

A little gentleman drops in and "drops upon" Tartarin.

VAGUELY through the mud-dimmed glass Tartarin of Tarascon caught a glimpse of a second-rate but pretty town market-place, regular in shape, surrounded by colonnades and planted with orange-trees, in the midst of which what seemed toy leaden soldiers were going through the morning exercise in the clear roseate mist.

The cafes were shedding their shutters.In one corner there was a vegetable market.It was bewitching, but it did not smack of lions yet.

"To the South! farther to the South!" muttered the good old desperado, sinking back in his corner.

At this moment the door opened.A puff of fresh air rushed in, bearing upon its wings, in the perfume of the orange-blossoms, a little person in a brown frock-coat, old and dry, wrinkled and formal, his face no bigger than your fist, his neckcloth of black silk five fingers wide, a notary's letter-case, and umbrella -- the very picture of a village solicitor.

On perceiving the Tarasconian's warlike equipment, the little gentleman, who was seated over against him, appeared excessively surprised, and set to studying him with burdensome persistency.

The horses were taken out and the fresh ones put in, whereupon the coach started off again.The little weasel still gazed at Tartarin, who in the end took snuff at it.

"Does this astonish you?" he demanded, staring the little gentleman full in the face in his turn.

"Oh, dear, no! it only annoys me," responded the other, very tranquilly.

And the fact is, that, with his shelter-tent, revolvers, pair of guns in their cases, and hunting-knife, not to speak of his natural corpulence, Tartarin of Tarascon did take up a lot of room.

The little gentleman's reply angered him.

"Do you by any chance fancy that I am going lion-hunting with your umbrella?" queried the great man haughtily.

The little man looked at his umbrella, smiled blandly, and still with the same lack of emotion, inquired:

"Oho, then you are Monsieur" --

"Tartarin of Tarascon, lion-killer!"

In uttering these words the dauntless son of Tarascon shook the blue tassel of his fez like a mane.

Through the vehicle was a spell of stupefaction.

The Trappist brother crossed himself, the dubious women uttered little screams of affright, and the Orleansville photographer bent over towards the lion-slayer, already cherishing the unequalled honour of taking his likeness.

The little gentleman, though, was not awed.

"Do you mean to say that you have killed many lions, Monsieur Tartarin?" he asked, very quietly.

The Tarasconian received his charge in the handsomest manner.

"Is it many have I killed, Monsieur? I wish you had only as many hairs on your head as I have killed of them."All the coach laughed on observing three yellow bristles standing up on the little gentleman's skull.

In his turn, the Orleansville photographer struck in:

"Yours must he a terrible profession, Monsieur Tartarin.You must pass some ugly moments sometimes.I have heard that poor Monsieur Bombonnel" -- "Oh, yes, the panther-killer," said Tartarin, rather disdainfully.

"Do you happen to be acquainted with him?" inquired the insignificant person.

"Eh! of course! Know him? Why, we have been out on the hunt over twenty times together."The little gentleman smiled.

"So you also hunt panthers, Monsieur Tartarin?" he asked.

"Sometimes, just for pastime," said the fiery Tarasconian."But," he added, as he tossed his head with a heroic movement that inflamed the heart of the two sweethearts of.the regiment, "that's not worth lion-hunting.""When all's said and done," ventured the photographer, "a panther is nothing but a big cat.""Right you are!" said Tartarin, not sorry to abate the celebrated Bombonnel's glory a little, particularly in the presence of ladies.

Here the coach stopped.The conductor came to open the door, and addressed the insignificant little gentleman most respect- fully, saying:

"We have arrived, Monsieur."

The little gentleman got up, stepped out, and said, before the door was closed again:

"Will you allow me to give you a bit of advice, Monsieur Tartarin?""What is it, Monsieur?"

"Faith! you wear the look of a good sort of fellow, so I would, rather than not, let you have it.Get you back quickly to Tarascon, Monsieur Tartarin, for you are wasting your time here.There do remain a few panthers in the colony, but, out upon the big cats!

they are too small game for you.As for lion-hunting, that's all over.There are none left in Algeria, my friend Chassaing having lately knocked over the last."Upon which the little gentleman saluted, closed the door, and trotted away chuckling, with his document-wallet and umbrella.

"Guard," asked Tartarin, screwing up his face contemptuously, "who under the sun is that poor little mannikin?""What! don't you know him? Why, that there's Monsieur Bombonnel!"

  • Under Western Eyes

    Under Western Eyes

  • 既夕礼


  • 道德真经注


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  • 慈氏菩萨所说大乘缘生稻干喻经


  • 从容淡然做女人:女人的气场与魅力


  • 妖孽夫君:爆宠小狂妃


  • 主爱无休:赞美诗一百三十一首(孙更俊译丛)


  • 多维谜案


  • 天天营养百味:爽口美味菜


  • 城与人


  • 魔君的废后


  • 深入浅出职场心理学


  • 海狼


  • 北海恋人

