

"I was expecting you,"said the girl."Well,if I haven't frightened him!"She laughed so delightfully that I recovered and laughed too.

"Why,"she explained,"I just knew you'd not stay in there.Which side are you going to butter your bread this evening?""You had smelt it?"said I,still cloudy with surprise."Yes.

Unquestionably.Very rancid."She glanced oddly at me,and,with less fellowship in her tone,said,"I was going to warn you--"when suddenly,down at the corrals,the boys began to shoot at large."Oh,dear!"she cried,starting up."There's trouble.""Not trouble,"I assured her."Too many are firing at once to be in earnest.And you would be safe here.""Me?A lady without escort?Well,I should reckon so!Leastways,we are respected where I was raised.I was anxious for the gentlemen ovah yondah.Shawhan,K.C.branch of the Louavull an'Nashvull,is my home."The words "Louisville and Nashville"spoke creamily of Blue-grass.

"Unescorted all that way!"I exclaimed.

"Isn't it awful?"said she,tilting her head with a laugh,and showing the pistol she carried."But we've always been awful in Kentucky.Now Isuppose New York would never speak to poor me as it passed by?"And she eyed me with capable,good-humored satire.

"Why New York?"I demanded."Guess again."

"Well,"she debated,"well,cowboy clothes and city language--he's English!"she burst out;and then she turned suddenly red,and whispered to herself,reprovingly,"If I'm not acting rude!""Oh!"said I,rather familiarly.

"It was,sir;and please to excuse me.If you had started joking so free with me,I'd have been insulted.When I saw you--the hat and everything--I took you--You see I've always been that used to talking to--to folks around!"Her bright face saddened,memories evidently rose before her,and her eyes grew distant.

I wished to say,"Treat me as 'folks around,'"but this tall country girl had put us on other terms.On discovering I was not "folks around,"she had taken refuge in deriding me,but swiftly feeling no solid ground there,she drew a firm,clear woman's line between us.Plainly she was a comrade of men,in her buoyant innocence secure,yet by no means in the dark as to them.

"Yes,unescorted two thousand miles,"she resumed,"and never as far as twenty from home till last Tuesday.I expect you'll have to be scandalized,for I'd do it right over again to-morrow.""You've got me all wrong,"said I."I'm not English;I'm not New York.Iam good American,and not bounded by my own farm either.No sectional line,or Mason and Dixon,or Missouri River tattoos me.But you,when you say United States,you mean United Kentucky!""Did you ever!"said she,staring at what was Greek to her--as it is to most Americans."And so if you had a sister back East,and she and you were all there was of you any more,and she hadn't seen you since--not since you first took to staying out nights,and she started to visit you,you'd not tell her 'Fie for shame'?""I'd travel my money's length to meet her!"said I.

A wave of pain crossed her face."Nate didn't know,"she said then,lightly."You see,Nate's only a boy,and regular thoughtless about writing."Ah!So this Nate never wrote,and his sister loved and championed him!

Many such stray Nates and Bobs and Bills galloped over Wyoming,lost and forgiven.

"I'm starting for him in the Buffalo stage,"continued the girl.

"Then I'll have your company on a weary road,"said I;for my journey was now to that part of the cattle country.

"To Buffalo?"she said,quickly."Then maybe you--maybe--My brother is Nate Buckner."She paused."Then you're not acquainted with him?""I may have seen him,"I answered,slowly."But faces and names out here come and go."I knew him well enough.He was in jail,convicted of forgery last week,waiting to go to the penitentiary for five years.And even this wild border community that hated law courts and punishments had not been sorry,for he had cheated his friends too often,and the wide charity of the sage-brush does not cover that sin.Beneath his pretty looks and daring skill with horses they had found vanity and a cold,false heart;but his sister could not.Here she was,come to find him after lonely years,and to this one soul that loved him in the world how was I to tell the desolation and the disgrace?I was glad to hear her ask me if the stage went soon after supper.

"Now isn't that a bother?"said she,when I answered that it did not start till morning.She glanced with rueful gayety at the hotel."Never mind,"she continued,briskly;"I'm used to things.I'll just sit up somewhere.Maybe the agent will let me stay in the office.You're sure all that shooting's only jollification?""Certain,"I said."But I'll go and see."

"They always will have their fun,"said she."But I hate to have a poor boy get hurt--even him deserving it!""They use pistols instead of fire-crackers,"said I."But you must never sleep in that office.I'll see what we can do.""Why,you're real kind!"she exclaimed,heartily.And I departed,wondering what I ought to do.

Perhaps I should have told you before that Separ was a place once--a sort of place;but you will relish now,I am convinced,the pithy fable of its name.

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