There is,it is visible,great variety in men's understandings,and their natural constitutions put so wide a difference between some men in this respect that art and industry would never be able to master,and their very natures seem to want a foundation to raise on it that which other men easily attain un to.Amongst men of equal education there is great inequality of parts.And the woods of America,as well as the schools of Athens,produce men of several abilities in the same kind.Though this be so,Whet Imagine most men come very short of what they might attain unto in their several degrees by a neglect of their understandings.A few rules of logic are thought sufficient in this case for those who pretend to the highest improvement,whereas I think there are a great many natural defects in the understanding capable of amendment which are overlooked and wholly neglected.And it is easy to perceive that men are guilty of a great many faults in the exercise and improvement of this faculty of the mind which hinder them in their progress and keep them in ignorance and error all their lives.Some of them I shall take notice of and endeavor to point out proper remedies for in the following discourse.
对于现代女性而言,在和平年代,经济上的解放才是真正的解放,在男人面前,女人的财富,能保障自己的尊严。当然有钱不一定就有尊严,但是,没有钱会在某种程度上让女人丧失尊严。 女人如果不能从经济上解放自己,往往很难保障自己身为女人的尊严。女人不能挣钱,现实生活中往往把自己搞得很狼狈。连起码的生活自主能力都没有,这是对生命尊严的亵渎。女性朋友,为什么不把自己的人生创造得更美丽一些呢?现在开始,正是你需要改变的时候,为了美丽人生,努力地向前冲吧!田园闺秀