

Only one woman.She came late,and outstayed them all.AQuaker,or Friend,as they call themselves.I think this woman Was known by that name in heaven.A homely body,coarsely dressed in gray and white.Deborah (for Haley had let her in)took notice of her.She watched them all--sitting on the end of the pallet,holding his head in her arms with the ferocity of a watch-dog,if any of them touched the body.There was no meekness,no sorrow,in her face;the stuff out of which murderers are made,instead.All the time Haley and the woman were laying straight the limbs and cleaning the cell,Deborah sat still,keenly watching the Quaker's face.Of all the crowd there that day,this woman alone had not spoken to her,--only once or twice had put some cordial to her lips.After they all were gone,the woman,in the same still,gentle way,brought a vase of wood-leaves and berries,and placed it by the pallet,then opened the narrow window.The fresh air blew in,and swept the woody fragrance over the dead face,Deborah looked up with a quick wonder.

"Did hur know my boy wud like it?Did hur know Hugh?""I know Hugh now."

The white fingers passed in a slow,pitiful way over the dead,worn face.There was a heavy shadow in the quiet eyes.

"Did hur know where they'll bury Hugh?"said Deborah in a shrill tone,catching her arm.

This had been the question hanging on her lips all day.

"In t'town-yard?Under t'mud and ash?T'lad'll smother,woman!He wur born in t'lane moor,where t'air is frick and strong.Take hur out,for God's sake,take hur out where t'air blows!"The Quaker hesitated,but only for a moment.She put her strong arm around Deborah and led her to the window.

"Thee sees the hills,friend,over the river?Thee sees how the light lies warm there,and the winds of God blow all the day?

I live there,--where the blue smoke is,by the trees.Look at me,"She turned Deborah's face to her own,clear and earnest,"Thee will believe me?I will take Hugh and bury him there to-morrow."

Deborah did not doubt her.As the evening wore on,she leaned against the iron bars,looking at the hills that rose far off,through the thick sodden clouds,like a bright,unattainable calm.As she looked,a shadow of their solemn repose fell on her face;its fierce discontent faded into a pitiful,humble quiet.Slow,solemn tears gathered in her eyes:the poor weak eyes turned so hopelessly to the place where Hugh was to rest,the grave heights looking higher and brighter and more solemn than ever before.The Quaker watched her keenly.She came to her at last,and touched her arm.

"When thee comes back,"she said,in a low,sorrowful tone,like one who speaks from a strong heart deeply moved with remorse or pity,"thee shall begin thy life again,--there on the hills.Icame too late;but not for thee,--by God's help,it may be."Not too late.Three years after,the Quaker began her work.Iend my story here.At evening-time it was light.There is no need to tire you with the long years of sunshine,and fresh air,and slow,patient Christ-love,needed to make healthy and hopeful this impure body and soul.There is a homely pine house,on one of these hills,whose windows overlook broad,wooded slopes and clover-crimsoned meadows,--niched into the very place where the light is warmest,the air freest.It is the Friends'meeting-house.Once a week they sit there,in their grave,earnest way,waiting for the Spirit of Love to speak,opening their simple hearts to receive His words.There is a woman,old,deformed,who takes a humble place among them:waiting like them:in her gray dress,her worn face,pure and meek,turned now and then to the sky.A woman much loved by these silent,resfful people;more silent than they,more humble,more loving.Waiting:with her eyes turned to hills higher and purer than these on which she lives,dim and far off now,but to be reached some day.There may be in her heart some latent hope to meet there the love denied her here,--that she shall find him whom she lost,and that then she will not be all-unworthy.Who blames her?Something is lost in the passage of every soul from one eternity to the other,--something pure and beautiful,which might have been and was not:a hope,a talent,a love,over which the soul mourns,like Esau deprived of his birthright.What blame to the meek Quaker,if she took her lost hope to make the hills of heaven more fair?

Nothing remains to tell that the poor Welsh puddler once lived,but this figure of the mill-woman cut in korl.I have it here in a corner of my library.I keep it hid behind a curtain,--it is such a rough,ungainly thing.Yet there are about it touches,grand sweeps of outline,that show a master's hand.

Sometimes,--to-night,for instance,--the curtain is accidentally drawn back,and I see a bare arm stretched out imploringly in the darkness,and an eager,wolfish face watching mine:a wan,woful face,through which the spirit of the dead korl-cutter looks out,with its thwarted life,its mighty hunger,its unfinished work.Its pale,vague lips seem to tremble with a terrible question."Is this the End?"they say,--"nothing beyond?no more?"Why,you tell me you have seen that look in the eyes of dumb brutes,--horses dying under the lash.I know.

The deep of the night is passing while I write.The gas-light wakens from the shadows here and there the objects which lie scattered through the room:only faintly,though;for they belong to the open sunlight.As I glance at them,they each recall some task or pleasure of the coming day.A half-moulded child's head;Aphrodite;a bough of forest-leaves;music;work;homely fragments,in which lie the secrets of all eternal truth and beauty.Prophetic all!Only this dumb,woful face seems to belong to and end with the night.I turn to look at it.Has the power of its desperate need commanded the darkness away?

While the room is yet steeped in heavy shadow,a cool,gray light suddenly touches its head like a blessing hand,and its groping arm points through the broken cloud to the far East,where,in the flickering,nebulous crimson,God has set the promise of the Dawn.

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    最受欢迎的斯坦福大学心理课!本书按控制自己——征服自己——肯定自己——创造自己这样一根线索,从人的思想、行为、习惯、性格、人际关系等多方面多角度出发,全面阐述了一个人获得成功所需要克服的种种来自于自己的障碍。书中的每一章都从一个侧面帮助你解决现实中的每一个难题,解开你思想上的谜团和精神上的枷锁,帮助你矫正各种不良的行为习惯和思维方式。 美好的人生,从心理自控开始。当你拥有强大的自控力,你将彻底告别自卑、生气、抱怨、焦虑、拖延、赖床等一切不良心理和习惯;你的人脉会更宽广、身体会更健康、家庭会更融洽、收入会更高、事业会更成功。
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