

'Oh, bother the body!' said Alexander.'I mean about the other thing.That's serious.'

'Is that what my father spoke about?' asked John.'I don't even know what it is.'

'About your robbing your bank in California, of course,'

replied Alexander.

It was plain, from Flora's face, that this was the first she had heard of it; it was plainer still, from John's, that he was innocent.

'I!' he exclaimed.'I rob my bank! My God! Flora, this is too much; even you must allow that.'

'Meaning you didn't?' asked Alexander.

'I never robbed a soul in all my days,' cried John: 'except my father, if you call that robbery; and I brought him back the money in this room, and he wouldn't even take it!'

'Look here, John,' said his brother, 'let us have no misunderstanding upon this.Macewen saw my father; he told him a bank you had worked for in San Francisco was wiring over the habitable globe to have you collared - that it was supposed you had nailed thousands; and it was dead certain you had nailed three hundred.So Macewen said, and I wish you would be careful how you answer.I may tell you also, that your father paid the three hundred on the spot.'

'Three hundred?' repeated John.'Three hundred pounds, you mean? That's fifteen hundred dollars.Why, then, it's Kirkman!' he broke out.'Thank Heaven! I can explain all that.I gave them to Kirkman to pay for me the night before I left - fifteen hundred dollars, and a letter to the manager.What do they suppose I would steal fifteen hundred dollars for? I'm rich; I struck it rich in stocks.It's the silliest stuff I ever heard of.All that's needful is to cable to the manager: Kirkman has the fifteen hundred - find Kirkman.He was a fellow-clerk of mine, and a hard case; but to do him justice, I didn't think he was as hard as this.'

'And what do you say to that, Alick?' asked Flora.

'I say the cablegram shall go to-night!' cried Alexander, with energy.'Answer prepaid, too.If this can be cleared away - and upon my word I do believe it can - we shall all be able to hold up our heads again.Here, you John, you stick down the address of your bank manager.You, Flora, you can pack John into my bed, for which I have no further use to-night.As for me, I am off to the post-office, and thence to the High Street about the dead body.The police ought to know, you see, and they ought to know through John; and I can tell them some rigmarole about my brother being a man of highly nervous organisation, and the rest of it.And then, I'll tell you what, John - did you notice the name upon the cab?'

John gave the name of the driver, which, as I have not been able to command the vehicle, I here suppress.

'Well,' resumed Alexander, 'I'll call round at their place before I come back, and pay your shot for you.In that way, before breakfast-time, you'll be as good as new.'

John murmured inarticulate thanks.To see his brother thus energetic in his service moved him beyond expression; if he could not utter what he felt, he showed it legibly in his face; and Alexander read it there, and liked it the better in that dumb delivery.

'But there's one thing,' said the latter, 'cablegrams are dear; and I dare say you remember enough of the governor to guess the state of my finances.'

'The trouble is,' said John, 'that all my stamps are in that beastly house.'

'All your what?' asked Alexander.

'Stamps - money,' explained John.'It's an American expression; I'm afraid I contracted one or two.'

'I have some,' said Flora.'I have a pound note upstairs.'

'My dear Flora,' returned Alexander, 'a pound note won't see us very far; and besides, this is my father's business, and Ishall be very much surprised if it isn't my father who pays for it.'

'I would not apply to him yet; I do not think that can be wise,' objected Flora.

'You have a very imperfect idea of my resources, and not at all of my effrontery,' replied Alexander.'Please observe.'

He put John from his way, chose a stout knife among the supper things, and with surprising quickness broke into his father's drawer.

'There's nothing easier when you come to try,' he observed, pocketing the money.

'I wish you had not done that,' said Flora.'You will never hear the last of it.'

'Oh, I don't know,' returned the young man; 'the governor is human after all.And now, John, let me see your famous pass-key.Get into bed, and don't move for any one till I come back.They won't mind you not answering when they knock; Igenerally don't myself.'

  • 吕氏杂记


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  • 现代产科急危重症诊疗学


  • 某不科学的疾风警备员


    标签:魔禁、学园都市、某科学 作者:这是一个弱鸡警备员在试图在学园都市内装逼却被各种能力者、魔法师吊打的故事,纯爽文,单女主,另外,我永远喜欢上条当麻!上茵党万… 正在打字的作者被一把摔在墙上 上杉逸风抢过键盘:“你踏马写的啥?老子好歹也是个LV4,怎么就弱鸡了。”上杉逸风打字中:这是一个警备员维护学园都市正义,除暴安良,拯救失足…不,拯救失去梦想的瓜皮少年少女的励志故事,本文政治正确,符合学园都市核心价值观,非无敌流,不后宫,单女主,另外,我永远喜欢上条当…呸,我永远喜欢御坂美琴。上杉逸风:“简介你丫现在会写了吧?”作者(跪下递键盘):“你是主角,你来写。”