

She had sent him away the first time, and he had gone without a murmur; only to come back loyal as ever, silent, watchful, sympathetic, his love for her deeper, stronger than before, and--as always timely--bringing to her a companionship at the moment of all others when she was most alone.

Now she had driven him from her again, and this time, she very well knew, it was to be forever.She had shut the door upon this great love.

Laura stirred abruptly in her place, adjusting her hair with nervous fingers.

And, last of all, it had been Jadwin, her husband.She rose and went to the window, and stood there a long moment, looking off into the night over the park.It was warm and very still.A few carriage lamps glimpsed among the trees like fireflies.Along the walks and upon the benches she could see the glow of white dresses and could catch the sound of laughter.Far off somewhere in the shrubbery, she thought she heard a band playing.To the northeast lay the lake, shimmering under the moon, dotted here and there with the coloured lights of steamers.

She turned back into the room.The great house was still.From all its suites of rooms, its corridors, galleries, and hallways there came no sound.There was no one upon the same floor as herself.She had read all her books.It was too late to go out--and there was no one to go with.To go to bed was ridiculous.

She was never more wakeful, never more alive, never more ready to be amused, diverted, entertained.

She thought of the organ, and descending to the art gallery, played Bach, Palestrina, and Stainer for an hour; then suddenly she started from the console, with a sharp, impatient movement of her head.

"Why do I play this stupid music?" she exclaimed.She called a servant and asked:

"Has Mr.Jadwin come in yet?"

"Mr.Gretry just this minute telephoned that Mr.Jadwin would not be home to-night."When the servant had gone out Laura, her lips compressed, flung up her head.Her hands shut to hard fists, her eye flashed.Rigid, erect in the middle of the floor, her arms folded, she uttered a smothered exclamation over and over again under her breath.

All at once anger mastered her--anger and a certain defiant recklessness, an abrupt spirit of revolt.She straightened herself suddenly, as one who takes a decision.Then, swiftly, she went out of the art gallery, and, crossing the hallway, entered the library and opened a great writing-desk that stood in a recess under a small stained window.

She pulled the sheets of note paper towards her and wrote a short letter, directing the envelope to Sheldon Corthell, The Fine Arts Building, Michigan Avenue.

"Call a messenger," she said to the servant who answered her ring, "and have him take--or send him in here when he comes."She rested the letter against the inkstand, and leaned back in her chair, looking at it, her fingers plucking swiftly at the lace of her dress.Her head was in a whirl.A confusion of thoughts, impulses, desires, half-formed resolves, half-named regrets, swarmed and spun about her.She felt as though she had all at once taken a leap--a leap which had landed her in a place whence she could see a new and terrible country, an unfamiliar place--terrible, yet beautiful--unexplored, and for that reason all the more inviting, a place of shadows.

Laura rose and paced the floor, her hands pressed together over her heart.She was excited, her cheeks flushed, a certain breathless exhilaration came and went within her breast, and in place of the intolerable ennui of the last days, there came over her a sudden, an almost wild animation, and from out her black eyes there shot a kind of furious gaiety.

But she was aroused by a step at the door.The messenger stood there, a figure ridiculously inadequate for the intensity of all that was involved in the issue of the hour--a weazened, stunted boy, in a uniform many sizes too large.

Laura, seated at her desk, held the note towards him resolutely.Now was no time to hesitate, to temporise.

If she did not hold to her resolve now, what was there to look forward to? Could one's life be emptier than hers--emptier, more intolerable, more humiliating?

"Take this note to that address," she said, putting the envelope and a coin in the boy's hand."Wait for an answer."The boy shut the letter in his book, which he thrust into his breast pocket, buttoning his coat over it.He nodded and turned away.

Still seated, Laura watched him moving towards the door.Well, it was over now.She had chosen.She had taken the leap.What new life was to begin for her to-morrow? What did it all mean? With an inconceivable rapidity her thoughts began racing through, her brain.

She did not move.Her hands, gripped tight together, rested upon the desk before her.Without turning her head, she watched the retreating messenger, from under her lashes.He passed out of the door, the curtain fell behind him.

And only then, when the irrevocableness of the step was all but an accomplished fact, came the reaction.

"Stop!" she cried, springing up."Stop! Come back here.Wait a moment."What had happened? She could neither understand nor explain.Somehow an instant of clear vision had come, and in that instant a power within her that was herself and not herself, and laid hold upon her will.No, no, she could not, she could not, after all.She took the note back.

"I have changed my mind," she said, abruptly."You may keep the money.There is no message to be sent."As soon as the boy had gone she opened the envelope and read what she had written.But now the words seemed the work of another mind than her own.They were unfamiliar; they were not the words of the Laura Jadwin she knew.Why was it that from the very first hours of her acquaintance with this man, and in every circumstance of their intimacy, she had always acted upon impulse? What was there in him that called into being all that was reckless in her?

  • 文殊指南图赞


  • 澎湖考略


  • 续高僧传


  • 咏袜


  • 蓬折箴


  • 邪王轻狂:绝宠弃后炼药师


  • 根本说一切有部毗奈耶破僧事


  • 隋唐:盛极而衰的黄金时代


    隋唐时期,中华大地再次迎来大一统。这一次,与其说是武力征服万邦,不如说是文明宣威各族。唐帝国以恢宏、自信的气度开辟了前所未有的文明盛世:诗歌的繁兴、歌舞的风行、书画的臻盛、文明的多样……然而,盛极而衰,唐帝国被安史之乱、藩镇割据、宦官之祸推入覆灭的深渊,一个充满反叛、杀戮、饥荒、瘟疫、欺骗、背叛的五代季世来临。在这三个多世纪里,无上光荣与血雨腥风交错, “英雄”的个人命运与历史进程的“偶然性”交融,成就了这一繁华而复杂的时代。隋文帝文治武功,统一南北;唐太宗励精图治,君临万邦;唐玄宗英武明决,开创盛世;周世宗神武雄略,奠定大宋基础。在统一与分裂的两极之间,长孙无忌、房玄龄等开国元勋,李光弼、郭子仪等中兴大将,安禄山、史思明、黄巢、朱温等乱世之雄,他们在雄心霸业、机变权谋的挟裹下,演绎出一段段有血有肉、令人神往的故事,讲述着千年梦萦、神韵悠扬的英雄历史。
  • 陈汉雄谜案追踪之魔影系列(中国好小说)


  • 敢钓我娘,滚开


  • 兵经百言


  • 守护上官瑾瑜


  • 一吻成情:偷心小暖妻


  • 月光之绊1


  • 探秘(世界未解之谜)

