay Sister Magdalen--lay Bridget Fitzgerald.

By her side stood Father Bernard, in his robes of office, and holding the crucifix on high while he pronounced the solemn absolution of the Church, as to one who had newly confessed herself of deadly sin.Ipushed on with passionate force, till I stood close to the dying woman, as she received extreme unction amid the breathless and awed hush of the multitude around.Her eyes were glazing, her limbs were stiffening; but when the rite was over and finished, she raised her gaunt figure slowly up, and her eyes brightened to a strange intensity of joy, as, with the gesture of her finger and the trance-like gleam of her eye, she seemed like one who watched the disappearance of some loathed and fearful creature.

"She is freed from the curse!" said she, as she fell back dead.


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