董明珠,在格力近三十年的岁月里,背负了太多。在格力打市场的时候,她是销售界的铁娘子,竞争对手忌惮她,说她“走过的路不长草”;在公司面临转型之际,她受命掌舵格力,带领集团转型求变。和雷军的十亿赌约,让董明珠迅速成为了舆论的焦点。她亲自代言格力手机,时而怒骂股东,时而在真人秀节目眼泛泪光,她让人们知道,哦,企业家原来可以这样的。这两年,站在聚光灯下的董明珠倒腾出了很多事情,几乎每一个事件都能让舆论热议很久。然而,在热度消退之后,有没有人思考过,董明珠要干什么?人们关注她骂人放狠话,却未曾真正去了解董明珠的种种举动是为了什么?人们关注她赌上全部身家投资了一家新能源汽车公司,却未曾了解董明珠的目的……Peter Nimble and His Fantastic Eyes
From the New York Times bestselling author of The Night Gardener, Peter Nimble and His Fantastic Eyes is the utterly beguiling tale of a ten-year-old blind orphan who has been schooled in a life of thievery. One fateful afternoon, he steals a box from a mysterious traveling haberdasher—a box that contains three pairs of magical eyes. When he tries the first pair, he is instantly transported to a hidden island where he is presented with a special quest: to travel to the dangerous Vanished Kingdom and rescue a people in need. Along with his loyal sidekick—a knight who has been turned into an unfortunate combination of horse and cat—and the magic eyes, he embarks on an unforgettable, swashbuckling adventure to discover his true destiny. Be sure to read the companion book, Sophie Quire and the Last Storyguard. Praise for Peter Nimble and His Fantastic Eyes "Auxier has a juggler's dexterity with prose that makes this fantastical tale quicken the senses."-Kirkus Reviews总裁威武,娶个杀手当老婆