

introducing his friend! Could he believe his eyes! He looked again, and was under the painful necessity of admitting the veracity of his optics;Mrs.Budger was dancing with Mr.Tracy Tupman, there was no mistaking the fact.There was the widow before him, bouncing bodily, here and there, with unwonted vigour; and Mr.Tracy Tupman hopping about, with a face expressive of the most intense solemnity, dancing (as a good many people do) as if a quadrille were not a thing to be laughed at, but a severe trial to the feelings, which it requires inflexible resolution to encounter.

Silently and patiently did the Doctor bear all this, and all the handings of negus, and watching for glasses, and darting for biscuits, and coquetting, that ensued; but, a few seconds after the stranger had disappeared to lead Mrs.Budger to her carriage, he darted swiftly from the room with every particle of his hitherto-bottled-up indignation effervescing, from all parts of his countenance, in a perspiration of passion.

The stranger was returning, and Mr.Tupman was beside him.He spoke in a low tone, and laughed.The little Doctor thirsted for his life.He was exulting.He had triumphed.

"Sir!" said the Doctor, in an awful voice, producing a card, and retiring into an angle of the passage, "my name is Slammer, Doctor Slammer, sir--97th Regiment--Chatham Barracks--my card, sir, my card." He would have added more, but his indignation choked him.

"Ah!" replied the stranger, coolly, "Slammer--much obliged--polite attention--not ill now, Slammer--but when I am--knock you up.""You--you're a shuffler! sir," gasped the furious Doctor, "a poltroon--a coward--a liar--a--a--will nothing induce you to give me your card, sir?""Oh! I see," said the stranger, half aside, "negus too strong here--liberal landlord--very foolish--very--lemonade much better--hot rooms--elderly gentlemen--suffer for it in the morning--cruel--cruel;" and he moved on a step or two.

"You are stopping in this house, sir," said the indignant little man;"you are intoxicated now, sir; you shall hear from me in the morning, sir.

I shall find you out, sir; I shall find you out.""Rather you found me out than found me at home," replied the unmoved stranger.

Doctor Slammer looked unutterable ferocity, as he fixed his hat on his head with an indignant knock; and the stranger and Mr.Tupman ascended to the bedroom of the latter to restore the borrowed plumage to the unconscious Winkle.

That gentleman was fast asleep; the restoration was soon made.The stranger was extremely jocose; and Mr.Tracy Tupman, being quite bewildered with wine, negus, lights, and ladies, thought the whole affair an exquisite joke.His new friend departed; and, after experiencing some slight difficulty in finding the orifice in his night-cap, originally intended for the reception of his head, and finally overturning his candlestick in his struggles to put it on, Mr.Tracy Tupman managed to get into bed by a series of complicated evolutions, and shortly afterwards sank into repose.

Seven o'clock had hardly ceased striking on the following morning when Mr.Pickwick's comprehensive mind was aroused from the state of unconsciousness, in which slumber had plunged it, by a loud knocking at his chamber door.

"Who's there?" said Mr.Pickwick, starting up in bed.

"Boots, sir."

"What do you want?"

"Please, sir, can you tell me, which gentleman of your party wears a bright blue dress coat, with a gilt button with P.C.on it?""It's been given out to brush," thought Mr.Pickwick, "and the man has forgotten whom it belongs to.--Mr.Winkle," he called out, "next room but two, on the right hand.""Thank'ee sir," said the Boots, and away he went.

"What's the matter?" cried Mr.Tupman, as a loud knocking at his door roused him from his oblivious repose.

"Can I speak to Mr.Winkle, sir?" replied the Boots from the outside.

"Winkle--Winkle!" shouted Mr.Tupman, calling into the inner room.

"Hallo!" replied a faint voice from within the bed-clothes.

"You're wanted--some one at the door--" and having exerted himself to articulate thus much, Mr.Tracy Tupman turned round and fell fast asleep again.

"Wanted!" said Mr.Winkle, hastily jumping out of bed, and putting on a few articles of clothing: "wanted! at this distance from town--who on earth can want me?""Gentleman in the coffee-room, sir," replied the Boots, as Mr.Winkle opened the door, and confronted him; "gentleman says he'll not detain you a moment, sir, but he can take no denial.""Very odd!" said Mr.Winkle; "I'll be down directly."He hurriedly wrapped himself in a travelling-shawl and dressing-gown, and proceeded down-stairs.An old woman and a couple of waiters were cleaning the coffee-room, and an officer in undress uniform was looking out of the window.He turned round as Mr.Winkle entered, and made a stiff inclination of the head.Having ordered the attendants to retire, and closed the door very carefully, he said, "Mr.Winkle, I presume?""My name is Winkle, sir."

"You will not be surprised, sir, when I inform you, that I have called here this morning on behalf of my friend, Dr.Slammer, of the Ninety-seventh.""Doctor Slammer!" said Mr.Winkle.

  • 养只丧尸当老公


    ?影凌雨原创小说唐落霜正在睡觉的时间,穿越到了一个由吸收灵气修炼的空架世界,除了各种灵兽会修炼成人形外,还有个别传染上了一种像丧尸病毒一样东西,女主不是为了正义当活菩萨,而是在享受生活外,以做生意买卖的方式赚取利益和信誉。她的最终目标是,在这个未知领域开一家连锁店,顺道还撸了一个失忆男人当“弟弟”,不过也只是想把猪养肥了再杀的意思。= ̄ω ̄=“喂!作者,能不能不要把我写得这么邪恶啊,我本人可是很温柔贤惠的。”>O<“别嚷嚷,好好休息,明天有你忙的。”哼╭(╯^╰)╮。本小说,不算末日小说,千万别被名字古惑了哟。
  • 瞬间读懂人心


  • 流言


  • 清浊界


  • 爱你是我唯一的温暖


  • 掌纹


  • 原来爱你这么久


  • 计算机实用技术


  • 快穿攻略:黑化BOSS有毒


  • 穿越之妃本倾城

