

True to her word Betty greeted Brown, on his appearance in the cosy, homelike parlour of the Fairbanks' that evening, with the question, "How did 'The Don' come by his nickname?""Oh, did you never know that? Most fellows put it down to his style, but it's not that.He got it from his blood.You know, his father was one of those West India, sea-captains that one used to find strewn thick through Halifax society, who made fortunes in rum and lost them pretty much the same way.Well, the old captain married a Spanish girl.I have seen her portrait, and she was a beauty, a `high-bred Spanish lady,' sure enough.Lived somewhere in the islands.Came home with the Captain, and died in Halifax, leaving her seven year old boy in charge of an aunt.Father died soon afterwards.Grief, I believe, and drink.Even then his people called the 'the little Don.' He had a little money left him to start with, but that has long since vanished.At any rate, for the last five or six years he has had to fend for himself.""Quite a romance," said Lloyd.

"Isn't it?" exclaimed Betty."And he never told a word.""Well, The Don's not a publisher."

"But then he told you."

"Yes, he told me and Shock one night.He likes us, you see.""'De gustibus non disputandum,'" murmured Lloyd, and in answer to Betty's inquiring look added, "as the old woman said when she kissed her cow.""Now then, what about Shock's name?" continued Betty.

"Hair," said Brown laconically."You have seen him come out of a scrimmage like a crab?""Yes.Isn't he just lovely then?" exclaimed Betty.

"Lovely? Oh, woman, woman! A ghastly, bloody, fearsome spectacle.

Lovely! But it was ever thus.'Butchered to make a Roman holiday,'"replied Lloyd.

"Well, he is rather bloody.Bleeds easily, you; know, but it doesn't hurt at all," said Brown."He never really enjoys himself till the blood flows.""Disgusting old Berserker!" exclaimed Lloyd.

"But I think he is just a dear," went on Betty enthusiastically.

"The way he puts his head right down into a crowd of men, and lets them jump on him and maul him!""Yes," replied her sister, who had taken little part in the conversation, "and comes out smiling.That is what I like.""And bloody," added Lloyd."That's what Miss Betty likes.""I want to know about him," cried Betty impatiently."Why don't we get to know him? Tell me about him," she insisted."Where does he live? Who are his people?"Brown hesitated.

"Well, you see, Shock's shy.Does not go in for the sort of thing that Lloyd, for instance, revels and glitters in--teas, functions, social routs, and all that, you know.He has only his mother, a dear old Highland lady, poor, proud, and independent.She lives in a quaint little house out on the Commons away behind the college, and lives for, in, with, by, and around Shock, and he vice versa.He shares everything with her, his work down in the mission--""Mission!" interrupted Betty.

"Yes.Runs a mission down in St.John's ward.Gives her all his experiences with the denizens of that precinct, keeps her in touch with his college work, and even with his football.You ought to see him lay a out the big matches before her on the tea table with plates, cups, salt cellars, knives, spoons, and you ought to see her excitement and hear her criticisms.Oh, she's a great sport!""Go on," said Helen, her fine eyes beginning to glow."Go on.Tell us more about her."But Brown shut up abruptly, as if he had been taking a liberty with the privacy of his friend's home.

"Oh," he said lightly, "there's nothing more to tell.They live a very quiet, very simple, but, I think, a very beautiful life.""And she's fond of football?" inquired Betty.

"Devoted to it."

"And has she never seen a game? Has she never seen Shock play?"inquired Helen.


"Would she be afraid?"

"Would you insult the widow of a Sutherland Highlander whose picture in warlike regalia regards her daily from her cottage wall?""Well, I am going to see her," exclaimed Betty.

Brown looked annoyed.

"What for?"

"Why, I am going to call."

Brown laughed a little scornfully."Yes, and be sure to leave three cards--is it?--and tell her your day.""What do you mean?" exclaimed Betty indignantly."You are not very polite.""Oh, I am sorry, really.But I imagined the old lady looking at you and wondering what was your particular business, and then I thought of your difficulty in making it quite clear to her.""Why! does she not call on anyone?"

"No.She takes her knitting and visits."

"Well, I'm going anyway, somehow.I'll ask Shock to take me.""Oh, Betty, you could not do that," said Helen."No man would like exhibiting his home, much less his mother."But Betty shook her head decidedly, saying, "I'll find some way.

Tell me, what does she like?"


"But I mean what amusement and pleasure has she?""Amusement! Shades of the mighty past! Why, Miss Betty," Brown's tone is sad and severe, "in my young days young people never thought of amusement.We had no time for such follies.""Oh, nonsense!" exclaimed Betty impatiently."Has she no other interest in life than Shock?""None.Her church,--she would regard your prelacy with horror,--and Shock, and Shock's doings and goings--and football, of course, as Ihave said.Shock plays, you see."

"Then I have an idea," cried Helen."We'll--""Do go on," appealed Brown.

"Better give it to him," said Lloyd."An idea, you know, is to some people a rare and valuable asset.""Not now.Perhaps later I may impart it," said Helen.

"It would be a great kindness," said Brown humbly, "if you could let me have it soon.""Nature abhors a vacuum, you know," put in Lloyd.

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