

Sword-thrusts in the Water (concluded)

D'Artagnan's apartment was not unoccupied, for the Comte de la Fere, seated in the recess of a window, awaited him.

"Well," said he to D'Artagnan, as he saw him enter.

"Well," said the latter, "M.de Wardes has done me the honor to pay me a visit, in company with some of his own friends, as well as of ours." In fact, behind the musketeer appeared De Wardes and Manicamp followed by De Guiche and Buckingham, who looked surprised, not knowing what was expected of them.

Raoul was accompanied by two or three gentlemen; and, as he entered, glanced round the room, and perceiving the count, he went and placed himself by his side.D'Artagnan received his visitors with all the courtesy he was capable of; he preserved his unmoved and unconcerned look.All the persons present were men of distinction, occupying posts of honor and credit at the court.After he had apologized to each of them for any inconvenience he might have put them to, he turned towards De Wardes, who, in spite of his customary self-command, could not prevent his face betraying some surprise mingled with not a little uneasiness.

"Now, monsieur," said D'Artagnan, "since we are no longer within the precincts of the king's palace, and since we can speak out without failing in respect to propriety, I will inform you why I have taken the liberty to request you to visit me here, and why I have invited these gentlemen to be present at the same time.My friend, the Comte de la Fere, has acquainted me with the injurious reports you are spreading about myself.You have stated that you regard me as your mortal enemy, because I was, so you affirm, that of your father.""Perfectly true, monsieur, I have said so," replied De Wardes, whose pallid face became slightly tinged with color.

"You accuse me, therefore, of a crime, or a fault, or of some mean and cowardly act.Have the goodness to state your charge against me in precise terms.""In the presence of witnesses?"

"Most certainly in the presence of witnesses; and you see Ihave selected them as being experienced in affairs of honor.""You do not appreciate my delicacy, monsieur.I have accused you, it is true; but I have kept the nature of the accusation a perfect secret.I entered into no details; but have rested satisfied by expressing my hatred in the presence of those on whom a duty was almost imposed to acquaint you with it.You have not taken the discreetness Ihave shown into consideration, although you were interested in remaining silent.I can hardly recognize your habitual prudence in that, M.d'Artagnan."D'Artagnan, who was quietly biting the corner of his mustache, said, "I have already had the honor to beg you to state the particulars of the grievances you say you have against me.""Aloud?"

"Certainly, aloud."

"In that case, I will speak."

"Speak, monsieur," said D'Artagnan, bowing; "we are all listening to you.""Well, monsieur, it is not a question of a personal injury towards myself, but one towards my father.""That you have already stated."

"Yes, but there are certain subjects which are only approached with hesitation.""If that hesitation, in your case, really does exist, Ientreat you to overcome it."

"Even if it refer to a disgraceful action?""Yes; in every and any case."

Those who were present at this scene had, at first, looked at each other with a good deal of uneasiness.They were reassured, however, when they saw that D'Artagnan manifested no emotion whatever.

De Wardes still maintained the same unbroken silence.

"Speak, monsieur," said the musketeer; "you see you are keeping us waiting.""Listen, then: -- My father loved a lady of noble birth, and this lady loved my father." D'Artagnan and Athos exchanged looks.De Wardes continued: "M.d'Artagnan found some letters which indicated a rendezvous, substituted himself, under disguise, for the person who was expected, and took advantage of the darkness.""That is perfectly true," said D'Artagnan.

A slight murmur was heard from those present."Yes, I was guilty of that dishonorable action.You should have added, monsieur, since you are so impartial, that, at the period when the circumstance which you have just related, happened, I was not one-and-twenty years of age.""Such an action is not the less shameful on that account,"said De Wardes; "and it is quite sufficient for a gentleman to have attained the age of reason, to avoid committing an act of indelicacy."A renewed murmur was heard, but this time of astonishment, and almost of doubt.

"It was a most shameful deception, I admit," said D'Artagnan, "and I have not waited for M.de Wardes's reproaches to reproach myself for it, and very bitterly, too.Age has, however, made me more reasonable, and above all, more upright; and this injury has been atoned for by a long and lasting regret.But I appeal to you, gentlemen;this affair took place in 1626, at a period, happily for yourselves, known to you by tradition only, at a period when love was not over scrupulous, when consciences did not distill, as in the present day, poison and bitterness.We were young soldiers, always fighting, or being attacked, our swords always in our hands, or at least ready to be drawn from their sheaths.Death then always stared us in the face, war hardened us, and the cardinal pressed us sorely.I have repented of it, and more than that -- I still repent it, M.

de Wardes."

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