

"I have one.With it you and Esmeralda will be comparatively safe in this cabin while I am searching for your father and Mr.Philander.Come, call the woman and I will hurry on.They can't have gone far."Jane did as he suggested and when he saw the door close safely behind them Clayton turned toward the jungle.

Some of the sailors were drawing the spear from their wounded comrade and, as Clayton approached, he asked if he could borrow a revolver from one of them while he searched the jungle for the professor.

The rat-faced one, finding he was not dead, had regained his composure, and with a volley of oaths directed at Clayton refused in the name of his fellows to allow the young man any firearms.

This man, Snipes, had assumed the role of chief since he had killed their former leader, and so little time had elapsed that none of his companions had as yet questioned his authority.

Clayton's only response was a shrug of the shoulders, but as he left them he picked up the spear which had transfixed Snipes, and thus primitively armed, the son of the then Lord Greystoke strode into the dense jungle.

Every few moments he called aloud the names of the wanderers.

The watchers in the cabin by the beach heard the sound of his voice growing ever fainter and fainter, until at last it was swallowed up by the myriad noises of the primeval wood.

When Professor Archimedes Q.Porter and his assistant, Samuel T.Philander, after much insistence on the part of the latter, had finally turned their steps toward camp, they were as completely lost in the wild and tangled labyrinth of the matted jungle as two human beings well could be, though they did not know it.

It was by the merest caprice of fortune that they headed toward the west coast of Africa, instead of toward Zanzibar on the opposite side of the dark continent.

When in a short time they reached the beach, only to find no camp in sight, Philander was positive that they were north of their proper destination, while, as a matter of fact they were about two hundred yards south of it.

It never occurred to either of these impractical theorists to call aloud on the chance of attracting their friends' attention.

Instead, with all the assurance that deductive reasoning from a wrong premise induces in one, Mr.Samuel T.Philander grasped Professor Archimedes Q.Porter firmly by the arm and hurried the weakly protesting old gentleman off in the direction of Cape Town, fifteen hundred miles to the south.

When Jane and Esmeralda found themselves safely behind the cabin door the Negress's first thought was to barricade the portal from the inside.With this idea in mind she turned to search for some means of putting it into execution; but her first view of the interior of the cabin brought a shriek of terror to her lips, and like a frightened child the huge woman ran to bury her face on her mistress' shoulder.

Jane, turning at the cry, saw the cause of it lying prone upon the floor before them--the whitened skeleton of a man.

A further glance revealed a second skeleton upon the bed.

"What horrible place are we in?" murmured the awe-struck girl.But there was no panic in her fright.

At last, disengaging herself from the frantic clutch of the still shrieking Esmeralda, Jane crossed the room to look into the little cradle, knowing what she should see there even before the tiny skeleton disclosed itself in all its pitiful and pathetic frailty.

What an awful tragedy these poor mute bones proclaimed!

The girl shuddered at thought of the eventualities which might lie before herself and her friends in this ill-fated cabin, the haunt of mysterious, perhaps hostile, beings.

Quickly, with an impatient stamp of her little foot, she endeavored to shake off the gloomy forebodings, and turning to Esmeralda bade her cease her wailing.

"Stop, Esmeralda, stop it this minute!" she cried."You are only making it worse."She ended lamely, a little quiver in her own voice as she thought of the three men, upon whom she depended for protection, wandering in the depth of that awful forest.

Soon the girl found that the door was equipped with a heavy wooden bar upon the inside, and after several efforts the combined strength of the two enabled them to slip it into place, the first time in twenty years.

Then they sat down upon a bench with their arms about one another, and waited.

  • 笔髓论


  • 憨予暹禅师语录


  • 杂藏经


  • 星槎胜览


  • 作义要诀


  • 假面(下)


  • 白芷微


  • 绝宠之公子的恶妻


  • 那一天,那一眼,那一年


  • 如梦令(上)


  • 乱五代:五代史的另类解读


    本书作为第一部系统解读五代历史的通俗性、史论性读物,从多个视觉品读五代的人和事,试图寻找破解五代历史之所以“ 混乱”和“无耻”的密码。唐朝灭亡后,在中原一带相继出现了后梁、后唐、后晋、后汉、后周五个朝代,史称“五代”。五代存在了凡五十三年,共更换了八姓十四君。五代多武夫,五代多俗臣,他们抹杀仁义道德、败坏三纲五常,随处可见子弑、兄杀弟、军戏臣、臣反君的历史闹剧。
  • 战国策:超越国界与阶级的计谋全书


  • 明伦汇编皇极典国号部


  • 埋忧续集


  • 江湖怪异传

