

Many a backward look they gave at the Farm, as they walked slowly away:

and many a kiss did Mr.Snodgrass waft in the air, in acknowledgment of something very like a lady's handkerchief, which was waved from one of the upper windows, until a turn of the lane hid the old house from their sight.

At Muggleton they procured a conveyance to Rochester.By the time they reached the last-named place, the violence of their grief had sufficiently abated to admit of their making a very excellent early dinner; and having procured the necessary information relative to the road, the three friends set forward again in the afternoon to walk to Cobham.

A delightful walk it was: for it was a pleasant afternoon in June, and their way lay through a deep and shady wood, cooled by the light wind which gently rustled the thick foliage, and enlivened by the songs of the birds that perched upon the boughs.The ivy and the moss crept in thick clusters over the old trees, and the soft green turf overspread the ground like a silken mat.They emerged upon an open park, with an ancient hall, displaying the quaint and picturesque architecture of Elizabeth's time.Long vistas of stately oaks and elm trees appeared on every side: large herds of deer were cropping the fresh grass; and occasionally a startled hare scoured along the ground, with the speed of the shadows thrown by the light clouds which swept across a sunny landscape like a passing breath of summer.

"If this," said Mr.Pickwick, looking about him, "if this were the place to which all who are troubled with our friend's complaint came, I fancy their old attachment to this world would very soon return.""I think so too," said Mr.Winkle.

"And really," added Mr.Pickwick, after half an hour's walking had brought them to the village, "really, for a misanthrope's choice, this is one of the prettiest and most desirable places of residence I ever met with."In this opinion also, both Mr.Winkle and Mr.Snodgrass expressed their concurrence; and having been directed to the Leathern Bottle, a clean and commodious village ale-house, the three travellers entered, and at once inquired for a gentleman of the name of Tupman.

"Show the gentlemen into the parlour, Tom," said the landlady.

A stout country lad opened a door at the end of the passage, and the three friends entered a long, low-roofed room, furnished with a large number of high-backed leather-cushioned chairs of fantastic shapes, and embellished with a great variety of old portraits and roughly-coloured prints of some antiquity.At the upper end of the room there was a table, with a white cloth upon it, well covered with a roast fowl, bacon, ale, and et ceteras;and at the table sat Mr.Tupman, looking as unlike a man who had taken his leave of the world, as possible.

On the entrance of his friends, that gentleman laid down his knife and fork, and with a mournful air advanced to meet them.

"I did not expect to see you here," he said, as he grasped Mr.Pickwick's hand."It's very kind.""Ah!" said Mr.Pickwick, sitting down, and wiping from his forehead the perspiration which the walk had engendered.

"Finish your dinner, and walk out with me.I wish to speak to you alone."Mr.Tupman did as he was desired; and Mr.Pickwick having refreshed himself with a copious draught of ale, waited his friend's leisure.The dinner was quickly despatched, and they walked out together.

For half an hour, their forms might have been seen pacing the churchyard to and fro, while Mr.Pickwick was engaged in combatting his companion's resolution.Any repetition of his arguments would be useless; for what language could convey to them that energy and force which their great originator's manner communicated? Whether Mr.Tupman was already tired of retirement, or whether he was wholly unable to resist the eloquent appeal which was made to him, matters not, he did not resist it at last.

"It mattered little to him," he said, "where he dragged out the miserable remainder of his days: and since his friend laid so much stress upon his humble companionship, he was willing to share his adventures."Mr.Pickwick smiled; they shook hands; and walked back to re-join their companions.

It was at this moment that Mr.Pickwick made that immortal discovery, which has been the pride and boast of his friends, and the envy of every antiquarian in this or any other country.They had passed the door of their inn, and walked a little way down the village, before they recollected the precise spot in which it stood.As they turned back, Mr.Pickwick's eye fell upon a small broken stone, partially buried in the ground, in front of a cottage door.He paused.

"This is very strange," said Mr.Pickwick.

"What is strange?" inquired Mr.Tupman, staring eagerly at every object near him, but the right one."God bless me, what's the matter?"This last was an ejaculation of irrepressible astonishment, occasioned by seeing Mr.Pickwick, in his enthusiasm for discovery, fall on his knees before the little stone, and commence wiping the dust off it with his pocket-handkerchief.

"There is an inscription here," said Mr.Pickwick.

"Is it possible?" said Mr.Tupman.

"I can discern," continued Mr.Pickwick, rubbing away with all his might, and gazing intently through his spectacles: "I can discern a cross, and a B, and then a T.This is important," continued Mr.Pickwick, starting up."This is some very old inscription, existing perhaps long before the ancient alms-houses in this place.It must not be lost."He tapped at the cottage door.A labouring man opened it.

"Do you know how this stone came here, my friend?" inquired the benevolent Mr.Pickwick.

"No, I doan't, sir," replied the man civilly."It was here long afore I war born, or any on us."Mr.Pickwick glanced triumphantly at his companion.

"You--you--are not particularly attached to it, I daresay," said Mr.

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