


While Marshal Simon was crossing the little court with so agitated an air, reading the anonymous letter, which he had received by Spoil-sport's unexpected medium, Rose and Blanche were alone together, in the sitting-

room they usually occupied, which had been entered for a moment by Loony during their absence.The poor children seemed destined to a succession of sorrows.At the moment their mourning for their mother drew near its close, the tragical death of their grandfather had again dressed them in funereal weeds.They were seated together upon a couch, in front of their work-table.Grief often produces the effect of years.Hence, in a few months, Rose and Blanche had become quite young women.To the infantine grace of their charming faces, formerly so plump and rosy, but now pale and thin, had succeeded an expression of grave and touching sadness.Their large, mild eyes of limpid azure, which always had a dreamy character, were now never bathed in those joyous tears, with which a burst of frank and hearty laughter used of old to adorn their silky lashes, when the comic coolness of Dagobert, or some funny trick of Spoil-sport, cheered them in the course of their long and weary pilgrimage.

In a word, those delightful faces, which the flowery pencil of Greuze could alone have painted in all their velvet freshness, were now worthy of inspiring the melancholy ideal of the immortal Ary Scheffer, who gave us Mignon aspiring to Paradise, and Margaret dreaming of Faust.Rose, leaning back on the couch, held her head somewhat bowed upon her bosom, over which was crossed a handkerchief of black crape.The light streaming from a window opposite, shone softly on her pure, white forehead, crowned by two thick bands of chestnut hair.Her look was fixed, and the open arch of her eyebrows, now somewhat contracted, announced a mind occupied with painful thoughts.Her thin, white little hands had fallen upon her knees, but still held the embroidery, on which she had been engaged.The profile of Blanche was visible, leaning a little towards her sister, with an expression of tender and anxious solicitude, whilst her needle remained in the canvas, as if she had just ceased to work.

"Sister," said Blanche, in a low voice, after some moments of silence, during which the tears seemed to mount to her eyes, "tell me what you are thinking of.You look so sad."

"I think of the Golden City of our dreams," replied Rose, almost in a whisper, after another short silence.

Blanche understood the bitterness of these words.Without speaking, she threw herself on her sister's neck, and wept.Poor girls! the Golden City of their dreams was Paris, with their father in it--Paris, the marvellous city of joys and festivals, through all of which the orphans had beheld the radiant and smiling countenance of their sire! But, alas!

the Beautiful City had been changed into a place of tears, and death, and mourning.The same terrible pestilence which had struck down their mother in the heart of Siberia, seemed to have followed them like a dark and fatal cloud, which, always hovering above them, hid the mild blue of the sky, and the joyous light of the sun.

The Golden City of their dreams! It was the place, where perhaps one day their father would present to them two young lovers, good and fair as themselves."They love you," he was to say; " they are worthy of you.

Let each of you have a brother, and me two sons." Then what chaste, enchanting confusion for those two orphans, whose hearts, pure as crystal, had never reflected any image but that of Gabriel, the celestial messenger sent by their mother to protect them!

We can therefore understand the painful emotion of Blanche, when she heard her sister repeat, with bitter melancholy, those words which described their whole situation: "I think of the Golden City of our dreams!"

"Who knows?" proceeded Blanche, drying her sister's tears; "perhaps, happiness may yet be in store for us."

"Alas! if we are not happy with our father by us--shall we ever be so?"

"Yes, when we rejoin our mother," said Blanche, lifting her eyes to heaven.

"Then, sister, this dream may be a warning--it is so like that we had in Germany."

"The difference being that then the Angel Gabriel came down from heaven to us, and that this time he takes us from earth, to our mother."

"And this dream will perhaps come true, like the other, my sister.We dreamt that the Angel Gabriel would protect us, and he came to save us from the shipwreck."

"And, this time, we dream that he will lead us to heaven.Why should not that happen also?"

"But to bring that about, sister, our Gabriel, who saved us from the shipwreck, must die also.No, no; that must not happen.Let us pray that it may not happen."

"No, it will not happen--for it is only Gabriel's good angel, who is so like him, that we saw in our dreams."

"Sister, dear, how singular is this dream!--Here, as in Germany, we have both dreamt the same--three times, the very same!"

"It is true.The Angel Gabriel bent over us, and looked at us with so mild and sad an air, saying: `Come, my children! come, my sisters! Your mother waits for you.Poor children, arrived from so far!' added he in his tender voice: `You have passed over the earth, gentle and innocent as two doves, to repose forever in the maternal nest.'"

"Yes, those were the words of the archangel," said the other orphan, with a pensive air; "we have done no harm to any one, and we have loved those who loved us--why should we fear to die?"

"Therefore, dear sister, we rather smiled than wept, when he took us by the hand, and, spreading wide his beautiful white wings, carried us along with him to the blue depths of the sky."

"To heaven, where our dear mother waited for us with open arms, her face all bathed in tears."

"Oh, sweet sister! one has not dreams like ours for nothing.And then,"

added she, looking at Rose, with a sad smile that went to the heart, "our death might perhaps end the sorrow, of which we have been the cause."

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