二十世纪三十年代末。上海滩富家子弟丁信诚、徐蕴昌、周治仁是大学里十分要好的同窗,三人常常结伴出入十里洋场,歌厅舞榭。在一次舞会中,英俊潇洒的丁信诚,与美丽清纯的舞女罗苡一见倾心,双双坠入情网,岂料受到双方家长的强烈反对。丁母执意要儿子娶银行家的小姐主卓如为妻,她看不起出身贫寒,父亲是抗日志士的罗苡。罗母则认为丁小开是逢场作戏,没有真情,反对女儿与丁信诚深交,避免始乱终弃。在重重压力之下。丁信诚不改初衷,毕业后拒绝了在上海高薪厚禄的职位,到南京做一名自食其力的卡车司机,以行动取得罗苡的信任……The Runaway's Gold
In 1842, Christopher Robertson's family lives a difficult life as "crofters," farmers and fishermen so in debt to the landowner that they have no hope of ever breaking free. To make matters worse, Christopher also lives under the thumb of his morally questionable father and devious brother. When his brother frames him for the theft of their father's secret bag of coins, Christopher must leave his home and embark on a journey across the island to return the coins and clear his name. It's a journey that takes twists and turns, including stops in prison, on a smuggler's ship, and at the house of a beautiful girl —and it ends with him escaping to a new life in America, which has dangers of its own.喇嘛代报案(中篇小说)