

"This court finds the defendant not guilty, and the cruiser shall wait a few days longer that he may have an opportunity to come and thank the divine Portia.""For the Lord's sake honey," cried Esmeralda."You all don't mean to tell ME that you're going to stay right here in this here land of carnivable animals when you all got the opportunity to escapade on that boat? Don't you tell me THAT, honey.""Why, Esmeralda! You should be ashamed of yourself,"cried Jane."Is this any way to show your gratitude to the man who saved your life twice?""Well, Miss Jane, that's all jest as you say; but that there forest man never did save us to stay here.He done save us so we all could get AWAY from here.I expect he be mighty peevish when he find we ain't got no more sense than to stay right here after he done give us the chance to get away.

"I hoped I'd never have to sleep in this here geological garden another night and listen to all them lonesome noises that come out of that jumble after dark.""I don't blame you a bit, Esmeralda," said Clayton, "and you certainly did hit it off right when you called them `lonesome'

noises.I never have been able to find the right word for them but that's it, don't you know, lonesome noises.""You and Esmeralda had better go and live on the cruiser,"said Jane, in fine scorn."What would you think if you HAD to live all of your life in that jungle as our forest man has done?""I'm afraid I'd be a blooming bounder as a wild man,"laughed Clayton, ruefully."Those noises at night make the hair on my head bristle.I suppose that I should be ashamed to admit it, but it's the truth.""I don't know about that," said Lieutenant Charpentier."Inever thought much about fear and that sort of thing--never tried to determine whether I was a coward or brave man; but the other night as we lay in the jungle there after poor D'Arnot was taken, and those jungle noises rose and fell around us I began to think that I was a coward indeed.It was not the roaring and growling of the big beasts that affected me so much as it was the stealthy noises--the ones that you heard suddenly close by and then listened vainly for a repetition of--the unaccountable sounds as of a great body moving almost noiselessly, and the knowledge that you didn't KNOW how close it was, or whether it were creeping closer after you ceased to hear it? It was those noises--and the eyes.

"MON DIEU! I shall see them in the dark forever--the eyes that you see, and those that you don't see, but feel--ah, they are the worst."All were silent for a moment, and then Jane spoke.

"And he is out there," she said, in an awe-hushed whisper.

"Those eyes will be glaring at him to-night, and at your comrade Lieutenant D'Arnot.Can you leave them, gentlemen, without at least rendering them the passive succor which remaining here a few days longer might insure them?""Tut, tut, child," said Professor Porter."Captain Dufranne is willing to remain, and for my part I am perfectly willing, perfectly willing--as I always have been to humor your childish whims.""We can utilize the morrow in recovering the chest, Professor," suggested Mr.Philander.

"Quite so, quite so, Mr.Philander, I had almost forgotten the treasure," exclaimed Professor Porter."Possibly we can borrow some men from Captain Dufranne to assist us, and one of the prisoners to point out the location of the chest.""Most assuredly, my dear Professor, we are all yours to command," said the captain.

And so it was arranged that on the next day Lieutenant Charpentier was to take a detail of ten men, and one of the mutineers of the Arrow as a guide, and unearth the treasure;and that the cruiser would remain for a full week in the little harbor.At the end of that time it was to be assumed that D'Arnot was truly dead, and that the forest man would not return while they remained.Then the two vessels were to leave with all the party.

Professor Porter did not accompany the treasure-seekers on the following day, but when he saw them returning empty-handed toward noon, he hastened forward to meet them --his usual preoccupied indifference entirely vanished, and in its place a nervous and excited manner.

  • 女科指掌


  • 将发循州社日于所居


  • 时方妙用


  • 华严略疏


  • 张苍水诗文集


  • 一剑动神州


  • 潘家园书声


  • 第二审判


  • 土匪名单


  • 魔神传说


  • 台湾郑氏纪事


  • 大学生必知的重要历史人物


    本书讲述了上起公元前 9世纪的行吟诗人荷马,下迄20世纪中华人民共和国的缔造者、伟领袖毛泽东。从中我们可以领略到开国元勋的王者风范,思想家的深邃睿智,政治家的宦海浮沉,文学家的沧桑人生,艺术家的独具匠心,科学家的智慧灵感及施行探险家的神奇经历……
  • 名人名言金典1


  • 网游之有狐来袭


  • 嗨喽复仇公主们的恋爱史

