

"I did not run away," she whispered."I would only consent to leave when they had waited a week for you to return."They had come to a point beyond the fire now, and he had turned back to the clearing.

Side by side they were walking toward the cottage.The wind had changed once more and the fire was burning back upon itself--another hour like that and it would be burned out.

"Why did you not return?" she asked.

"I was nursing D'Arnot.He was badly wounded.""Ah, I knew it!" she exclaimed.

"They said you had gone to join the blacks--that they were your people."He laughed.

"But you did not believe them, Jane?"

"No;--what shall I call you?" she asked."What is your name?""I was Tarzan of the Apes when you first knew me," he said.

"Tarzan of the Apes!" she cried--"and that was your note I answered when I left?""Yes, whose did you think it was?"

"I did not know; only that it could not be yours, for Tarzan of the Apes had written in English, and you could not understand a word of any language."Again he laughed.

"It is a long story, but it was I who wrote what I could not speak--and now D'Arnot has made matters worse by teaching me to speak French instead of English.

"Come," he added, "jump into my car, we must overtake your father, they are only a little way ahead."As they drove along, he said:

"Then when you said in your note to Tarzan of the Apes that you loved another--you might have meant me?""I might have," she answered, simply.

"But in Baltimore--Oh, how I have searched for you--they told me you would possibly be married by now.That a man named Canler had come up here to wed you.Is that true?""Yes."

"Do you love him?"


"Do you love me?"

She buried her face in her hands.

"I am promised to another.I cannot answer you, Tarzan of the Apes," she cried.

"You have answered.Now, tell me why you would marry one you do not love.""My father owes him money."

Suddenly there came back to Tarzan the memory of the letter he had read--and the name Robert Canler and the hinted trouble which he had been unable to understand then.

He smiled.

"If your father had not lost the treasure you would not feel forced to keep your promise to this man Canler?""I could ask him to release me."

"And if he refused?"

"I have given my promise."

He was silent for a moment.The car was plunging along the uneven road at a reckless pace, for the fire showed threateningly at their right, and another change of the wind might sweep it on with raging fury across this one avenue of escape.

Finally they passed the danger point, and Tarzan reduced their speed.

"Suppose I should ask him?" ventured Tarzan.

"He would scarcely accede to the demand of a stranger,"said the girl."Especially one who wanted me himself.""Terkoz did," said Tarzan, grimly.

Jane shuddered and looked fearfully up at the giant figure beside her, for she knew that he meant the great anthropoid he had killed in her defense.

"This is not the African jungle," she said."You are no longer a savage beast.You are a gentleman, and gentlemen do not kill in cold blood.""I am still a wild beast at heart," he said, in a low voice, as though to himself.

Again they were silent for a time.

"Jane," said the man, at length, "if you were free, would you marry me?"She did not reply at once, but he waited patiently.

The girl was trying to collect her thoughts.

What did she know of this strange creature at her side?

What did he know of himself? Who was he? Who, his parents?

Why, his very name echoed his mysterious origin and his savage life.

He had no name.Could she be happy with this jungle waif? Could she find anything in common with a husband whose life had been spent in the tree tops of an African wilderness, frolicking and fighting with fierce anthropoids;tearing his food from the quivering flank of fresh-killed prey, sinking his strong teeth into raw flesh, and tearing away his portion while his mates growled and fought about him for their share?

Could he ever rise to her social sphere? Could she bear to think of sinking to his? Would either be happy in such a horrible misalliance?

"You do not answer," he said."Do you shrink from wounding me?""I do not know what answer to make," said Jane sadly."Ido not know my own mind."

"You do not love me, then?" he asked, in a level tone.

"Do not ask me.You will be happier without me.You were never meant for the formal restrictions and conventionalities of society--civilization would become irksome to you, and in a little while you would long for the freedom of your old life--a life to which I am as totally unfitted as you to mine.""I think I understand you," he replied quietly."I shall not urge you, for I would rather see you happy than to be happy myself.I see now that you could not be happy with--an ape."There was just the faintest tinge of bitterness in his voice.

"Don't," she remonstrated."Don't say that.You do not understand."But before she could go on a sudden turn in the road brought them into the midst of a little hamlet.

Before them stood Clayton's car surrounded by the party he had brought from the cottage.

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