

"Really, my dear young ladies! you have never left each other a minute?"

"Never, madame." The sisters joined hands with an expressive smile.

"Then, how unhappy you would be, and how much to be pitied, if ever you were separated."

"Oh, madame! it is impossible," said Blanche, smiling.

"How impossible?"

"Who would have the heart to separate us?"

"No doubt, my dear young ladies, it would be very cruel."

"Oh, madame," resumed Blanche, "even very wicked people would not think of separating us."

"So much the better, my dear young ladies--pray, why?"

"Because it would cause us too much grief."

"Because it would kill us."

"Poor little dears!"

"Three months ago, we were shut up in prison.Well when the governor of the prison saw us, though he looked a very stern man, he could not help saying: "It would be killing these children to separate them;" and so we remained together, and were as happy as one can be in prison."

"It shows your excellent heart, and also that of the persons who knew how to appreciate it."

The carriage stopped, and they heard the coachman call out "Any one at the gate there?"

"Oh! here we are at your relation's," said Mrs.Grivois.Two wings of a gate flew open, and the carriage rolled over the gravel of a court-yard.

Mrs.Grivois having drawn up one of the blinds, they found themselves in a vast court, across the centre of which ran a high wall, with a kind of porch upon columns, under which was a little door.Behind this wall, they could see the upper part of a very large building in freestone.

Compared with the house in the Rue Brise-Miche, this building appeared a palace; so Blanche said to Mrs.Grivois, with an expression of artless admiration: "Dear me, madame, what a fine residence!"

"That is nothing," replied Madame Grivois; "wait till you see the interior, which is much finer."

When the coachman opened the door of the carriage, what was the rage of Mrs.Grivois, and the surprise of the girls, to see Spoil-sport, who had been clever enough to follow the coach.Pricking up his ears, and wagging his tail, he seemed to have forgotten his late offences, and to expect to be praised for his intelligent fidelity.

"What!" cried Mrs.Grivois, whose sorrows were renewed at the sight; "has that abominable dog followed the coach?"

"A famous dog, mum," answered the coachman "he never once left the heels of my horses.He must have been trained to it.He's a powerful beast, and two men couldn't scare him.Look at the throat of him now!"

The mistress of the deceased pug, enraged at the somewhat unseasonable praises bestowed upon the Siberian, said to the orphans, "I will announce your arrival, wait for me an instant in the coach."

So saying, she went with a rapid step towards the porch, and rang the bell.A woman, clad in a monastic garb, appeared at the door, and bowed respectfully to Mrs.Grivois, who addressed her in these few words, "I have brought you the two young girls; the orders of Abbe d'Aigrigny and the princess are, that they be instantly separated, and kept apart in solitary cells--you understand, sister--and subjected to the rule for impenitents."

"I will go and inform the superior, and it will be done," said the portress, with another bend.

"Now, will you come, my dear young ladies?" resumed Mrs.Grivois, addressing the two girls, who had secretly bestowed a few caresses upon Spoil sport, so deeply were they touched by his instinctive attachment;

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    The Man Who Was Afraid

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    穿越古代,变身农家小萝莉。爹死娘私奔,极品亲戚每天擦亮眼睛,等着看她怎么死!没有摸清状况时,安安心里mmp,手里却拿着原主的剧本每天三件日常---- 装无辜气极品。 抱金大腿保命。 暗搓搓搞小动作赚大钱。等摸清楚状况后,安安的每天三件日常就变成了,打脸!打脸!打脸!脸很疼的某金大腿,“为什么那只小可怜不来勾引我了?不是说好了救命之恩当以身相许的吗?”*于是…… 然后,农门鸡飞狗跳的日子,特别安宁!
  • 在美利坚当大咖


    新书《我的人生从花钱开始》求各位支持,作者那栏里有直通链接。 艺术生李雷,带着他20年来积攒一个T的资源魂穿附体到02年哈佛学霸超级程序猿特雷西.李,接下来他面临的问题,如何挤进好莱坞,老子不要当程序猿。(纯属胡编乱造,如有雷同,那就太棒了,不要在意那么多。)ps:弄了个群。群号2901327。
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  • 半笺娇恨寄幽怀:李清照


    她是婉约词宗,一生为爱枯荣。爱之繁花,绽放心头,她“半笺娇恨寄幽怀”。相思无处,她唯有看尽“花自飘零水自流”。她绚丽的人生,婉转如歌, 她在寂寞的深处浅浅吟唱。她就是——李清照。朱丹红编著的《李清照(半笺娇恨寄幽怀)(精)》为“倾城 才女系列”中的一本,《李清照(半笺娇恨寄幽怀)( 精)》评述了宋代才女李清照坎坷而又传奇的一生。
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