

As Shock was finding his way to new adjustments and new standards he was incidentally finding his way into a new feeling of brotherhood as well.The lines of cleavage which had hitherto determined his interests and affinities were being obliterated.The fictitious and accidental were fading out under this new atmosphere, and the great lines of sheer humanity were coming to stand out with startling clearness.Up to this time creed and class had largely determined both his interest and his responsibility, but now, apart from class and creed, men became interesting, and for men he began to feel responsibility.He realised as never before that a man was the great asset of the universe--not his clothes, material, social or religious.

It was this new feeling of interest and responsibility that made him ask, "Who was that lad that rode the winning horse to-day?""That chap?" replied Ike."He's my boss.The Kid, they call him."Men of laconic speech say much by tone and gesture, and often by silence.In Ike's tone Shock read contempt, admiration, pity.

"A rancher?" he enquired.

"Well, he's got a ranch, and horses and cattle on it, like the rest of 'em.But ranchin'--" Ike's silence was more than sufficient.

"Well," said Shock, with admiring emphasis, "he seems to be able to ride, anyway.""Ride! I should surmise! Ride! That kid could ride anythin' from a he-goat to a rampagin', highpottopotamus.Why, look here!" Ike waged enthusiastic."He's been two years in this country, and he's got us all licked good and quiet.Why, he could give points to any cattle-man in Alberta."

"Well, what's the matter with him?"

"Money!" said Ike wrathfully."Some blamed fool uncle at home--he's got no parents, I understand--keeps a-sendin' him money.

Consequently, every remittance he cuts things loose, with everyone in sight a-helpin' him.""What a shame!" cried Shock."He has a nice face.I just like to look at him.""That's right!" answered Ike, with no waning of his enthusiasm.

"He's white--but he's soft.Makes me so blank mad! He don't know they're playin' him, and makin' him pay for the game.The only question is, will he hold out longer'n his money.""Why! hasn't he any friends here who would remonstrate with him?""Remonstrate! Remonstrate!" Ike rolled the word under his tongue as if it felt good."You try to remonstrate, and see him look at you, and then smile, till you feel like a cluckin' hen that has lost her nest.Not any for me, thank you.But it's a blank pity! He's a white kiddie, he is.""And that friend of his who was riding with him--who is he?""Harricomb--Captain Hal Harricomb, they call him.Good sort of fellow, too, but lazy--and considerable money.Goin' at a pretty good lick.Wife pulls him up, I guess.Good thing for him, too.

Lives up by the General's--old gent, you know, sat by when you set me down out yonder.Mighty slick, too.Wasn't on to you, though.""No," Shock hastened to say, "it was a fluke of course.General Brady, you mean.Yes, he was very kind, indeed.""Oh, the General's a gentleman, you bet! Horse ranch.Not very big, but makes it go.""Could not a man like the General, now, help that young fellow--what is his name?""His name? Well, he goes by 'The Kid.' His name's Stanton, I think.

Yes, Stanton--Vic Stanton.Though he never gets it.""Well, could not the General help him?" repeated Shock.

"Help The Kid? Not he, nor anyone else.When a horse with blood in him gets a-goin', why, he's got to go till his wind gives out, unless you throw him right down, and that's resky.You've got to wait his time.Then's your chance.And that reminds me," said Ike, rising and knocking the lashes out of his pipe, "that I've got a job on hand.There'll be doin's to-night there after the happy time is over."Shock looked mystified.

"They'll get the ladies off, you know, and then the fun'll begin.""Fun?"

Ike winked a long, significant wink."Yes.Lit'rary Society, you know.A little game in the back room.""And are you going to play, Ike?"

"Not to-night, thank you.I aint no saint, but I aint a blank fool altogether, and to-night I got to keep level.To-day's the boss's remittance day.He's got his cheque, I've heard, and they're goin'

to roll him."

"Roll him?"

"Yes, clean him out.So I surmise it'd be wise for me to be on hand.""Why, what have you got to do with it, Ike?"Ike paused for a few moments, while he filled his pipe, preparatory to going out.

"Well, that's what I don't right know.It aint any of my own business.Course he's my boss, but it aint that.Somehow, that Kiddie has got a hitch onto my innards, and I can't let him get away.He's got such a blank slick way with him that he makes you feel like doin' the things you hate to do.Why, when he smiles at you the sun begins to shine.That's so.Why, you saw that race this afternoon?""Yes, the last heat."

"Well, did you observe Slipper come in?"

"Well, yes, I did.And I could not understand why Slipper was not running.Why didn't you run him, Ike?""Why?" said Ike, "that's what I don't know.There aint nothin' on four legs with horsehide on in these here Territories that can make Slipper take dust, but then--well, I knowed he had money on the Swallow.But I guess I must be goin'.""But what are you going to do?"

"Oh, I'll fall down somewheres and go to sleep.You see lots of things when you're asleep, providin' you know how to accomplish it.""Shall I go with you?" asked Shock.

Ike regarded him curiously.

"Guess you wouldn't care to be mixed up in this kind of thing.But blame it, if I don't think you'd stay with it if it was in your line, which it aint.""But suppose you get into difficulty."

"Well," said Ike, smiling a slow smile, "when I want you I'll send for you," and with that he passed out into the night.

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