

"'Jacques Rennepont, surnamed "Sleepinbuff," i.e.Lie naked, workman in Baron Tripeaud's factory.This artisan is drunken, idle, noisy, and prodigal; he is not without sense, but idleness and debauch have ruined him.A clever agent, on whom we rely, has become acquainted with his mistress, Cephyse Soliveau, nicknamed the Bacchanal Queen.Through her means, the agent has formed such ties with him that he may even now be considered beyond the reach of the interests that ought to insure his presence in Paris on the 13th of February.

"`NOTE, No.V.

"`Gabriel Rennepont, priest of foreign missions, distant relation of the above, but he is alike ignorant of the existence of his relative and the relationship.An orphan foundling, he was adopted by Frances Baudoin, the wife of a soldier going by the name Dagobert.

"`Should this soldier, contrary to expectation, reach Paris, his wife would be a powerful means of influencing him.She is an excellent creature, ignorant and credulous, of exemplary piety, over whom we have long had unlimited control.She prevailed on Gabriel to take orders, notwithstanding his repugnance.

"'Gabriel is five-and-twenty; disposition as angelic as his countenance;

rare and solid virtues; unfortunately he was brought up with his adopted brother, Agricola, Dagobert's son.This Agricola is a poet and workman--

but an excellent workman; he is employed by M.Hardy; has imbibed the most detestable doctrines; fond of his mother; honest, laborious, but without religious feeling.Marked as very dangerous.This causes his intimacy with Gabriel to be feared.

"`The latter, notwithstanding his excellent qualities, sometimes causes uneasiness.We have even delayed confiding in him fully.A false step might make him, too, one of the most dangerous.Much precaution must be used then, especially till the 13th of February; since, we repeat it, on him, on his presence in Paris at that time, depend immense hopes and equally important interests.

"`Among other precautions, we have consented to his taking part in the American mission, for he unites with angelic sweetness of character a calm intrepidity and adventurous spirit which could only be satisfied by allowing him to engage in the perilous existence of the missionaries.

Luckily, his superiors at Charlestown have received the strictest orders not to endanger, on any account, so precious a life.They are to send him to Paris, at least a month or two before February 13th."'

Rodin's master again interrupted him, and said: "Read the letter from Charlestown, and see what it tells you in order to complete the information upon this point also."

When he had read the letter, Rodin went on: "Gabriel is expected every day from the Rocky Mountains, whither he had absolutely insisted on going alone upon a mission."

"What imprudence!"

"He has no doubt escaped all danger, as he himself announces his speedy return to Charlestown.As soon as he arrives, which cannot (they write)

be later than the middle of this month, he will be shipped off for France."

"Add this to the note which concerns him," said Rodin's master.

"It is written," replied the secretary, a few moments later.

"Proceed, then," said his master.Rodin continued "`NOTE, No.VI.


"`Distantly related (without knowing it) to Jacques Rennepont, alias Sleepinbuff, and Gabriel Rennepont, missionary priest.She will soon be twenty-one years of age, the most attractive person in the world--

extraordinary beauty, though red-haired--a mind remarkable for its originality--immense fortune--all the animal instincts.The incredible independence of her character makes one tremble for the future fate of this young person.Happily, her appointed guardian, Baron Tripeaud (a baron of 1829 creation, formerly agent to the late Count of Rennepont, Duke of Cardoville), is quite in the interest, and almost in the dependence, of the young lady's aunt.We count, with reason, upon this worthy and respectable relative, and on the Baron Tripeaud, to oppose and repress the singular, unheard-of designs which this young person, as resolute as independent, does not fear to avow--and which, unfortunately, cannot be turned to account in the interest of the affair in question--


Rodin was here interrupted by two discreet taps at the door.The secretary rose, went to see who knocked, remained a moment without, and then returned with two letters in his hand, saying: "The princess has profited by the departure of a courier to--"

"Give me the letter!" cried his master, without leaving him time to finish."At length," he added, "I shall have news of my mother--"

He had scarcely read the first few lines of the letter, when he grew deadly pale, and his features took an expression of painful astonishment and poignant grief."My mother!" he cried, "oh, heavens! my mother!"

"What misfortune has happened!" asked Rodin, with a look of alarm, as he rose at the exclamation of his master.

"The symptoms of improvement were fallacious," replied the other, dejectedly; "she has now relapsed into a nearly hopeless state.And yet the doctor thinks my presence might save her, for she calls for me without ceasing.She wishes to see me for the last time, that she may die in peace.Oh, that wish is sacred! Not to grant it would be matricide.If I can but arrive in time! Travelling day and night, it will take nearly two days."

"Alas! what a misfortune!" said Rodin, wringing his hands, and raising his eyes to heaven.

His master rang the bell violently, and said to the old servant that opened tile door: "Just put what is indispensable into the portmanteau of my travelling-carriage.Let the porter take a cab, and go for post-

horses instantly.Within an hour, I must be on the road.Mother!

mother!" cried he, as the servant departed in haste."Not to see her again--oh, it would be frightful!" And sinking upon a chair, overwhelmed with sorrow, he covered his face with his hands.

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