

"There is play and play, Monsieur d'Herblay.""How much have you lost?" inquired Aramis, with a slight uneasiness.

Fouquet collected himself a moment, and then, without the slightest emotion, said, "The evening has cost me four millions," and a bitter laugh drowned the last vibration of these words.

Aramis, who did not expect such an amount, dropped his pen.

"Four millions," he said; "you have lost four millions, --impossible!"

"Monsieur Colbert held my cards for me," replied the superintendent, with a similar bitter laugh.

"Ah, now I understand; so, so, a new application for funds?""Yes, and from the king's own lips.It was impossible to ruin a man with a more charming smile.What do you think of it?""It is clear that your destruction is the object in view.""That is your opinion?"

"Still.Besides, there is nothing in it which should astonish you, for we have foreseen it all along""Yes; but I did not expect four millions.""No doubt the amount is serious, but, after all, four millions are not quite the death of a man, especially when the man in question is Monsieur Fouquet.""My dear D'Herblay, if you knew the contents of my coffers, you would be less easy.""And you promised?"

"What could I do?"

"That's true."

"The very day I refuse, Colbert will procure the money;whence I know not, but he will procure it: and I shall be lost.""There is no doubt of that.In how many days did you promise these four millions?""In three days.The king seemed exceedingly pressed.""In three days?"

"When I think," resumed Fouquet, "that just now as I passed along the streets, the people cried out, `There is the rich Monsieur Fouquet,' it is enough to turn my brain.""Stay, monsieur, the matter is not worth so much trouble,"said Aramis, calmly, sprinkling some sand over the letter he had just written.

"Suggest a remedy, then, for this evil without a remedy.""There is only one remedy for you, -- pay.""But it is very uncertain whether I have the money.

Everything must be exhausted; Belle-Isle is paid for; the pension has been paid; and money, since the investigation of the accounts of those who farm the revenue, is scarce.

Besides, admitting that I pay this time, how can I do so on another occasion? When kings have tasted money, they are like tigers who have tasted flesh, they devour everything.

The day will arrive -- must arrive -- when I shall have to say, `Impossible, sire,' and on that very day I am a lost man."Aramis raised his shoulders slightly, saying:

"A man in your position, my lord, is only lost when he wishes to be so.""A man, whatever his position may be, cannot hope to struggle against a king.""Nonsense; when I was young I wrestled successfully with the Cardinal Richelieu, who was king of France, -- nay more --cardinal."

"Where are my armies, my troops, my treasures? I have not even Belle-Isle.""Bah! necessity is the mother of invention, and when you think all is lost, something will be discovered which will retrieve everything.""Who will discover this wonderful something?""Yourself."

"I! I resign my office of inventor."

"Then I will."

"Be it so.But set to work without delay.""Oh! we have time enough!"

"You kill me, D'Herblay, with your calmness," said the superintendent, passing his handkerchief over his face.

"Do you not remember that I one day told you not to make yourself uneasy, if you possessed courage? Have you any?""I believe so."

"Then don't make yourself uneasy."

  • 次商於感旧寄卢中丞


  • The Last of the Plainsmen

    The Last of the Plainsmen

  • 隋唐嘉话


  • 净土晨钟


  • 海桑文集


  • 独宠纨绔妃:腹黑殿下靠边站


  • 世界著名寓言(语文新课标课外必读第十二辑)


  • 竹庄诗话


  • 天之斓


  • 七国春秋平话


  • 末世之阴谋之雨


  • 哪有什么运气 不过是我们暗自努力

    哪有什么运气 不过是我们暗自努力

    本书精选了畅销书作家陈昂200余首新诗,共分为“那年初见 如花美眷”“文艺腮红 不语不言”“往事如烟 浅笑而安”“余生很长 何必慌忙”等十一个专辑。这些诗歌既有清新唯美的“抒情哲理诗”,也有朦胧精湛的“截句诗”。诗歌主题积极向上,昂扬而又超脱。陈昂的写作笔法清新、精炼,简短的语言呈现多维的立体感。陈昂的创作是“青春期写作(春草派风格)”,他的每一首诗都有大方简单而内涵唯美的外衣,静静品味会发现诗的本质与内涵,领悟到诗歌底蕴里蕴含的“家国情怀”和对“宇宙”对“人生”的思考。这些诗歌里潜伏的“正能量”正是我们洗涤灵魂、陶冶情操、慰藉心灵的“刚需”,特别适合生活中迷茫的年轻人阅读。
  • 末世雷临


    末世灵气复苏!阴谋、丧尸、神?终将在雷霆之中湮灭!(无系统、不重生、不建基地,于末世中流浪,只为复仇!) ps:本书异能体系可以参考海贼王。 形同虚设的书友群:901843047
  • 异世界所不为人知的故事


  • 小花仙之库安蜜恋

