

"Say, boy," he began, "you ought to know.They tell me there may be trouble between England and Turkey over the Higgins-Pasha incident, and that the British Foreign Office has threatened the Sultan with an ultimatum.I can see the market if that's so.""Nothing in it," retorted Kelly."But I'll find out--to make sure, by jingo."

Meanwhile Landry had gained the top of the stairs, and turning to the right, passed through a great doorway, and came out upon the floor of the Board of Trade.

It was a vast enclosure, lighted on either side by great windows of coloured glass, the roof supported by thin iron pillars elaborately decorated.To the left were the bulletin blackboards, and beyond these, in the northwest angle of the floor, a great railed-in space where the Western Union Telegraph was installed.To the right, on the other side of the room, a row of tables, laden with neatly arranged paper bags half full of samples of grains, stretched along the east wall from the doorway of the public room at one end to the telephone room at the other.

The centre of the floor was occupied by the pits.To the left and to the front of Landry the provision pit, to the right the corn pit, while further on at the north extremity of the floor, and nearly under the visitors' gallery, much larger than the other two, and flanked by the wicket of the official recorder, was the wheat pit itself.

Directly opposite the visitors' gallery, high upon the south wall a great dial was affixed, and on the dial a marking hand that indicated the current price of wheat, fluctuating with the changes made in the Pit.Just now it stood at ninety-three and three-eighths, the closing quotation of the preceding day.

As yet all the pits were empty.It was some fifteen minutes after nine.Landry checked his hat and coat at the coat room near the north entrance, and slipped into an old tennis jacket of striped blue flannel.Then, hatless, his hands in his pockets, he leisurely crossed the floor, and sat down in one of the chairs that were ranged in files upon the floor in front of the telegraph enclosure.He scrutinised again the despatches and orders that he held in his hands; then, having fixed them in his memory, tore them into very small bits, looking vaguely about the room, developing his plan of campaign for the morning.

In a sense Landry Court had a double personality.Away from the neighbourhood and influence of La Salle Street, he was "rattle-brained," absent-minded, impractical, and easily excited, the last fellow in the world to be trusted with any business responsibility.

But the thunder of the streets around the Board of Trade, and, above all, the movement and atmosphere of the floor itself awoke within him a very different Landry Court; a whole new set of nerves came into being with the tap of the nine-thirty gong, a whole new system of brain machinery began to move with the first figure called in the Pit.And from that instant until the close of the session, no floor trader, no broker's clerk nor scalper was more alert, more shrewd, or kept his head more surely than the same young fellow who confused his social engagements for the evening of the same day.The Landry Court the Dearborn girls knew was a far different young man from him who now leaned his elbows on the arms of the chair upon the floor of the Board, and, his eyes narrowing, his lips tightening, began to speculate upon what was to be the temper of the Pit that morning.

Meanwhile the floor was beginning to fill up.Over in the railed-in space, where the hundreds of telegraph instruments were in place, the operators were arriving in twos and threes.They hung their hats and ulsters upon the pegs in the wall back of them, and in linen coats, or in their shirt-sleeves, went to their seats, or, sitting upon their tables, called back and forth to each other, joshing, cracking jokes.Some few addressed themselves directly to work, and here and there the intermittent clicking of a key began, like a diligent cricket busking himself in advance of its mates.

From the corridors on the ground floor up through the south doors came the pit traders in increasing groups.

The noise of footsteps began to echo from the high vaulting of the roof.A messenger boy crossed the floor chanting an unintelligible name.

The groups of traders gradually converged upon the corn and wheat pits, and on the steps of the latter, their arms crossed upon their knees, two men, one wearing a silk skull cap all awry, conversed earnestly in low tones.

Winston, a great, broad-shouldered bass-voiced fellow of some thirty-five years, who was associated with Landry in executing the orders of the Gretry-Converse house, came up to him, and, omitting any salutation, remarked, deliberately, slowly:

"What's all this about this trouble between Turkey and England?"But before Landry could reply a third trader for the Gretry Company joined the two.This was a young fellow named Rusbridge, lean, black-haired, a constant excitement glinting in his deep-set eyes.

"Say," he exclaimed, "there's something in that, there's something in that!""Where did you hear it?" demanded Landry.

"Oh--everywhere." Rusbridge made a vague gesture with one arm."Hirsch seemed to know all about it.It appears that there's talk of mobilising the Mediterranean squadron.Darned if I know.""Might ask that 'Inter-Ocean' reporter.He'd be likely to know.I've seen him 'round here this morning, or you might telephone the Associated Press," suggested Landry."The office never said a word to _me._""Oh, the 'Associated.' They know a lot always, don't they?" jeered Winston."Yes, I rung 'em up.They 'couldn't confirm the rumour.' That's always the way.

  • 佩玉斋类稿


  • 商虫篇


  • 龙江船厂志


  • 澎湖厅志


  • 黄庭坚诗全集


  • 处世故事(影响青少年一生的中华典故)


  • 傲慢与偏见


  • 大唐仙凡传


  • 进退与攻守:中国历史人物的博弈对局


  • 我在古代养媳妇


  • 无敌巨鲲进化系统


  • 亡灵异闻簿


  • 嫁给帝君之后


  • 拂柳临池


  • 重生之最强星际女王

