

It is a mine rich beyond my fondest hopes, and it is yours.It is yours, my daughter.""Oh, father," cried the girl, losing herself for a moment, "I don't want the mine.It is you I want.""Yes, my daughter, I know that well, but for the present it is not the will of God that I should be with you, and I have learned that it is good to trust to Him, and without fear I give you, my daughter, to His care."Again the girl grew steady and calm.

"Call Mr.Macgregor and the doctor, my dear," her father said.

"These gentlemen alone," he continued when they had come to him, "hold my secret.Even Perault does not know all.He knows the valley which we explored last year, but he does not know it is the Lost River.Mr.Macgregor has promised to see the claim staked.Perault will guide him to it.""This paper," taking a packet from his breast, "is my will.In it a full disposal is made of all.Now I will sign it."The paper was duly signed and witnessed.With a sigh of content the old man sank back upon his bed.

"Now all is done.I am well content."

For some time he lay with closed eyes.Then, waking suddenly, he looked at Shock and said: "Carry me out, Mr.Macgregor.Carry me out where I can see the trees and the stars.Through long years they have been my best friends.There, too, I would lie in my long sleep."They made a bed of boughs and skins for him before the camp-fire, and out into the dry, warm night Shock carried him.In the wide valley there still lingered the soft light of the dying day, but the shadows were everywhere lying deeper.Night was rapidly drawing up her curtains upon the world.The great trees stood in the dim light silent, solemn, and shadowy, keeping kindly watch over the valley and all things therein.Over the eastern hill the full moon was just beginning to rise.The mingled lights of silver and gold falling through the trees lent a rare, unearthly loveliness to the whole scene.

The Old Prospector, reclining on his couch, let his eyes wander over the valley and up through the trees to the sky and the stars, while a smile of full content rested on his face.

"It is a lovely night, dear father," said his daughter, quick to interpret his thought.

"Yes, my daughter, a rare night.Often have I seen such nights in this very spot, but never till to-night did their full joy enter my heart.My life was one long, terrible unreality.To-night the world is new, and full of loveliness and all peace."Then he lay in long silence.The doctor came near, touched his wrist, listened to the beating of his heart, and whispered to his daughter, "It will not be long now."The old man opened his eyes."You are near, my daughter," he said.

"Yes, father, dear, I am here," she replied, pressing his hand between hers.

"Could you sing something, do you think?"The girl drew in her breath sharply as with a sob of pain.

"No," said her father."Never mind, my daughter.It is too much to ask.""Yes, yes, father, I will sing.What shall I sing?""Sing Bernard's great hymn, 'The world is very evil.'"It was a hymn she had often sung for him, selecting such of its verses as were more familiar, and as expressed more nearly the thought in their hearts.

As she began to sing the doctor passed out beyond the firelight to the side of the tent.There he found Stanton, with his head bowed low between his knees.

"My boy," said the doctor, "that is very beautiful, but it is very hard to bear.""Yes," said Stanton."I'm a baby.I would like to help her, but Icannot."

"Well, my boy, she needs no help that either you or I can give."Perault, the half-breed, and Crawley sat in silence at the other side of the fire.Shock remained near, the girl, wondering at her marvellous self-control.Verse after verse she sang in a voice low, but clear and sweet.As the refrain occurred again and again, "O sweet and blessed country, the home of God's elect, O sweet and blessed country that eager hearts expect, Jesus, in mercy bring us to that dear land of rest,"the only change was that the song rose a little clearer and fuller and with deeper tone.

After she had finished the camp lay in perfect silence.

"Are you asleep, father, dear?" his daughter said at length, but there was no reply.She touched his hands and his face.

"Father!" she cried in a voice of awe and fear, but still there was no reply.

The doctor came hastily into the light, looked into the old man's face, and said: "He is gone."With a long, low, wailing cry the girl laid herself upon the ground by her father's side and put her arms around him.They all gathered about the couch, with the doctor and Shock standing nearest.

"Poor child!" said the doctor softly."This is a sad night for her.""Yes," said Shock, in a voice quiet and steady."For her the night is sad, but for him the day has dawned and there shall be night no more."There, in that wide valley where the yellow pine needles lie deep and where morning and evening the mingling lights fall softly through the overarching boughs, they laid the Old Prospector to rest under the pines and the stars that had been his companions for so long.

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