
第6章 II(4)

"Well,I'm not going to make you a gift.Borrow twelve hundred livres from me.For how long do you want the money?""I really don't know how soon I can repay you.""Let's say a year,and reckon the interest.Sit down there,you baby,and write out a promissory note."Maitre Quennebert made some further show of resistance,but at last yielded to the widow's importunity.It is needless to say that the whole thing was a comedy on his part,except that he really needed the money.But he did not need it to replace a sum of which a faithless friend had robbed him,but to satisfy his own creditors,who,out of all patience with him,were threatening to sue him,and his only reason for seeking out Madame de Rapally was to take advantage of her generous disposition towards himself.His feigned delicacy was intended to induce her to insist so urgently,that in accepting he should not fall too much in her esteem,but should seem to yield to force.And his plan met with complete success,for at the end of the transaction he stood higher than ever in the opinion of his fair creditor,on account of the noble sentiments he had expressed.The note was written out in legal form and the money counted down on the spot.

"How glad I am!"said she then,while Quennebert still kept up some pretence of delicate embarrassment,although he could not resist casting a stolen look at the bag of crowns lying on the table beside his cloak."Do you intend to go back to Saint Denis to-night?"Even had such been his intention,the notary would have taken very good care not to say so;for he foresaw the accusations of imprudence that would follow,the enumeration of the dangers by the way;and it was quite on the cards even that,having thus aroused his fears,his fair hostess should in deference to them offer him hospitality for the night,and he did not feel inclined for an indefinitely prolonged tete-a-tete.

"No;"he said,"I am going to sleep at Maitre Terrasson's,rue des Poitevins;I have sent him word to expect me.But although his house is only a few yards distant,I must leave you earlier than I could have wished,on account of this money.""Will you think of me?"

"How can you ask?"replied Quennebert,with a sentimental expression.

"You have compelled me to accept the money,but--I shall not be happy till I have repaid you.Suppose this loan should make us fall out?""You may be quite sure that if you don't pay when the bill falls due,I shall have recourse to the law.""Oh,I know that very well."

"I shall enforce all my rights as a creditor.""I expect nothing else."

"I shall show no pity."

And the widow gave a saucy laugh and shook her finger at him.

"Madame Rapally,"said the notary,who was most anxious to bring this conversation to an end,dreading every moment that it would take a languishing tone,-"Madame Rapally,will you add to your goodness by granting me one more favour?""What is it?"

The gratitude that is simulated is not difficult to bear,but genuine,sincere gratitude,such as I feel,is a heavy burden,as Ican assure you.It is much easier to give than to receive.Promise me,then,that from now till the year is up there shall be no more reference between us to this money,and that we shall go on being good friends as before.Leave it to me to make arrangements to acquit myself honourably of my obligations towards you.I need say no more;till a year's up,mum's the word."It shall be as you desire,Maitre Quennebert,"answered Madame Rapally,her eyes shining with delight."It was never my intention to lay you under embarrassing obligations,and I leave it all to you.

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