

I saw no raven,but the librarian--the same slender elderly man,in a rusty black coat,large in the body and long in the tails.Ihad seen only his back before;now for the first time I saw his face.It was so thin that it showed the shape of the bones under it,suggesting the skulls his last-claimed profession must have made him familiar with.But in truth I had never before seen a face so alive,or a look so keen or so friendly as that in his pale blue eyes,which yet had a haze about them as if they had done much weeping.

"You knew I was not a raven!"he said with a smile.

"I knew you were Mr.Raven,"I replied;"but somehow I thought you a bird too!""What made you think me a bird?"

"You looked a raven,and I saw you dig worms out of the earth with your beak.""And then?"

"Toss them in the air."

"And then?"

"They grew butterflies,and flew away."

"Did you ever see a raven do that?I told you I was a sexton!""Does a sexton toss worms in the air,and turn them into butterflies?""Yes."

"I never saw one do it!"

"You saw me do it!--But I am still librarian in your house,for Inever was dismissed,and never gave up the office.Now I am librarian here as well.""But you have just told me you were sexton here!""So I am.It is much the same profession.Except you are a true sexton,books are but dead bodies to you,and a library nothing but a catacomb!""You bewilder me!"

"That's all right!"

A few moments he stood silent.The woman,moveless as a statue,stood silent also by the coffin-door.

"Upon occasion,"said the sexton at length,"it is more convenient to put one's bird-self in front.Every one,as you ought to know,has a beast-self--and a bird-self,and a stupid fish-self,ay,and a creeping serpent-self too--which it takes a deal of crushing to kill!In truth he has also a tree-self and a crystal-self,and Idon't know how many selves more--all to get into harmony.You can tell what sort a man is by his creature that comes oftenest to the front."He turned to his wife,and I considered him more closely.He was above the ordinary height,and stood more erect than when last I saw him.His face was,like his wife's,very pale;its nose handsomely encased the beak that had retired within it;its lips were very thin,and even they had no colour,but their curves were beautiful,and about them quivered a shadowy smile that had humour in it as well as love and pity.

"We are in want of something to eat and drink,wife,"he said;"we have come a long way!""You know,husband,"she answered,"we can give only to him that asks."She turned her unchanging face and radiant eyes upon mine.

"Please give me something to eat,Mrs.Raven,"I said,"and something--what you will--to quench my thirst.""Your thirst must be greater before you can have what will quench it,"she replied;"but what I can give you,I will gladly."She went to a cupboard in the wall,brought from it bread and wine,and set them on the table.

We sat down to the perfect meal;and as I ate,the bread and wine seemed to go deeper than the hunger and thirst.Anxiety and discomfort vanished;expectation took their place.

I grew very sleepy,and now first felt weary.

"I have earned neither food nor sleep,Mrs.Raven,"I said,"but you have given me the one freely,and now I hope you will give me the other,for I sorely need it.""Sleep is too fine a thing ever to be earned,"said the sexton;"it must be given and accepted,for it is a necessity.But it would be perilous to use this house as a half-way hostelry--for the repose of a night,that is,merely."A wild-looking little black cat jumped on his knee as he spoke.

He patted it as one pats a child to make it go to sleep:he seemed to me patting down the sod upon a grave--patting it lovingly,with an inward lullaby.

"Here is one of Mara's kittens!"he said to his wife:"will you give it something and put it out?she may want it!"The woman took it from him gently,gave it a little piece of bread,and went out with it,closing the door behind her.

"How then am I to make use of your hospitality?"I asked.

"By accepting it to the full,"he answered.

"I do not understand."

"In this house no one wakes of himself."


"Because no one anywhere ever wakes of himself.You can wake yourself no more than you can make yourself.""Then perhaps you or Mrs.Raven would kindly call me!"I said,still nowise understanding,but feeling afresh that vague foreboding.

"We cannot."

"How dare I then go to sleep?"I cried.

"If you would have the rest of this house,you must not trouble yourself about waking.You must go to sleep heartily,altogether and outright."My soul sank within me.

The sexton sat looking me in the face.His eyes seemed to say,"Will you not trust me?"I returned his gaze,and answered,"I will.""Then come,"he said;"I will show you your couch."As we rose,the woman came in.She took up the candle,turned to the inner door,and led the way.I went close behind her,and the sexton followed.

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