

Miss Notman simpered."You confuse me, Father!" she said softly.

"I speak from inward conviction, Miss Notman.To a looker-on, like myself, it is sad to see how many sweet women who might be angels in the households of worthy men prefer to lead a single life.The Church, I know, exalts the single life to the highest place.But even the Church allows exceptions to its rule.Under this roof, for example, I think I see two exceptions.One of them my unfeigned respect" (he bowed to Miss Notman) "forbids me to indicate more particularly.The other seems, to my humble view, to be the young lady of whom we have been speaking.Is it not strange that Miss Eyrecourt has never been married?"The trap had been elaborately set; Father Benwell had every reason to anticipate that Miss Notman would walk into it.The disconcerting housekeeper walked up to it--and then proved unable to advance a step further.

"I once made the same remark myself to Lady Loring," she said.

Father Benwell's pulse began to quicken its beat."Yes?" he murmured, in tones of the gentlest encouragement.

"And her ladyship," Miss Notman proceeded, "did not encourage me to go on.'There are reasons for not pursuing that subject,' she said; 'reasons into which, I am sure, you will not expect me to enter.' She spoke with a flattering confidence in my prudence, which I felt gratefully.Such a contrast to her tone when the omelet presented itself in the order of the dishes! As I said just now I am not a married woman.But if I proposed to my husband to give him an oyster-omelet after his puddings and his pies, I should not be surprised if he said to me, 'My dear, have you taken leave of your senses?' I reminded Lady Loring (most respectfully) that a _cheese_-omelette might be in its proper place if it followed the sweets.'An _oyster_-omelet,' Isuggested, 'surely comes after the birds?' I should be sorry to say that her ladyship lost her temper--I will only mention that Ikept mine.Let me repeat what she said, and leave you, Father, to draw your own conclusions.She said, 'Which of us is mistress in this house, Miss Notman? I order the oyster-omelet to come in with the cheese.' There was not only irritability, there was contempt--oh, yes! contempt in her tone.Out of respect for myself, I made no reply.As a Christian, I can forgive; as a wounded gentlewoman, I may not find it so easy to forget."Miss Notman laid herself back in her easy chair--she looked as if she had suffered martyrdom, and only regretted having been obliged to mention it.Father Benwell surprised the wounded gentlewoman by rising to his feet.

"You are not going away already, Father?""Time flies fast in your society, dear Miss Notman.I have an engagement--and I am late for it already."The housekeeper smiled sadly."At least let me hear that you don't disapprove of my conduct under trying circumstances," she said.

Father Benwell took her hand."A true Christian only feels offenses to pardon them," he remarked, in his priestly and paternal character."You have shown me, Miss Notman, that _you_are a true Christian.My evening has indeed been well spent.God bless you!"He pressed her hand; he shed on her the light of his fatherly smile; he sighed, and took his leave.Miss Notman's eyes followed him out with devotional admiration.

Father Benwell still preserved his serenity of temper when he was out of the housekeeper's sight.One important discovery he had made, in spite of the difficulties placed in his way.Acompromising circumstance had unquestionably occurred in Stella's past life; and, in all probability, a man was in some way connected with it."My evening has not been entirely thrown away," he thought, as he ascended the stairs which led from the housekeeper's room to the hall.

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  • 忆魂:缘灭


    他邪魅一笑,道:“你若爱我,毁了这万千世界,来证明啊。” 她也笑道:“好啊,我如你所愿。”纵然一跃,跳进了万劫不复之地,而天地随之变色。“不!”他墨色眸子变得血红,他怒吼,他......在痛哭。“身为本王的继承人,唯一的恶魔之子,无爱无欲便是你原应有的样子,我不过是帮了你一把。你不会不知道,她是生命之花,万物之源,她死,这世上所有的东西都会跟她一起毁灭。她跳下的是罪恶之源,她会永远消失在这个世界上,不复存在。哈哈哈。”缘生即缘灭,缘灭即缘生,分分合合,终是孽缘。 此书已改,请关新书
  • Pageant of Summer

    Pageant of Summer

  • 中国式问候

