

"No, sir," replied Bob, with no remains of the clown about him, save and except the extreme redness of his cheeks.

"You are sure you did not, sir?" said Mr.Winkle, senior.

"Oh dear, yes, sir, quite," replied Bob.

"I thought you did, sir," rejoined the old gentleman, with indignant emphasis."Perhaps you looked at me, sir?""Oh, no! sir, not at all," replied Bob, with extreme civility.

"I am very glad to hear it, sir," said Mr.Winkle, senior.Having frowned upon the abashed Bob with great magnificence, the old gentleman again brought the letter to the light, and began to read it seriously.

Mr.Pickwick eyed him intently as he turned from the bottom line of the first page to the top line of the second, and from the bottom of the second to the top of the third, and from the bottom of the third, to the top of the fourth; but not the slightest alteration of countenance afforded a clue to the feelings with which he received the announcement of his son's marriage, which Mr.Pickwick knew was in the very first half-dozen lines.

He read the letter to the last word; folded it again with all the carefulness and precision of a man of business; and, just when Mr.Pickwick expected some great outbreak of feeling, dipped a pen in the inkstand, and said as quietly as if he were speaking on the most ordinary counting-house topic:

"What is Nathaniel's address, Mr.Pickwick?""The George and Vulture, at present," replied that gentleman.

"George and Vulture.Where is that?"

"George Yard, Lombard Street."

"In the City?"


The old gentleman methodically indorsed the address on the back of the letter; and then, placing it in the desk, which he locked, said as he got off the stool and put the bunch of keys in his pocket:

"I suppose there is nothing else which need detain us, Mr.Pickwick?""Nothing else, my dear sir!" observed that warm-hearted person in indignant amazement."Nothing else! Have you no opinion to express on this momentous event in our young friend's life? No assurance to convey to him, through me, of the continuance of your affection and protection? Nothing to say which will cheer and sustain him, and the anxious girl who looks to him for comfort and support? My dear sir, consider.""I will consider," replied the old gentleman."I have nothing to say just now.I am a man of business, Mr.Pickwick.I never commit myself hastily in any affair, and from what I see of this, I by no means like the appearance of it.A thousand pounds is not much, Mr.Pickwick.""You're very right, sir," interposed Ben Allen, just awake enough to know that he had spent his thousand pounds without the smallest difficulty."You're an intelligent man.Bob, he's a very knowing fellow this.""I am very happy to find that you do me the justice to make the admission, sir," said Mr.Winkle, senior, looking contemptuously at Ben Allen, who was shaking his head profoundly."The fact is, Mr.Pickwick, that when I gave my son a roving licence for a year or so, to see something of men and manners (which he has done under your auspices), so that he might not enter into life a mere boarding-school milk-sop to be gulled by everybody, I never bargained for this.He knows that, very well, so if I withdraw my countenance from him on this account, he has no call to be surprised.He shall hear from me, Mr.Pickwick.Good night, sir.Margaret, open the door."All this time, Bob Sawyer had been nudging Mr.Ben Allen to say something on the right side; Ben accordingly now burst, without the slightest preliminary notice, into a brief but impassioned piece of eloquence.

"Sir," said Mr.Ben Allen, staring at the old gentleman, out of a pair of very dim and languid eyes, and working his right arm vehemently up and down, "you--you ought to be ashamed of yourself.""As the lady's brother, of course you are an excellent judge of the question," retorted Mr.Winkle, senior."There; that's enough.Pray say no more, Mr.Pickwick.Good night, gentlemen!"With these words the old gentleman took up the candlestick, and opening the room door, politely motioned towards the passage.

"you will regret this, sir," said Mr.Pickwick, setting his teeth close together to keep down his choler; for he felt how important the effect might prove to his young friend.

"I am at present of a different opinion," calmly replied Mr.Winkle, senior."Once again, gentlemen, I wish you a good night."Mr.Pickwick walked, with angry strides, into the street.Mr.Bob Sawyer, completely quelled by the decision of the old gentleman's manner, took the same course.Mr.Ben Allen's hat rolled down the steps immediately afterwards, and Mr.Ben Allen's body followed it directly.The whole party went silent and supperless to bed; and Mr.Pickwick thought, just before he fell asleep, that if he had known Mr.Winkle, senior, had been quite so much of a man of business, it was extremely probable he might never have waited upon him on such an errand.

[Next Chapter] [Table of Contents]The Pickwick Papers: Chapter 51[Previous Chapter] [Table of Contents]

  • 译语


  • 定慧相资歌


  • 三国志评话


  • A Woman of No Importance

    A Woman of No Importance

  • 渴门


  • 智囊一日一思


  • CEO谈管理


  • 千古一战神:韩信


    《千古一战神韩信》毫无疑问是值得仔细阅读的佳作。本书通过精 悍的叙述、有力的点评、生动的语言,诠释了秦亡汉兴的真实历史画卷, 展现了一代战神韩信神机妙算、英明果敢、儿女情长的一生,如同璀璨的 繁星从历史的天空划过,留给世人以无限的仰慕与尊敬。
  • 当家传人左十三


  • 美丽新世界


  • 笑笑的爱情来了


  • 快穿攻略之男神别闹


  • 这不是动物园


  • 民俗实用大全(中国民间文化丛书)


  • 世界的梦里我们曾存在过

