

The candle flared a pale yellow light over the cobwebbed brick walls,and the woman standing there.He looked at her.She was young,in deadly earnest;her faded eyes,and wet,ragged figure caught from their frantic eagerness a power akin to beauty.

"Hugh,it is true!Money ull do it!Oh,Hugh,boy,listen till me!He said it true!It is money!""I know.Go back!I do not want you here."

"Hugh,it is t'last time.I'll never worrit hur again."There were tears in her voice now,but she choked them back:

"Hear till me only to-night!If one of t'witch people wud come,them we heard oft'home,and gif hur all hur wants,what then?Say,Hugh!""What do you mean?"

"I mean money.

Her whisper shrilled through his brain.

"If one oft'witch dwarfs wud come from t'lane moors to-night,and gif hur money,to go out,--OUT,I say,--out,lad,where t'sun shines,and t'heath grows,and t'ladies walk in silken gownds,and God stays all t'time,--where t'man lives that talked to us to-night,Hugh knows,--Hugh could walk there like a king!"He thought the woman mad,tried to check her,but she went on,fierce in her eager haste.

"If I were t'witch dwarf,if I had t'money,wud hur thank me?

Wud hur take me out o'this place wid hur and Janey?I wud not come into the gran'house hur wud build,to vex hur wid t'hunch,--only at night,when t'shadows were dark,stand far off to see hur."Mad?Yes!Are many of us mad in this way?

"Poor Deb!poor Deb!"he said,soothingly.

"It is here,"she said,suddenly,jerking into his hand a small roll."I took it!I did it!Me,me!--not hur!I shall be hanged,I shall be burnt in hell,if anybody knows I took it!

Out of his pocket,as he leaned against t'bricks.Hur knows?"She thrust it into his hand,and then,her errand done,began to gather chips together to make a fire,choking down hysteric sobs.

"Has it come to this?"

That was all he said.The Welsh Wolfe blood was honest.The roll was a small green pocket-book containing one or two gold pieces,and a check for an incredible amount,as it seemed to the poor puddler.He laid it down,hiding his face again in his hands.

"Hugh,don't be angry wud me!It's only poor Deb,--hur knows?"He took the long skinny fingers kindly in his.

"Angry?God help me,no!Let me sleep.I am tired."He threw himself heavily down on the wooden bench,stunned with pain and weariness.She brought some old rags to cover him.

It was late on Sunday evening before he awoke.I tell God's truth,when I say he had then no thought of keeping this money.

Deborah had hid it in his pocket.He found it there.She watched him eagerly,as he took it out.

"I must gif it to him,"he said,reading her face.

"Hur knows,"she said with a bitter sigh of disappointment.

"But it is hur right to keep it."

His right!The word struck him.Doctor May had used the same.

He washed himself,and went out to find this man Mitchell.His right!Why did this chance word cling to him so obstinately?

Do you hear the fierce devils whisper in his ear,as he went slowly down the darkening street?

The evening came on,slow and calm.He seated himself at the end of an alley leading into one of the larger streets.His brain was clear to-night,keen,intent,mastering.It would not start back,cowardly,from any hellish temptation,but meet it face to face.Therefore the great temptation of his life came to him veiled by no sophistry,but bold,defiant,owning its own vile name,trusting to one bold blow for victory.

He did not deceive himself.Theft!That was it.At first the word sickened him;then he grappled with it.Sitting there on a broken cart-wheel,the fading day,the noisy groups,the church-bells'tolling passed before him like a panorama,while the sharp struggle went on within.This money!He took it out,and looked at it.If he gave it back,what then?He was going to be cool about it.

People going by to church saw only a sickly mill-boy watching them quietly at the alley's mouth.They did not know that he was mad,or they would not have gone by so quietly:mad with hunger;stretching out his hands to the world,that had given so much to them,for leave to live the life God meant him to live.

His soul within him was smothering to death;he wanted so much,thought so much,and knew--nothing.There was nothing of which he was certain,except the mill and things there.Of God and heaven he had heard so little,that they were to him what fairy-land is to a child:something real,but not here;very far off.

His brain,greedy,dwarfed,full of thwarted energy and unused powers,questioned these men and women going by,coldly,bitterly,that night.Was it not his right to live as they,--a pure life,a good,true-hearted life,full of beauty and kind words?He only wanted to know how to use the strength within him.His heart warmed,as he thought of it.He suffered himself to think of it longer.If he took the money?

Then he saw himself as he might be,strong,helpful,kindly.

The night crept on,as this one image slowly evolved itself from the crowd of other thoughts and stood triumphant.He looked at it.As he might be!What wonder,if it blinded him to delirium,--the madness that underlies all revolution,all progress,and all fall?

You laugh at the shallow temptation?You see the error underlying its argument so clearly,--that to him a true life was one of full development rather than self-restraint?that he was deaf to the higher tone in a cry of voluntary suffering for truth's sake than in the fullest flow of spontaneous harmony?

I do not plead his cause.I only want to show you the mote in my brother's eye:then you can see clearly to take it out.

  • 续夷坚志


  • 文献太子挽歌词五首


  • 九转灵砂大丹


  • 王梵志诗集


  • 文选注


  • 我的心上人是没见过面的未婚妻


  • 十里竹林录华年


  • 呼兰河传(中小学生必读丛书)


  • 从超神学院开始征服万界


  • 我们也是好孩子


  • 我国职业篮球法律范问题的研究


  • 霸道总裁枕上妻


  • 如此京华(叶小凤)


  • 长风伴星眠


  • 所有的温柔都给你


    苏卿儿都快烦死了,只是一次正常急救,却惹到一只狼狗,总是喜欢撩她逗她……顾少辰也没想到,偶然情况下,会遇到一只纯纯的小兔子,一撩就脸红,简直是可爱死了…… 苏卿儿真想一掌拍死自己,喝醉酒主动投怀送抱,还说出想一辈子抱着香香的他睡觉这样的混话! 顾少辰更是没想到,电梯门一打开,心心念念的人儿就扑到他怀里,还说想抱一辈子。 既然都这样说了,那他就光明正大求娶,正好他也想抱着香香的她一辈子。 婚后小剧场 苏卿儿:好痒,别蹭了,你快把胡子刮了。 顾少辰:卿儿给我刮。 苏卿儿:不要。 顾少辰:(撒娇)我就要卿儿给我刮,谁让你是我老婆的嘛。 苏卿儿:晚上要吹干头发才能睡。 顾少辰:那卿儿帮我吹,嗯呀,谁让你是我老婆的嘛! 苏卿儿撩过他的发丝,这手感也太好了吧,好滑好柔呀。 顾少辰:(深意一笑)嗯?顺毛吗? 苏卿儿:我不是你老婆的嘛,摸一下还不行了。 顾少辰:(揽过怀中的人儿)摸多少下都行,这可是只有我老婆才有的特权哦。