


The morning after the doomed traveller, descending the heights of Montmartre, had entered the walls of Paris, great activity reigned in St.

Dizier House.Though it was hardly noon, the Princess de St.Dizier, without being exactly in full dress (she had too much taste for that), was yet arrayed with more care than usual.Her light hair, instead of being merely banded, was arranged in two bunches of curls, which suited very well with her full and florid cheeks.Her cap was trimmed with bright rose-colored ribbon, and whoever had seen the lady in her tight-

fitting dress of gray-watered silk would have easily guessed that Mrs.

Grivois, her tirewoman, must have required the assistance and the efforts of another of the princess's women to achieve so remarkable a reduction in the ample figure of their mistress.

We shall explain the edifying cause of this partial return to the vanities of the world.The princess, attended by Mrs.Grivois, who acted as housekeeper, was giving her final orders with regard to some preparations that were going on in a vast parlor.In the midst of this room was a large round table, covered with crimson velvet, and near it stood several chairs, amongst which, in the place of honor, was an arm-

chair of gilded wood.In one corner, not far from the chimney, in which burned an excellent fire, was a buffet.On it were the divers materials for a most dainty and exquisite collation.Upon silver dishes were piled pyramids of sandwiches composed of the roes of carp and anchovy paste, with slices of pickled tunny-fish and Lenigord truffles (it was in Lent);

on silver dishes, placed over burning spirits of wine, so as to keep them very hot, tails of Meuse crawfish boiled in cream, smoked in golden-

colored pastry, and seemed to challenge comparison with delicious little Marennes oyster-patties, stewed in Madeira, and flavored with a seasoning of spiced sturgeon.By the side of these substantial dishes were some of a lighter character, such as pineapple tarts, strawberry-creams (it was early for such fruit), and orange-jelly served in the peel, which had been artistically emptied for that purpose.Bordeaux, Madeira, and Alicant sparkled like rubies and topazes in large glass decanters, while two Sevres ewers were filled, one with coffee a la creme, the other with vanilla chocolate, almost in the state of sherbet, from being plunged in a large cooler of chiselled silver, containing ice.

But what gave to this dainty collation a singularly apostolic and papal character were sundry symbols of religious worship carefully represented.

Thus there were charming little Calvaries in apricot paste, sacerdotal mitres in burnt almonds, episcopal croziers in sweet cake, to which the princess added, as a mark of delicate attention, a little cardinal's hat in cherry sweetmeat, ornamented with bands in burnt sugar.The most important, however, of these Catholic delicacies, the masterpiece of the cook, was a superb crucifix in angelica, with a crown of candied berries.

These are strange profanations, which scandalize even the least devout.

But, from the impudent juggle of the coat of Triers, down to the shameless jest of the shrine at Argenteuil, people, who are pious after the fashion of the princess, seem to take delight in bringing ridicule upon the most respectable traditions.

After glancing with an air of satisfaction at these preparations for the collation, the lady said to Mrs.Grivois, as she pointed to the gilded arm-chair, which seemed destined for the president of the meeting: "Is there a cushion under the table, for his Eminence to rest his feet on?

He always complains of cold."

"Yes, your highness," said Mrs.Grivois, when she had looked under the table; "the cushion is there."

"Let also a pewter bottle be filled with boiling water, in case his Eminence should not find the cushion enough to keep his feet warm."

"Yes, my lady."

"And put some more wood on the fire."

"But, my lady, it is already a very furnace.And if his Eminence is always too cold, my lord the Bishop of Halfagen is always too hot.He perspires dreadfully."

The princess shrugged her shoulders, and said to Mrs.Grivois: "Is not his Eminence Cardinal Malipieri the superior of his Lordship the Bishop of Halfagen?"

"Yes, your highness."

"Then, according to the rules of the hierarchy, it is for his Lordship to suffer from the heat, rather than his Eminence from the cold.Therefore, do as I tell you, and put more wood on the fire.Nothing is more natural; his Eminence being an Italian, and his Lordship coming from the north of Belgium, they are accustomed to different temperatures."

"Just as your highness pleases," said Mrs.Grivois, as she placed two enormous logs on the fire; "but in such a heat as there is here his Lordship might really be suffocated."

"I also find it too warm; but does not our holy religion teach us lessons of self-sacrifice and mortification?" said the princess, with a touching expression of devotion.

We have now explained the cause of the rather gay attire of the princess.

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    【看书前请点开置顶加精评论】 【熬过前面程敬阳的嘴贱后面就是甜甜的爱情】 史诗级中单法王暴躁萝莉vs毒舌冷漠电竞打野小王子萝莉界网红小公主白苏一直觉得自己是个温柔可人懂礼貌的好女孩,直到她遇到了程敬阳。这个传说中冷漠不可一世,站在游戏神坛巅峰上的男人,在她看来就是一个毒舌无品恶劣的钢铁直男。用白苏的话来说,喜欢程敬阳不如喜欢一坨屎,屎还能当肥料,程敬阳只能拿来当花瓶。“动点脑子,别拉低RT整体智商。”“要是你瞎蹦哒能长高的话,世界上就没有矮子了。”“嘴巴涂得那么红,是赶着去唱大戏?”白苏忍无可忍,“程敬阳,废话那么多,有种solo啊?!”